Chapter 108

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Luna's POV

My mum took a separate car so she could get to my dad in time to look after Elijah and the twins. Soon, we got to the church and my nerves hit me. The girls got out of the car and we all walked to the door. "You ready?" Emilio turned to me. Then the music started, the girls walked in then Emilio took me in as well. "Better sooner than later," I replied. I took in a deep breath and started walking. When I saw Damon his eyes were wide but tried to hide it.

I took another deep breath and made my grip on Emilio's arm tighter

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I took another deep breath and made my grip on Emilio's arm tighter.  We got to the end of the isle then Emilio turned to me. "Thank you Emilio," I smiled at him. "It was the least I could do," he replied, kissed my cheek then went to sit down next to willow. Damon took my hands in his then the priest started. "Today we are here to see the marriage of Luna Di'Angelo and Damon Gomez. Today they will become equals and be as one," he said. "I love you," Damon mouthed to me. "I love you," I smiled. "Let's begin. Damon will you repeat after me," the priest said it then Damon looked at me. "I damon Gomez, take you Luna Di'Angelo to be my lawfully wedded wife, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part," Damon repeated. "Now Luna, after me," the priest turned to me. "I Luna Di'Angelo take you Damon Gomez to be my lawfully wedded husband, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part," I said. "Now Damon, please read out your vows," he told him. Shit, I didn't know we were doing that. The priest saw my facial expression. "I take it you didn't write any," he smiled a little. "I have, I just didn't realise Damon was going first," I lied. "Ok, Damon carry on," he looked at me then started. "Luna Rose, when I first met you, you made me crazy. That crazy I let you beat my ass because I thought it was funny how you made me feel. Then that night in your room I fell for you more. When you broke up with your boyfriend I wanted you more than when I first met you. Then we did. We got our little boy, it still hurts that I didn't get to watch him grow up but now we have Theo and Javier and I learn new things every day. That is all thanks to you, thank you for that, I love you so much. No one can change that," Damon started to get watery eyes and so did I. "That was amazing Damon, now it's your turn Luna," the priest eyed me up as he knew I was lying. "Damon Elijah Gomez. Not going to lie, I hated you when we first met. All because you kept smirking at me and gave me that look. Then you helped me when I needed someone most to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be ok. You got me through all of my worst times, you even took a beating from me and Henry just so you could be here with me. When we first spent the night together when I had a bad break up you comforted me a way that no one else could. We did not do anything," I turned to the guests. The room filled with small laughter then I carried on. "Soon after we got together and found out about Elijah, one of the best things that has ever happened to me because I was going to do it with you. Then you got taken away from me and I broke, I couldn't handle not having you there by my side but I had Elijah who grew up to be like you in so many ways," I started letting tears fall and so did Damon. "He made me remember all the good times we had even if we didn't have long before. He reminded me of you with his personality and so much more. He got me through the years," I let out more tears. Elijah ran up to me so I picked him up. "Don't cry mummy," he kissed my cheek. "I'm not sad baby boy, I'm happy," I told him. "Damon Gomez you are my rock, you keep me grounded and I can't thank you enough for that. Not only are you my husband but you are my best friend that I can tell anything to and you can tell me anything. You are my past present and future, I love you so much," I finished. "I now present to you mr and mrs Gomez. You may now kiss the bride," the priest smiled at us. "Go back to grandma," I told Elijah then he ran back. "I love you," before I could answer Damon smashes his lips into mine. The room erupted in cheers and whistles. My arms automatically went around Damon's neck while his went around my waist. "I love you to," I gave him a watery smile. "You ready?" Damon smirked at me. I nodded then we walked back down the isle. Everyone threw white confetti over us as we walked past them.

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