Chapter 65

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Two weeks later
Luna's POV

Last night I went into Damon's room as I wasn't feeling well. I opened my eyes and had to run to the bathroom. "You alright baby?" I heard Damon at the bathroom door. "Yeah, just a big that's it," I replied then threw up again. He walked in and held my hair up from my face so I didn't have to worry about it. "Are you sure your feeling alright. Should I get your mum?" Damon kneeled down to me as I sat in the bathroom floor. "No, I'll be alright just need to go get ready for school," I tried to stand up but I couldn't. "Nope, your staying home today. You have been sick you can't go incase you do have a bug," Damon lifted me up bridal style and put me back into his bed then covered me with the covers. "I'll be back in a bit. Just gotta take Henry and Lexi to school," Damon smiled then kissed my forehead.

Damon's POV

I felt Luna quickly get out of bed and run to the bathroom. She was throwing up so I went in to hold her hair and to comfort her. Once she was done I layed her back in my bed as she was to sick to go to school. "I'll be back in a bit. Just gotta take Henry and Lexi to school," I kissed Luna's forehead and walked out. "Morning Damon. Where's Luna?" Rose asked. "She threw up this morning so I told her that she won't be going to school today," I smiled at her. "You ready?" Henry and Lexi came down into the kitchen. "When you are," I slipped on my shoes and got my keys. "Where's Luna?" Lexi looked around for her. "She was sick this morning so I told her she is to stay at home," I explained. "Ok, was it something she ate or?" Lexi trailed off. "She did say she sometimes got sick when she ate Indian and we had that a couple nights ago so it might be that," I suggested. "No, if it was food then she would have been sick the following morning. Where is she?" Lexi seemed suspicious, Henry and I had no clue what Lexi was taking about. "In my room," I told her. "Hey, I'm gonna stay with Luna today, I'll see you when you get home from school," Lexi kissed Henry and walked towards my room. "What's up with her?" I asked Henry. "I don't know, most likely girl stuff," he shrugged. "Ok, let's go," we walked out of the house to the car and drove off.

Henry's POV

Lexi was acting at little weird when Damon told us that Luna was sick. I had no worries as Luna would always get stomach bugs and be sick. My phone buzzed and I got a message from Lexi. 'HIDE YOUR PHONE FROM DAMON!' Lexi told me. 'Why?" I asked. 'JUST DO IT,' yes Lexi actually messaged me in capital letters. 'Ok, chill, what's up?' I replied. 'Don't worry I have one of the boys taking me to the place I need to go, thanks babe love you,' she told me. 'Alright, love you to," then I locked my phone. "What was that about?" Damon asked me. "I have no clue, Lexi wanted me to do something and now she's doing it by herself," I shrugged. Damon dropped me off at school then went home.

Lexi's POV

I walked to Luna in Damon's room to see her curled up in a ball. "You alright Luna?" I sat down next to her. "No, I have a feeling that I'm going to puke my guts up every 5 minutes and I can't sleep it off because of the feeling," she told me. "Luna, what did you eat last night?" I asked her. I had this feeling that it was something bigger than a stomach bug. "Uh, I had toast," she replied. "When was the last time you got your period?" I sounded like a doctor crap. "I was supposed to get it-, HOLY SHIT!" She shouted. "This can't be. It's impossible. Lexi," Luna say up tears forming on her eyes. "Did you and Damon even use protection the first time?" I had to know to make sure. "Yeah I'm sure of it," Luna nodded. "What about the second time, when that things happened with Enzo?" I questioned her. "Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck. No. I think we were to caught up in the moment to bother about it," Luna put her head in her hands. "I've just messaged Henry, maybe he can pick up a test to be sure," I put my hand on her knee. "No, I'll go, I'll see if amber or one of the others can take me," Luna got up and walked out of the room. 'Don't worry I have one of the boys taking me to the place I need to go, thanks babe love you,' I sent Henry and I followed Luna to connie's room.

