Chapter 58

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Damon's POV

Rose told me that Salvatore was in his office so I went straight up there. I knocked on the door and went in. "What's up Damon?" Salvatore asked. "You seem to be in a better mood than what rose told me," I sat down in front of his desk. "That woman always thinks I'm in a bad mood," he laughed. "What can I do for you?" He put the papers down that he was holding. "I beat up Luna's ex and now she's pissed at me," I blurted out no knowing what to do. "I know. Rose got a phone call about it and she told me. What happened?" Salvatore sounded really curious as he didn't know the full story. "These girls were talking about Luna so I told them to stop. Then Enzo the dip shit but in and said that Luna was a slut that moved on to me really quickly," I leaned back. "So, are you with my daughter?" Salvatore furrowed his eyebrows. "No! No, I told him that he should be the slut as he had another girl by his side, then I beat him up," I bluntly told him. "I don't blame you, if someone spoke about rose like that I would put a bullet through their head," Salvatore leaned back in his chair. "The thing is, not anyone would do that," Salvatore gave me a look. "I'm not sure what you mean," I gave off a confused look. "I can see right through you," Salvatore smiled and laughed. "Boss, I don't know what your getting at here," I sat up straight getting a little annoyed. "No guy fights off another unless they have feelings for the girl. Do you have something to tell me," Salvatore laughed harder. "Sir your daughter is very attractive but this is strictly business, nothing can happen between us," I looked down. "Damon, no one can help their feelings, just know that if there is a good guy willing to date my daughter then I'd rather it be you. Your a good guy Damon, don't doubt for a second that your no good," Salvatore put his hand on my shoulder. "I do like her but I think it's to soon," I sighed. "Take as long as you need," he told me. We spoke for a little while longer until rose called us for dinner. There was only two seats left, one next to Luna and the other next to rose. Before I could choose a chair Salvatore sat next to rose which left me to sit next to Luna. God this is going to be an awkward dinner.

Salvatore's POV

"What's going on?" Rose whispered in my ear. "Damon likes Luna. He thinks he should wait so I told him to take as much time as he needs," I told rose. "That's funny, Luna came to me and said she can't get Damon out of her head. She thinks that she should wait because of the argument they had," Rose laughed a little. "Damon told me about that," I laughed with her. "What's so funny?" Luna asked.

Roses POV

Salvatore and I burst out laughing at Luna's question. "Que pasa con ellas?"- what's wrong with them? Damon asked Emilio since he was the only one to speak Spanish. "Los escuche hablar sobre ti y Luna. No escushe el resto,"- I heard them talk about you and Luna. I didn't hear the rest. Emilio told Damon. "Que esta pasando?"- what's going on? Damon asked me. "Nada, no te preocupes,"- nothing. Don't worry, I had finally calmed down from laughing. "Salvatore le dijo que no lo hizo?"- Salvatore told you didn't he? Damon sighed. "Si, le gustas a Luna, solo dale tiempo,"- yes, Luna likes you, just give her time, I smiled softly at Damon. "Que?"- what? Damon sounded shocked. "Si Damon, solo dale algo de tiempo y luego duke,"-yes Damon, just give her time then tell her, I told him. "It's times like this where I wish I could understand you guys," Luna muttered. "Should have learnt when nick offered then," I told her. "Do you really?" Emilio asked Damon. Damon smiled and nodded his head a little. "Por favor no le dijas nada tu hermana,"- please don't say anything to your sister, Damon pleaded. "Tu secreto esta salva conmigo,"- your secret is safe with me, Emilio smiled. "Gracias Emilio,"- thank you Emilio, Damon winked at him.

Salvatore's POV

"What are they saying?" I asked rose in a whisper. "Emilio said that he wouldn't tell Luna about Damon liking her," rose smiled at me. "He is our good child isn't he," I looked over to Emilio. "He gets that from you," I added and kissed my wife. "Yes he does," she giggled after she pulled away. "Do you think anything will happen between them?" Rose got serious and looked at Luna. "If it does then I'll be proud to accept that it's Damon with our baby not Enzo," I told her. "Can we trust them while we're gone?" Rose got worried. "Hugo will be here so we can call him whenever we need to, to check up on the kids," I reassured her. "I know," Rose sighed. We all finished dinner and rose went to tuck in Cole while I went to check on Jaques.

"How you feeling bud?" I asked him. "Still not great, I can't breath out my nose and I can't be bothered to do anything," Jaques replied. "Well you can have the rest of the week off then go back on Monday, if you still don't feel well just go to uncle Hugo," I smiled at my son. "Thanks dad. Do you have to leave?" He looked down. "I'm sorry but me and your mum have business to attend to. I wish I didn't have to leave but we need to," I walked over to Jaques and sat on his bed. "You will still have uncle Hugo, Luna, Henry, Hunter daks, Emilio and Cole. Not to mention Damon will be here to look after you after school," I told him. "I know. It's just I've never been away from you unless I go to school," Jaques sighed. "If you really want you can go stay with grandma or uncle Remi and your other grandma," I suggested. "Can I stay with grandma, I don't like staying with uncle Remi and other grandma?" He asked. "Of course, I'll talk to your mum and then I'll call her to let her know your staying," I got up and went to leave. "Night son," I smiled at him. "Night dad," Jaques replied and went to sleep. Rose was already in the room, "Jaques wants to stay at my mums while I'm gone, is that alright?" I asked while climbing into bed. "Yeah that's fine, Cole can go with him as well so it's easier on Luna since the others can look after themselves," Rose responded. "Ok, we'll tell them tomorrow when they get in from school," I suggested. "Perfect, night baby," "night love," I pulled rose close to me and went to sleep. My perfect family.

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