Chapter 19

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Roses POV

"Well, nice to see you again rose. It's gonna be so much fun," Emma squealed. "Screw you bitch," I spat out. "Tsk, tsk, that is not way to speak to me now is it," she smirked. All of a sudden she ripped off my top and started cutting me. She cut me along my belly, my arms and eventually she went to my legs. Emma tortured me for and hour, just putting cuts over my body. "That's enough Emma. Go stay with the baby now," a male voice called out. "But baby," she whined. "Go on Emma, Dylan must be hungry," he demanded. Emma stormed out of the room and left me alone with this man. "Now, you have hurt my baby mumma too much Rose, this you getting punished," the man cane closer. The eyes were blurry from all the crying I had done. "Reggie?" I asked. "The one and only," he laughed. Reggie was apart of my friend group back in school. He had a crush on me but when I turned him down he got angry and stormed out of the school. It had been 3 years since I last saw him. "Now, you hurt Emma and you hurt me, I hope you know, you deserve this," he smirked at me. Reggie started punching, kicking me and also added to my cuts that Emma gave me. He did this for an hour straight until he stopped when gun shots were heard. "Antonio, what's going on out there?" Reggie yelled. "There's men here-," the guy started but dropped when a bullet went through the back of his head. The next moment Reggie fell to the ground lifeless. Salvatore walked up to me and picked me up. He put his jacket around me as my clothes got ruined. When we went to leave, Emma showed up holding a baby boy in her arms. Salvatore put me back on the floor, he stepped over me and walked up to Emma. "Is he mine?" Salvatore asked her. "Yeah, his names Dylan," she told him. "Can I hold him?" Salvatore reached out. Emma gladly passed the kid to him and she just smiled at them. "I didn't know Reggie was going to do that to rose, I heard her screams and cries and I wished I could switch places with her. It was awful, Reggie threatened to hurt Dylan if I tried to stop him. I'm so sorry Salvatore, I had to protect our son," Emma told him and I heard her start crying. Nick rushed over to me and took me to the car. Salvatore was up Emma's ass too much to notice that nick had walked away with me. That was the last time I ever give him a chance with me. "Nick take me home," I whispered. "We need to wait for Salvatore. He said we shouldn't leave without him," nick sighed. "He has his own car, please nick, take me home," I layed my head back and nick started the car.

Nick carried me straight to my room because I didn't want Luna to see me covered in blood and cuts. I took a shower and bandaged my deep cuts. The smaller ones weren't that bad so I left them to heal. When I put clothes on I walked to the living room. Everyone was sat there. Nick had hold of Luna who was crying and holding on to him for dear life. I didn't say anything to anyone and went straight to my daughter. "Luna baby, mummy's here," I rocked her. She buried her face in the crook of my neck but calmed down. "What is she doing here?" The girls walked in and glared at Emma. "It's obvious isn't it, she going to live her with Salvatore and his son," I mumbled thinking they couldn't hear me. "Your joking right," nick turned to Salvatore. "Yes. Emma is staying with us and you will respect her as you respect me," he said firmly. "It's a good fucking job I'm done with you isn't it then," I glared at Salvatore. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You've gone back to her. I'm done with you Salvatore. Go ahead and be with Emma and her son, don't come running back to me when she leaves for someone else," I told him. I stood up with Luna still clinging to me and went to my room. Luna had fallen asleep so I layed her down in her new cot. "Salvatore told me to come fetch you. He wants to go out for dinner," nick came in my room. "I'm not hungry," I told him. "What's wrong Tesoro?" Nick asked. "Nothing. Go have fun out. I'll be fine with Luna. She's sleeping anyway. I have one question for you though nick," I turned to face him. "What can I do for you?" He asked. "When Luna was crying, why did you have her not Salvatore?" I was curious to know the answer. "He was... he was seeing to Emma's kid so he asked me to pick her up," he told me. "She kept on saying dada but when I told him Luna wanted her daddy he told me to ignore what she was saying," nick looked at the floor. "Now I know how he really feels about us. Thanks for the help nick. Go have fun," I sighed and nick left. Luna woke up hungry so I took her to the main kitchen and make her some baby food. She was sat in her high chair, halfway through her food when everyone came home. "Nosotras necesitamo hanker,"- we need to talk. Nick walked up to me. "Que pasa?"- what's wrong, I asked him. "Aqui no,"- not here. Nick tried to pull me away but I stopped because I didn't want to leave Luna. "Nosotras estamos hablando español, nadie nos entiende,"- we are speaking Spanish, no one understands us. I told him. "Bien, Salvatore nos ha dicho que nos mantegramos alejados de ti y Luna por tiempo. Dijo que necesitamos conocer a Emma y Dylan,"- fine, Salvatore has told us to stay away from you and Luna for a while. He said we need to get to know Emma and Dylan. Nick told me dropping his head. Emma had a confused look on her face when she heard me and nick talking. "She and nick speaks Spanish when they want to talk privately," i heard Salvatore tell Emma. "Are you fucking serious?" I turned to look at him. "Telling everyone to stay away from me and Luna. What the hell?" I began to raise my voice. "It's for the best Rose, everyone is always wrapped up in you and Luna, they need to spend time with Emma and Dylan," he said. "So while your daughter is calling for her dad you leave her to nick while you see to this kid that you've just met," by this time I started shouting. "Yes, he's my son and he needed me. I've missed nine months of his life and now I'm trying to make things better," Salvatore shouted back at me. "I'm so glad she has my name. This is the last time you see your daughter," I glared at him then got Luna and left.

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