Chapter 62

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Luna's POV

When Lexi and Henry went to bed I followed as I didn't want to be alone with Damon. He made me feel every emotion at once. All he had to do was look at me and I would get happy, angry and lust at the same time. At 11:45pm I heard Damon go into his room. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I was there tossing and turning, at 3am I gave up and went into Damon's room. "Damon," I whispered. "What's up?" I could tell he hadn't slept either. "I can't sleep," I looked down. "Come here," he put out his arms to me and I ran over to his bed. We layed down, we were on our sides my back pressed up against his bare chest again. "How I've wanted to do this again," Damon whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry about last week, I didn't mean to snap at you like that it's just Enzo makes me furious," I apologised. "Don't worry about it. It's me who should be apologising. I'm sorry for ignoring you, it's just every time i see you I want to rip your clothes off," he admitted. "I feel the same way," i giggled. "Carry on with that I might go through with it," Damon started kissing my neck at little. I couldn't stop the small moan that left my mouth. Damon laughed and made his way to my lips. "I want all of you," he pulled my so I was on my back and he was hovering over me, his hands holding him up. "Take me then," I told him. With that he dipped his head and put his lips on mine. I felt him take off my top and then go down to my pyjama shorts. Like the last time, Damon was topless and in grey joggers. Soon enough I was only in my underwear and Damon went to remove his clothes. He threw his joggers and the rest of his clothes on the floor along with mine. "You sure?" Damon looked at me in the eyes. "I like you Damon, I like you a lot, I'm sure," I smiled then he lifted me up and unclipped my bra and went down to my panties. "One hundred percent?" He looked back at me. I could feel his length near my entrance and I nodded my head. After that he entered me but stayed still for a moment to let me adjust. "You alright?" He smiled at me. "Better than ever," I smiled back and wrapped my legs around his waist. Damon started moving, pulling back then thrusting into me again. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," Damon groaned out. "I've been waiting longer," I giggled. "Not a chance," Damon smirked and kissed me again. I dug my nails into his back but he didn't seem to mind, that's gotta leave some marks. After a while, I at least came 5 times while Damon did twice. His thrusts started getting sloppy, he slowed down then fell next to me. We were both sweaty and out of breath then we laughed at each other. "Damn your so good," Damon looked me up and down. "Your the best I've ever had," I giggled. "I'm going to take that as a compliment. I'm better than most," Damon laughed. "Definitely," I grabbed his neck and pulled his lips to mine. "If you don't stop we might have to go for round two," he smirked. "We just did it for two hours, and your already thinking about round two," I smiled but tried to stay serious. "By that smile you want it to," Damon got back on top of me and kissed down my neck.

We went to sleep around 6am. Damon's alarm woke me up and I groaned and put the pillow over my face. "You don't have to go in today if you don't want to," Damon turned off his alarm and pulled me into his chest. "I'll back to my room then. Maybe I'll actually get some sleep," I joked about. "It was partly your fault. You wouldn't stop smirking at me," Damon pulled me back as I tried to get up. "I need to go before everyone else gets up," I giggled and he let me go. As I got dressed Damon wolf whistled at me. "Fuck you," I smiled. "You already did," he chuckled and got up himself. After I put on my clothes I ran to my room to avoid Lexi and Henry. I slipped in and closed my eyes. "Hey bitch, time to get up," I heard Lexi then she jumped on my bed. "I'm not going in today," I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Why not?" Lexi asked. "I don't feel to good. I asked Damon if I could stay home and he said yes," I told her. "So your speaking again," she winked at me. "No! No, I just asked him if I could stay home," I exclaimed. "That's not what I heard last night," she wiggles her eyebrows at me. "What the fuck?" I huffed out. "Yeah girl, not so quiet. It's ok, no one else woke up, your secret is safe with me," she smiled at me. "Maybe," Lexi added and ran away. "Lexi get your ass back here now!" I yelled after her. Lexi ran into the kitchen but immediately froze. When I saw what she was looking at my eyes went wide. "What?" Damon asked seeing our faces. "You were not gentle were you," Lexi turned to me. I ran to get Damon a top before the younger ones saw him. "What happened to your back?" Henry asked when I ran back in. As soon as I ran back in with Damon's top in my hand everyone was there. "Yeah Luna. What happened to Damon's back?" Lexi laughed. "Damn, so soon?" Henry seemed chill about it. "What's going on?" Hunter asked. "Uh, Damon asked me to scratch his back this morning, I must of done it a little to hard," I tried to force a smile and hand Damon his top. He slipped it on and smirked at me. "Right kids get ready we need to go soon," Damon clapped his hands. I sighed out of relief and went back up to my room. "You actually did it didn't you?" Henry was stood at the threshold leaning with his arms crossed. "I don't know what your going on about," I replied and flopped back on to my bed. "So your and Damon didn't hook up?" Henry came to sit next to me. "Please don't tell mum and dad. I'll tell them when the time is right," I pleaded Henry. "I'm not a snitch, don't worry about it. Are you staying home?" Henry stood up. "Yeah," I sighed. "Long night then," he laughed then walked away closing my bedroom door.

Damon's POV

After I got dressed and Luna went back to her room, I went and got some coffee not thinking about the marks Luna left me. I heard footsteps coming so I turned around to hide my back but Lexi saw me. "What?" I asked trying to shrug it off. Luna ran off and then the others came down. "What happened to your back?" Henry tried to look. Just then Luna ran back in. "Yeah Luna. What happened to Damon's back?" Lexi started laughing. "Damn, so soon?" Henry joined in the laughter. "What's going on?" Hunter looked confused. "Uh, Damon asked me to scratch his back this morning, I must of done it to her," Luna tried to force a smile and handed me the top. "Right kids, we need to get ready to go," I clapped my hands. Luna sighed in relief and walked away. I took the twins, Emilio, Henry and Lexi to school then went back home. I needed to catch up on sleep that Luna didn't let me have. I laughed at myself remembering the early morning I had with Luna.

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