Chapter 25

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Roses POV

Salvatore had tried to end his life because Emma was a stuck up bitch. He wanted the pain to end so he tried to take away my daughters father. It made my heart break that Salvatore would turn to suicide to make himself feel better. I parked outside my house and took Salvatore in. "Whats he doing here?" Connie glared at him. "I'll explain in a minute," I told her. I took Salvatore to my room and layed him on my bed. "It's been a long day Salvatore go to sleep," I told him. "Can you lay with me for a while, please?" He asked. "Ok," I sighed. Salvatore moves over so I could lay next to him. When I was still he pulled me closer to him. Our chests touched and he nuzzled his face in my neck. "I'm so fucking sorry Rose, if u could take it all back I would. My dad would have kicked my ass if he knew half the shit I've put you through," Salvatore told me. "Salvatore, the only thing you could do is give me and the others time. Don't ask me for another chance, you need to get my trust back first. Please promise me you will talk to connie in the morning though," I wrapped my arms around him. "I promise," he replied. Soon after he fell asleep peacefully. I got out of his grasp and left.

"What is Salvatore doing here?" Connie asked again. Everyone was waiting for me in the living room. "Emma lied to Salvatore that Dylan was his. He told me that because of her lies he lost everything. He then pulled his gun out and pointed it at his head. I'm so glad I got there when I did. I pulled it away from him before he could do anything though," I explained. "What happens now?" Nick asked holding Luna. "I told him to give you time. Connie he will speak to you tomorrow. He also said one more thing to me," I paused. "What was it tesoro?" Nick asked. "He said that if your dad was still here he would have beaten him if he found out what he has done to me. He keeps on saying that he would be doing flips in his grave," I turned to Connie. "Yeah sounds like him. My dad was just as stubborn as Salvatore but he more respect for the women in his life. The reason I know Spanish is because my dad and Diana were in Spain for their honey moon when I was conceived. Salvatore was also coming but my dad thought he was careful like you thought with Salvatore. But of course here I stand, my mum moved to England to find my dad. When I found out who he was I ran away. I found out a couple years ago my mum died as well as my dad," Connie explained. "If my dad was still alive Salvatore would be at home with my dad getting a beating," she smiled at the thought. "Ok, what do we do about him. I'm worried he will try and take his life again," I told everyone. "We keep him here, just until we know he is stable again, until the time comes I want my little brother safe. It will stay that way," Connie answered. We all spoke for a while until I got tired. Luna had already passed out in nicks arms so I wasn't worried about her. "Well I'm going to bed now, I'll see you all in the morning. Thanks you two for looking after Luna," I stood up and took Luna into my arms. "No problem Tesoro, we have no problem doing that," nick smiled. "What does that even mean?" Bentley asked. "Tesoro?" Nick asked. "Yeah, I've heard you call rose that ever since she moved in with us," Bentley told him. "Tesoro means treasure, Rose is like a daughter to me so the name fits," nick chuckled. "So what do you call Connie if Rose is treasure?" Bentley asked. "I call Connie, mi amor, that means my love," nick smile. "Ok, I'm going to bed now, night all," I laughed a little and left. Salvatore was sat up in my bed when I got back. "Hey, how you feeling?" I asked. "Better. I'm so sorry that you had to drag me here," Salvatore looked down. "It's ok, I explained to the others what happened and they don't mind. Just remember to give them time if they need it," I layed Luna down in her cot and climbed into bed. "Your lucky I'm not making you sleep in another room," I joked. "Oh, you hurt me too much Rose Di'Angelo," Salvatore put his hand on his heart and laughed after. "Shhh, I don't want Luna to wake up," I laughed with him trying to keep quiet. Once we calmed down I layed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. "I love you Rose Di'Angelo, please don't forget that," Salvatore whispered and kissed my head. "I love you Salvatore Carter, just give me some time," I whispered back to him. I traced over his tattoos with my finger. Soon I fell asleep and i felt good about myself. No worries for me in that moment of time.

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