Luna's POV

"Aunt Connie, can you take me to the shop please?" I asked her. "Yeah sure, you feeling ok?" She looked at me weirdly. "Yeah, just want some sweets," I told her. "Why aren't you and Lexi at school?" Connie asked. "I don't feel well, Lexi is taking care of me and I really want fizzy rainbow belts," I replied. "Craving," Lexi whispered in my ear. "Oh shit," I whined. "You alright babe?" Connie stood up and walked over to me and Lexi. "Yeah, is if cool if you take us now?" I asked. "Yeah, come on," Connie, Lexi and me left the house before Damon got back and went to the shop. "I'll wait here for you two, I need to make a call quick for your dad," Connie smiled at me and I nodded then me and Lexi went into the shop. "What ones do I get?" I turned to Lexi. "Get these ones," Lexi put a bunch in the basket and then we went to get a bunch of sweets to hide the tests. "Ok, that's £12.99," the cashier smiled and put all the things into a bag. I passed her the money and left. "Are we gonna do it in my room or Damon's?" I asked Lexi before we got to the car. "Let's do it in your room that way we can lock the door," Lexi smiled and we got in the car. "That's a lot of sweets girls," Connie laughed a little. "We're having a girls day," Lexi had a back story for me. Connie took us home and we went straight to my room. "Hey babe," Damon caught me. Lexi took the bag off me and ran to my room. "Lexi and I are having a girls day," I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my hips. "I hoped I could spend the day with you," Damon pouted. "Later baby I promise," I kissed him and went to my room. I locked the door behind me and Lexi was already in my bathroom unpacking all the tests. "Eager much," I laughed. "I want to know if I'm going to be an auntie or not," she smiled. "Ok, I'll be on your bed when your done," Lexi walked out and left me in there. "Here goes nothing," I sighed and took the test. "Done," I sat down with Lexi and she timed five minutes. "Times up," Lexi told me. My heart was beating really fast and I picked it up. || two lines showed and I broke down. "I guess that answers my question," Lexi sighed and took the test from me to look at it. "Maybe I should take a few more to be one hundred percent," I suggested. "Yeah, go on, I'll make sure no one comes in," Lexi smiled and rubbed my back. I took the rest of the tests which have me 6 results. Lexi timed 5 minutes for all of them and I looked at each one. After I put down the last one I sobbed. "My mums going to kill me," I sobbed. "Everything alright babe?" Damon knocked on the door. "Yeah, just telling stories from when we were younger. Just a bit emotional," I called out to him. "Do you need a hug?" He asked. "Yeah," I shouted. "Hide them," I whispered to Lexi who put them under my pillow and sat on it. I unlocked the door and let Damon in. He wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed in to his chest. "It must have been a very emotional story if your crying like this," Damon placed a kiss on top of my head. "Yeah, very emotional," I cried harder. We stood there for a while until I calmed down a bit and pulled back from him. "Thanks babe I really needed that," I smiled at him. "That's what I'm here for," he kissed me. "Is that... rainbow belts?" He asked. "Yeah, I was feeling a bit peckish and wanted sweets so Connie took me and Lexi to the shop," I told him. "You could have texted me to get them for you," Damon looked at me strangely. "It's done now, what can we do?" I shrugged. "Wanna tell me the story from when you were younger?" Damon pulled my closer to him. "Maybe later, I don't want to cry again," i told him. "Alright. I'll leave you two to have your girly day. I'll be downstairs if you need me," Damon smiled the left. "What did I do to deserve him?" I shut my door and locked it again. "You both liked each other so I can see why you got together," Lexi shrugged. "But now I'm 17 and going to be a mum," I whispered shouted. "Luna rose Di'Angelo open this door now," I heard my mum on the other side. "Your gonna die," Lexi joked. "No shit," I replied and opened my door. My mum walked in and sat down next to Lexi and went under my pillow not bothering that Lexi was sat on top of it.

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