Chapter 90

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Luna's POV

Damon went to go sleep again so he could rest more. "What's the plan?" I looked around at the gang. "We have this under control hun, go look after your baby, we'll take care of all of this, save you the stress so you can focus on Elijah and Damon," my mum smiled at me. I nodded my head then went to find Elijah with Henry and Lexi. "Hey babe, what's going on?" Lexi asked me when I walked into the living room. The twins and Emilio was with them as well. "Enzo is targeting Damon, that's who's had him," I sat down. "I knew there was something off with that asshole," Dakota shrugged. "So Damon wasn't dead, Enzo had him?" Emilio's face was confused. "Yeah, but we all need to chip in and help keep Enzo away from him," I sighed. "Mummy I'm hungry," Elijah walked over to me. "If you ask auntie Dak and uncle hunter, they can take you to get some cereal in the kitchen," I smiled at him. "Auntie Dak, uncle hunter, can you make me some cereal," Elijah ran over to them while shouting. "Yeah, come on," Dakota laughed then left with Elijah and hunter.

Damon has been asleep for a couple hours, I let him sleep as he needed it. "Get away you sick bastard," I heard Damon shout. I shut up and ran to the room he was in. He was tossing and turning while holding his stomach like he was in pain. "Get the fuck away," he shouted again. The weird thing was that Damon was still sleeping. "Damon, wake up," I shook him. His eyes shot open and his breathing was quick. "Baby what's going on?" I looked at him with so much worry. "I don't know," he replied. "You started shouting like someone was in the room with you," my breathing started to get quicker. "You started shouting 'get the fuck off me' then when I came in here you were holding yourself like you was in so much pain," tears started rolling down my cheeks. "What the fuck is going on?" My mum and dad ran into the room. "Why were you shouting?" My dad asked Damon. "He was sleeping dad. I ran in here and he was holding himself like he was in pain," I sobbed. My mum and dad both looked at each other then back at Damon and I. "He's got PTSD, from what Enzo did to him. This is just the beginning," my mum sighed. "What does that mean?" Damon sounded scared. "Your traumatised by what Enzo did to you, it went on for so long that it's stuck with you now," my dad sighed. "It happened to rose when she had Emilio. It was a bad pregnancy and birth that she got traumatised by it and was doing the same thing that you were doing," my dad explained. "How come I didn't know about that?" I asked. "Because when you mum did it, she was always asleep in our room. It's soundproof so no one can hear inside," my dad replied. "We didn't tell you and the others because it's something I didn't want you to worry about. You were only 7, Henry 6, the twins were only 1 so it was hard to explain to you what was going on," my mum told me. "How can I get over it?" Damon sat up. "Time. Over time you will get over what happened and things will get back to normal, how long that's something we don't know but it's what we did when I had it," my mum sighed. "I can't stay in the same room as Luna. She will need the sleep for Elijah. I can stay on the sofa or I can go in the garden in the shed or something," Damon looked down. "You can stay on the sofa, that way the kids and Luna can sleep as all the rooms are soundproof so you can't hear out of it. The guys and I can hear outside so we can help you with it," my dad looked at Damon. "No, you can stay in here, we'll manage," I was still crying. "For how long Luna? What happens when I get so bad that you can't take it anymore?" Damon stood up. "We can do this," I stood up as well. "No we can't. What I went through was so bad Luna. Elijah needs you more than me," Damon started shouting. "Yes I know Elijah needs me, but you need me as well, just as much," I shouted back. "Elijah comes before me. I'll get so bad that you won't be able to cope sleeping in the same bed as me. You'll want me to leave. How long will you be able to do that with me shouting and screaming in my sleep because some bastard can't seem to bare me being with you?" Damon was full on shouting by this time. "I'm not letting you sleep on the sofa just because your stubborn ass doesn't want me to help you. Just let me help you," I yelled. "Mummy?" Elijah walked in. "Come on bud, mummy and daddy are just taking," I heard my dad and mum walk out with Elijah. "What about Elijah. While your trying to see to me, he's off with rose and Salvatore when it should be you with him. It's because of my stubborn ass that you will be able to look after your son like you have been for the past four years. I can't take you away from him because Enzo made me like this," Damon yelled at me. "I'm not letting you do this on your own. It's bullshit that your pushing me and YOUR son away because you can't seem to sleep in the same room as me," I fired back at him. "ELIJAH NEEDS YOU NOT ME, ITS OUR SON THAT WILL NEED YOU AT NIGHT BECAUSE HE CANT SLEEP. IM A GROWN MAN, ELIJAH IS A TODDLER, JUST LET ME GET THOUGH THIS," Damon was not playing games any more. "DONT FUCKING SHOUT AT ME. ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT YOUR GOING THROUGH THIS. ENZO DID THIS NOT ME." I yelled. "LUNA IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, IT IS YOUR FAULT, IF YOU HAD TAKEN ENZO BACK THEN I WOULD HAVE BEEN STRONG ENOUGH TO GET OUT ON MY OWN AND I WOULD HAVE SEEN ELIJAH GROW UP," Damon hurt me so bad. "So this is my fault. That I thought you were dead huh. Damon open your eyes, I didn't know that Enzo had you other wise he would be dead and you wouldn't be like this," I sobbed. "It's not my fault that I was mourning that my sons dad died when my son wasn't even a day old. Fucking listen to what your saying," I added. "I am listening to what I'm saying. If you had taken Enzo back then we wouldn't be in this shit. I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder every time we go out, it's bullshit that you can't let me help you as well as myself," Damon was still shouting. "Get the fuck out," I pointed to the door while I shouted at him. "Gladly," Damon walked out then slammed the door shut. I fell on to the bed and sobbed while I curled up. "Luna," Lexi was at the door. "He told me he would always be here for me. Now it's like I've lost him all over again," I sobbed. Lexi came and layed next to me. "He won't let me help him because I need to look after Elijah," I added. "He has got a point but I agree with you that he should let you help him, at least the nights when Elijah doesn't need to go to nursery," Lexi sighed. "Why do I feel like he's dead again. Me crying in my bed thinking about him because I can't see him," I told her. Lexi didn't answer so I got a weird feeling. "Lexi?" My voice filling the room.

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