Chapter 56

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Luna's POV

When I got to school I left a note for Damon in mr Greene's class since I knew he would be in there. When I finished with the note, I went to sit under the benches where I usually sit. It was quiet like usual. No one ever sits there other than me, Lexi something sits with me but most of the time I'm on my own. I saw Damon park his car and then walk away from Henry and Lexi, I wanted to go over to him to thank him personally but I restrained myself and stayed where I was. Am I actually falling for one of my dads gang members?

The bell for the first lesson rang so I left. It was Spanish, luckily Damon was put right at the front and I was at the back. The lesson started and the girls in front were whispering again. "I thought Enzo would lead her on a bit longer," one of them smiled. "She's already moved on to that new guy, what a slut," half of the lesson I had to hear them call me a slut and other names until I gave in. "You dumb bitches I can hear you," I shouted and all eyes came on me. "Shut the fuck up slut. Everyone can see that you have moved on from Enzo already," the blonde got in my face. "Call me a slut one more time and see what you get," I told her through gritted teeth and my hands in fists. "Slut," she smirked like I wouldn't do anything. I slapped her across the face and she hit me back, I punched her but then after Damon literally put me over his shoulder and started walking out. "Put me down Damon I'm not finished with her," I shouted and kicked my legs. When we got out of the classroom, Damon put me down and looked over my face. "What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked and slapped his hand away. "Making sure your dumbass didn't get hurt. Your mum would kill me," he replied. "What did they say?" He sighed. Tears started to fall down my face at the thought of what people thought of me. "What did they say?" He repeated but firmly. "They called me... they called me a slut," I sobbed and he pulled me into a hug. "They said that I moved on from Enzo to you and they started calling me a slut, a whore and other names," I told him. "Come on, let's ditch this lesson," Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me along. "Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a surprise," he smiled at me. Damon took me out of the school and to the benches. "How do you know about this," I stopped in my tracks. "I was exploring yesterday and found it. I take it you only know about it," Damon pulled me again and sat down half way in. We were behind the benches. We sat there in silence. Damon was sat up against the wall while I had my legs crossed. I began to cry again because I would be known as the slut of the school. "Don't cry mi amor. There just girls who like to gossip and they don't know anything," Damon pulled me into a hug again. "Why should I have to feel like this? Enzo was the one who did this to me and he's probably got some other girl in his bed already," I sobbed into Damon's chest. "He's a fool for using you like that. Ignore the other girls they are just jealous that your not sluts like them," Damon tightened his hold on me. "Don't let them treat you like they did. Don't let anyone get you down with names that you know for a fact that you aren't," he added. "How do you always have the right words to say?" I giggled a little. "It's a gift," he chuckled. I knew he was joking but it did make me feel better. "Thank you," I broke the silence after we stopped laughing. "What for nena?" He asked. "Everything, last night and now," I replied. "It's my job, I'll always be here," he smiled and pulled me closer against him. Oh god, I'm falling for my mum and dads gang member. "What does nena mean?" I got curious. "It means baby girl," Damon chuckled a little. "For someone that has their, mum, brother, aunt and uncle, you don't know much Spanish do you?" By this time Damon was laughing hard. "I never took interest in the language so I didn't bother learning it. You know nick calls my mum treasure," I smiled at my little knowledge of the language. "Tesoro, yeah, I've heard that one," Damon looked at me. After the bell went for the second lesson, Damon and I walked over to it. We had science so we were next to each other. When we walked in laughing, we stopped when everyone looked at us. Damon looked at me and started laughing again which made me laugh as well. "They're on crack I swear," one boy joined in our laughter. "That is a secret we'll never tell," I laughed. We sat down and calmed a bit. Two of the girls were looking at me and talking, I remembered what Damon had told me, 'don't let them get you down,' rang in my head. "You got something to say?" Damon leaned forward in his chair glaring at the girls. "Come sit with us sweet cheeks, it's better than being with that slut," one with red hair smirked at him. "No, if rather sit with the 'slut'. She has actual respect for the people around her," Damon rejected them. "Maybe you should learn respect for women," Enzo chipped in. "Says the one that claims he loves someone but is with another girl the next day. Maybe your the one that should be called a slut," Damon turned to Enzo that had his arm around a brunette. "Everyone knows I'm top dog in this school, they won't dare say anything about me," Enzo smirked. "Maybe that will change when I beat your ass again," Damon snapped. "Try me," Enzo said like he wasn't bothered at all. Damon shot straight up and went to Enzo. He punched him multiple times and then sat back down. "Damon, Luna, Head teachers office now," the teacher shouted at us. We didn't bother arguing and left. While we sat outside for a while we got called in. "What happened to a low profile?" Mr peters asked Damon. "I am. My job is to protect Luna so if you don't mind I would like my gun and knife back before I go kill people with my bare hands," Damon sounded angry. "Make sure to keep them hidden," mr peters coward down and handed Damon his gun and knife. "Thank you," Damon tried you sound sweet but failed. "Luna I know that Damon is here for your protection but you need to try and control him," mr peters turned to me. "No disrespect to Luna sir but she won't and can't control me if she wanted to," Damon said before I could. "Whatever, just keep that anger under control, now leave and go to your next lesson," the head teacher dismissed us. Enzo was sat by the medical room with Kyle, he had blood all over his face and I'm pretty sure this time Damon broke his nose. "He deserved it," Damon blurted out when he saw me looking. "I just wish I could have been me to do it," I sighed. We went on the day like normal, then we met up with Henry and Lexi and went home.

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