Chapter 61

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Damon's POV

I went to bed to get some sleep before i took rose and Salvatore to the airport with the others. Hugo took one car and I took another. Amber, Ronnie, lynn, and rose came in my car while Hugo took the others. "Thanks for doing this for us Damon. I know you will have Hugo but the twins are a bit of trouble when it comes to babysitters," Rose was the only one awake as the others wanted to sleep. "It's ok, I can handle the twins, it's Luna that will be trouble for me," I sighed. "Things will get better between you two. I have a feeling but then again Luna is very stubborn so just leave her to be alone and she'll come around," Rose replied. "I haven't been making it any better," I told her. "Why's that?" She asked. "I've been avoiding her at school, moving seats in every class so I can be away from her," I kept my eyes on the road as I felt rose staring at me telling me to continue with her eyes. "She makes me crazy and all I want to do is tell her how I feel and not be afraid about it," I proceeded. "Damon, for someone that is in a gang and carries a gun for a living. Telling someone how you feel shouldn't be something scary for you to do. Besides Salvatore's and I's relationship isn't all sun and rainbows," rose looked down. "No ones is perfect. I'm just worried that she will beat my ass again and again," I chuckled a little. "What Luna has told me, she's head over heals for you. That might be because you have been there for her when she needed it most," Rose smiled. "What has she said?" I asked. "Well the usual. He's so hot, why would he want me when there's other girls that he could go around with," Rose mimicked a voice to be like luna's. "She's so imaginative," I laughed. "While I'm gone try and get close to her again," Rose faced the road. "Huh, we weren't that close to begin with," I got confused. "I know about Luna sneaking into your room that night she broke up with Enzo," rose stated. I looked at her for a second then back at the road. "Luna isn't my only child that tells me everything," she scoffed. "To clear the air, we didn't do anything," I had to say. "I know, I trust that you won't until something happens with you two," rose leaned her head back against the head rest. Soon after we got to the airport and I left with Hugo following. When we got home I waited outside for a moment. "You alright mate?" Hugo asked when he got out of his car. "Yeah, might go for a drive or something, clear my head," I told him. "Ok, just don't get back to late, Rose would kill me if anything happened to you," he smiled and left. I was sat there for a while then decided to leave. For some reason I went to the beach and sat on the hood of my car. It was still dark but I could see the slight glow of the sun rising. At 6am the sun came out and it lit up my face. At around 7 I got up and went home. When I parked I stayed in my car for a moment and just thought. There I was thinking about Luna. Would it be wrong? I mean she's 17 and I'll be 19 soon, Rose and Salvatore don't seem to mind but then again, so does Henry and Lexi. I sighed and got out of the car and went inside. My stomach growled so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat then go to my room, I didn't want to avoid Luna but she made me crazy and want to take her right there whenever I saw her. "Morning Henry," I saw him in the kitchen when I walked in. "Hey. Where have you been?" He asked. "After I came back from taking your mum and dad to the airport I went for a drive to clear my head," I replied. "You thinking about you know who?" Henry wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Thinking about who?" Luna walked into the kitchen. "Uh, no one. See you later," with that I grabbed an apple and left. Damn I'm really struggling to keep away from her.

Luna's POV

"What's wrong with him?" I turned to Henry. "He was out all night driving, I just think he's tired," Henry shrugged. "Right," it didn't sound to convincing but I let it go.

4 days later

It was now Wednesday and I kind of missed my mum. I know, pathetic. For a 17 year old you might think that I would be ok on my but a matter of fact is that I missed my mum. "How was your day at school?" Lexi walked into the living room and sat next to me. "Damon's still avoiding me, it's been a fucking week since that incident and he still won't talk to me," I told her. "It'll get better Luna, you know it will," Lexi hugged me. "I know, I just can't get him off my mind and it's making me crazy," I told her. "Luna, maybe you should approach him instead of him coming to you," Lexi suggested. "I've tried, but when I go to talk to him he says he's busy or he needs to here or he needs to go there," I sighed. "Maybe you should corner him," Lexi shrugged. "No I can't do that. Is it weird? I mean he's 18 and I'm 17, I'm under age for him," I stated. "Look, like your mum told me and Henry, love is love and no one can change that," Lexi told me. "Lexi- oh sorry I'll come back later," Damon walked into the living room.

Damon's POV

"Get back here, what's up?" Lexi ran after me. I walked into the kitchen and she followed me. "What can I do for you?" She asked. "When do you think I should talk to Luna again?" I looked at her. "This is to funny," Lexi started laughing. "Why is she laughing?" Henry came down. "I have no clue," I replied. "Me and Luna were just talking about you," Lexi managed to get out through the laughter. "That's why you two were with each other," I clicked on to why they were sat with each other. "Yes. She wants to talk to you about it. I just told her to come to you," Lexi calmed down a bit. "What did she say?" I stood up from my seat. "She told me that you drive her crazy and that she can't get you out of her head," Henry told me for Lexi as she was still laughing. "How do you know?" I faced him. "When Luna tells Lexi something I get told, no secrets in this house," Henry responded. "Do you think I should speak to her first or let her come to me?" I was kind of getting desperate. "Wait for her, she isn't going anywhere," Henry smiled then took Lexi to calm down. It was around 8pm so I ordered some pizza for all of us. "So how was everyone's day at school?" I looked at everyone. "It was alright, same crap different day," Dakota told me. "Well I had a fight with one of the other boys that think their stronger than me. Obviously I put him in his place," hunter shrugged like it was no big deal. "Emilio?" I turned to him. "Not bad. Is it alright if willow comes round tomorrow?" He asked. "I don't have a problem with it, just no going in your room," I pointed my finger at him. "Don't worry, I'll take her to the back garden for a couple hours," Emilio laughed. "You sound like a dad," Hugo chuckled. "Well we can't have no nine year old-," I started. "Just no. Besides a girl can't have a kid until she gets her first period, calm down," Luna joined in. "Note taken," I nodded and carried on eating. The twins and Emilio went up to bed around 10 and Lexi and Henry followed. Soon after Luna left and it was just me on my own. Hugo went to Diana's for the night to see how Jaques, Cole, Sadie and milo were doing. At 11:45pm I got bored and decided to head to bed. I couldn't sleep, I was just tossing and turning until someone came into my room.

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