Chapter 83

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Roses POV

I introduced Dimitri to Luna as he was a new gang member. Salvatore wanted to get more men in the gang after Damon was so good at his job, it took a while for Dimitri to get to the house but when he did, Damon had passed away. It kind of felt like I was replacing Damon but no one knew that he would get in that accident and pass away. "What you thinking about baby," Salvatore rolled over then pulled me close to his chest. "Luna, I feel bad about bringing Dimitri in. It kind of feels like we're replacing Damon," I sighed. "We hired Dimitri way before we found out that Damon died. I feel bad as well but we need more young people in this house as we aren't getting any younger ourselves," Salvatore replied. "Get some sleep babe," he kissed my cheek then went to sleep. Salvatore was right but, Damon was the dad of my grandson, how can I not feel bad? It was a feeling I couldn't shake.

Damon's POV

I woke up in a small dark enclosure. There was scraping noises that scared me as I didn't know where I was. All of a sudden I saw a light with a dark silhouette standing over me. "Wakey wakey princess," the person laughed then put a bag over my head. I tried to fight them off when they put me over their shoulder. The person punched me then it went back again.

My head was pounding, I tried to hold my head but my hands weren't coming to my head. I opened my eyes to see what was going on. There was chains around my wrists and ankles. "Get the boss, he's awake," someone said darkly. There was a big built guy stood by a door. After a while someone walked in. "Damon Gomez, the bastard that took my girlfriend then my popularity, nice to see you again," The voice sounded very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. Then they came into view... Enzo. "What the fuck Enzo, let me go," a bit of anger built up inside me. "See now, Luna and your 'family' they all think your dead," he laughed evilly. "You evil fuck. My son wasn't even a day old and now Luna thinks I'm dead," I shouted. "Yes, you have been 'dead' a week, they had a funeral for you today, it was very sad to see but, it happened, I payed that doctor Taylor to claim that you are dead. It's thanks to mark that I will get Luna back in my arms," Enzo clapped his hands. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "You took Luna from me. That baby you call son is supposed to be mine. I was the one that was supposed to get Luna pregnant but you took her from me, now you have to pay for that," Enzo replied. "I didn't take Luna from you. You pushed her away and she came to me, your so delusional," I spat at him. "You took her from me and now while your stuck here for the rest of your pathetic life, I'll be going to get her back and let your baby grow up calling me dad," he smirked at me. "I don't know when I don't know how, but I will get out and I will kill you," I threatened. "Bad boy, your just adding to your punishment," Enzo tutted then started beating me. His fists went into my face and his feet went into my sides. This went on for hours, I felt the blood roll down my cheeks to my neck, my eyes felt puffy from all the punches Enzo gave me. "That's it for this week. I'll see you once a week be prepared to have this happen every time you see me this will happen," with that Enzo walked away and locked the door. Luna thought I was dead and my son had to grow up without knowing me. That killed me inside.

Luna's POV

I woke up to my alarm, I had to feed Elijah. Dimitri was laying next to me still asleep obviously not hearing my alarm. It was 1am, I got up and went over to Elijah. I made the bottle then sat on the rocking chair with Elijah, I felt the milk on my wrist then gave it to my baby. Half way through his bottle, he needed to bring up wind so i rubbed his back. After he burped I let him drink the rest of his bottle. Once I got Elijah back to sleep I went back to my bed. I layed there just thinking, then the tears fell down, I tried to be quiet so I wouldn't wake Dimitri but failed. "Are you ok?" He rolled over to face me. "I can't do this without him," I replied. "I understand that you lost your baby's father but you have your family here every step of the way. I'll be here as well if you want me to," he smiled. "I know, I just hate the fact that Elijah has to grow up not knowing his real dad, just living on stories from what I will tell him as well as the others," I told him. "That's a feeling no one should face but because of some person that can't drive properly, they caused your little boy to not know his dad," Dimitri pulled me close to him. "I just can't imagine Elijah calling another man dad. Damon is supposed to be here to hold his son, watch him grow up, teach him how to shave when he's old enough, it still hurts so much to think about our future without him being here," I sobbed. Dimitri pushed my head a little into his chest so he could comfort me. "I never met Damon but I'm sure he's looking down on you watching Elijah grow up, he sounds like he was a great guy so he will be with you no matter what it takes," Dimitri tightened his grip on me. "Try and get some sleep, I can do the rest of the night feeds," he added. "Thank you," I sniffled. "It's ok," he replied. I kept my face hidden in Dimitri's chest, I closed my eyes and went to sleep, knowing that I had someone to keep an eye on Elijah.

Damon's POV

I don't know how long it had been since I last saw Enzo. To be honest, I didn't care all I could think about was Luna and my son growing old without me while I'm stuck in this piece of shit. "Do you want some water?" I heard a voice. "Please," I replied. Someone held a bottle of water to my lips then the liquid went down my throat. "Thank you," I sighed when they took the water away. "No problem," then they were gone. The footsteps got faint then I was on my own again. Nothing filled my head but the image of Luna and Elijah, not even 24 hours old and he 'lost' his dad. The only thing I knew was that I was going to get out of this place and go back to Luna and Elijah.


Yes, Damon is alive. I couldn't kill him off so this is what has happened. Maybe you guessed that Damon lived but it may have been a shock.

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