Chapter 41

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Ten years later

Roses POV

"Luna, Henry, hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole, it's time to wake up," I shouted from the kitchen. In the last ten years Salvatore and I had 3 more kids, Emilio is 9, Jaques is 7 and Cole being the youngest is 6. 5 boys and 2 girls, 7 kids, Salvatore and I really did have a big family. Luna is now 16 and on her last year of secondary school, Henry is 15 and is year 10, hunter and Dakota was in year 6, last year of primary school, Emilio went into year 5, Jaques is in year 3 and Cole just started year 2. Luna is always the first one up as she is always eager to go to school. She is hugely popular as people either wanted to be her or be as beautiful as her. "Bye mum love you," Luna kissed my cheek and ran out the house. "Bye then," I sighed. "You alright mum?" Henry asked. "Yeah, your sister is always in a hurry to get to school," I told him. "I'll talk to her about it, you know how she is to get to her friends," Henry smiled at me. "I know, thanks baby boy. Can you go get the twins and the three little ones, they haven't come down yet?" I asked henry. "Yeah," he replied then was gone. 5 minutes later Henry came down with the other kids and left for school. "Have a good day, and don't forget to talk to Luna," I called after him. "I won't, love you mum," he shouted back. "Love you to Henry," then he left for school. I took Emilio, Jaques and Cole to school in the car and dropped them off. We said our goodbyes and I went home. "Hey, has the kids gone to school already?" Salvatore asked when I walked through the door. "Yeah, Luna ran out like she's done for the past 5 years, Henry is so chill like always and the 3 youngest never give me any trouble. I have no idea how my mum put up with me," I replied falling back in the sofa. "She is a little trouble maker, she will grow out of it though," Salvatore sat next to me. "It'll get better with her soon enough, she does her GCSEs this year then she leaves, she'll change when she goes to college," Salvatore pulled me towards him. I put my head on his chest and we sat there for a while. "Have you got any plans for today?" I asked. "No, I wanted to spend it with you and when the kids get home I want to go out," he replied. "Ohh, where we going?" I sat up. "It's a surprise, the kids will love it," Salvatore laughed a little.

While the kids were at school there wasn't much to do. Cole always kept me on my feet wanting to play. Hunter and Dakota always had each other, Emilio was a quiet kid, spent a lot of time in his room away from everyone. He definitely got that from Remi, he always was scared to make his own friends so whoever I made friends with, Remi joined the group. I went to pick up the twins, Emilio and Cole from school. "How was your day?" I asked looking in the rear view mirror. "It was ok, I learnt about the Tudor's today," Dakota told me. "I made a volcano explode with fizzy and mentos," hunter seemed impressed with himself. "I painted with my fingers," Cole told me. "What about you Emilio?" I asked. "Nothing special," he replied. "We'll talk later, ok," I put my hand on his knee as he was sat in the front seat. When we got home, Luna and Henry wasn't there. "Where's the older two?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Salvatore. "I'm going to pick them up now, they didn't want to walk home so they called me, I'll see you in a bit," Salvatore kissed me then left. I went up to Emilio's room to talk to him. "Que pasa nena?" - what's going on babe, I stood leaning against the threshold of the door, Emilio was my only child who actually learnt to speak fluent Spanish. "Gente en la escuela,"- people at school, he told me. "Quieres contarme al respecto?"- want to tell me about it, I walked over to sit next to him on his bed. "Hay una chica y ella quiere see mi Amiga pero no quiere dercile que no. Tampoco quiere in nuevo amigo al mismo tiempo,"- there's a girl and she wants to be my friend but I don't want to tell her no. I also don't want a new friend at the same time, Emilio looked at me in the eyes. "Por que no le das una opportunidad? Nunca sabe que el podria ser tu primera novia,"- why don't you give her a chance? You never know she might be your first girlfriend, I nudged him playfully. "Ok, le daré una opportunidad. Puede ser bueno tener un amigo por una vex,"- ok I'll give her a chance. It might be nice to have a friend for once, Emilio smiled at me. "Ese es mi Chico. Vamos tue papa quiere sacarnos a todos cuando llegue a cadaver,"- thats my boy. Come on, your dad wants to take us all out when he gets home, I put my arm around Emilio's shoulders and we walked out. "Ella habla español tambien, hablamos en clase para que nadie entienda,"- she speaks Spanish as well, we talk in class so no one understands, Emilio laughed a little. "Solia hacer eso con tio Remi, obtendriamos mirada extranas de nuestro grill de amigos,"- I used to do that with uncle Remi, we would get weird looks from our group of friends, I chuckled at the memories of their faces. "El profesor se molesta porque no puede entender una palabra que decimos,"- the teacher does get annoyed since he can't understand a word we say, Emilio told me. "Me recuendas mucho a tu tio Remi,"- you remind me so much of your uncle Remi, I smiled at Emilio. "Tu español se esta volviendo increible Emilio, muy impresionado,"- your Spanish is getting amazing Emilio, nick told him walking down the stairs. "Aprendi de la mejor madre de mundo,"- I learnt from the best mum in the world, Emilio looked up at nick. "Te amo Emilio,"- I love you Emilio. "Te eqiero mas mama,"- I love you more mum, Emilio hugged me. "Alright my Spanish speaking family, are we ready to go out?" Salvatore came out into the hallway. "Papas celosos no puede entendernos,"- dada jealous he can't understand us, Emilio smiled. "Que mi hijo es un hecha,"- that my son is a fact, nick and I laughed at Emilio's comment. "The kid with the Spanish name, actually learnt how to speak fluent Spanish, I'm impressed," Salvatore huffed out surprised. "No shit dad, he's such a mummas boy, he will do anything," Luna came out. "Just because he's better than you at something doesn't mean you can be harsh about it Luna," Henry snapped at her. "What is this a family meeting or something?" The twins cane out. "No, your brother is really good at speaking fluent Spanish, nick and I are really proud of him," I told them. "Nice, maybe that girl will be able to like something about you," hunter blurted our. "Shut up hunter you asshole," Dakota elbowed hunter in the stomach. "Ok just because he's your favourite brother," hunter breathed out. "Like I said shut up," Dakota snapped back. "Make me," hunter smirked. "Oh you'll regret that," she grabbed hunter and put him in a lead lock. "Submit and I'll let you go," she told him. "Never," hunter shouted. Dakota made her grip tighter, eventually hunter submitted and she let him go. "Now shut up," she fired at him. "Yes Dakota," hunter rubbed the back of his neck. "I've taught you well," Salvatore smiled proudly at his daughter. "At least I have my soft baby that I can talk about you lot with and you will never know what we have said," I told them. "I'm not soft, I can fight," Emilio states. "You wanna bet," Dakota threw herself at Emilio but he grabbed her and tackled her to the floor pinning her hands above her her head. "Ok, you've made your point, you can let go," Dakota huffed. When Emilio turned around Dakota tried to tackle him. Instead Dakota was put over Emilio's shoulder. "I may be younger and can speak Spanish, that doesn't make me soft or weak," he looked at everyone. "Why don't we take this down to the training room?" Salvatore mentioned. Everyone one agreed and went to get changed. Since Jaques, Cole were too young they stayed with nick and Connie.

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