Chapter 34

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Roses POV

In the morning the girls came into my room and woke me up. Blue got startled so he started barking. "Ahh, get him to stop!" The girls screamed. "Blue lay down," my voice was stern so he listened and layed back down on my bed. "What the fuck? You know I trained him to be like police dogs, don't come in my room screaming," I told them. "Yeah we know. But it's your wedding day!" Jessica squealed. "Ok, let's go get ready," I stood up and stretched. All the girls took me into the bathroom and sat me down. Connie did my make up, Lynn was in my hair and violet, Amber and Jessica painted my nails. Once they were done, I looked in the mirror. "Holy fuck guys, this is amazing!" I gasped. "Thank you all so much," I hugged all the girls. "Come on, tell us. We're amazing," Lynn smiled at me. "Your all amazing," I stated. We all laughed for a minute then went to put my dress on. A Halloween wedding, i was really excited. "What you thinking?" Connie asked. "Salvatore. I kept on having these doubts that he wouldn't show up. I'm really scared that I'll get there and he's left me alone," I started crying. "Oh Rose Di'Angelo, if he doesn't show I will kick his ass the next time I see him," Connie pulled me into a hug. "I know you will. It's just the thoughts getting to me," I sniffled. "Well, I spoke to nick last night. I don't think Salvatore will leave you alone. He loves you too much," she told me. "I love him," I smiled and wiped my eyes. "Come on, let's go fix your make up before the girls have a bitch fit," Connie laughed. We went to the bathroom and done my makeup again. "We need to leave now," Amber came into the bathroom. Luckily Connie finished the last touches. "Let's get the show on the road," I giggled. Luna had got ready with Jessica since she wanted it to be a surprise to see me in my dress. I walked down the stairs, Luna, Jessica, violet and Lynn all gasped when they saw me. "Let's go!" I said. My nerves were kicking in and I got excited and nervous at the same time.

Salvatore's POV

I woke up to my alarm sounding and stretched. Henry woke up in the middle of the night because he missed rose. "Henry, it's time to wake up," I shook him lightly. He groaned but sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Should we go get some breakfast?" I asked. Henry nodded but wanted me to carry him. When we got to the kitchen, some how Hugo, griffin, Ronnie and Bentley were scattered over the place. "Daddy, why did they sleep in the kitchen?" Henry giggled a little. "Because that is what happens when you don't control your drinking," I replied. "Watch this," I told henry and put him down. I got two pans and clashed them together. "Ahh, what the fuck bro?" Ronnie screamed. "Get your ass up, we have to get ready," I laughed. "What already?" Hugo asked. "Yes, I'm going to make breakfast... and coffee, you guys need it," I smiled at them. "Ugh, I need pain killers and a few more hours of sleep," Griffin groaned. I threw him the packet of pills and he took them. Nick came down with Anthony and sat him down with Henry. "How the hell are you guys up already?" Nick turned to the others. "When I woke up and came down with Henry, they were all scattered around the kitchen asleep," I told him. "We put you all to bed, how the fuck did you manage to get down here?" Nick laughed. "That my friend is a secret I'll never tell. That is because I have no fucking clue," griffin replied. "Your all a bunch of man children," nick started. "That is something I agree with," Bentley pointed at nick. We all laughed and ate breakfast. The guys had taken pain killers and drank a while load of coffee and water. When Henry finished i took him for a bath and changed him. When nick did the same but was ready himself, he took Henry to play with Anthony. I showered and got into my suit. When I was finished, everyone was ready to go. "It's almost time, you ready," Nick asked. "Nervous, but I'm ready," I smiled. We all left and got to the place the girls picked out for the day.

Sorry for the short chapter. It was just a small thing to fill you in on how Rose and Salvatore got ready

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