Chapter 33

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Roses POV

The night before the wedding was really exciting for everyone. Luna and Henry were really happy to have another 'party'. "Hey baby, the guys and I are going now, Henry wanted to say goodbye," Salvatore cane into my room. Salvatore had kept my room the same so it could be a women's cave. In the room was me, Connie, violet, Amber, jessica, lynn Luna and me. "Ok, send him in," I replied. Henry came in and ran up to me. For a 3 year old he was super chill and didn't have a problem with what me and Salvatore told him to do. Luna on the other hand was a bit of trouble, if she didn't want to do anything she wouldn't do it.

"Bye mummy, me and daddy are going to grandma's for a boys night with everyone else," Henry giggled a little. "Really, what are you going to do?" I asked. "Daddy said we are going to play games and eat ice cream," Henry told me. "Is that so?" I turned to Salvatore. "Well, Henry goes to sleep, that's when the party will start," Salvatore shrugged. "Ok, well you two should be off then," I gave Henry a tight hug and put him down then walked over to Salvatore. "I'll be waiting at the end of the aisle," Salvatore pulled me in for a hug. "I'll be the one in the Halloween dress," I smirked. "If you keep that up I won't be able to leave," Salvatore lifted me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. "What you thinking?" I asked out faces very close. "Excuse me, kids in the room," Amber shouted. "We'll take this somewhere else then," Salvatore stated. "Nope you need to go, I'll see you tomorrow," I dropped my legs but kept my arms around his neck. "I love you," he smiled. "I love you," I pulled Salvatore's face closer to mine. Our lips connected, first slow and soft then getting faster and more passionate. I pulled away to smile at him. "I'll see you tomorrow," I told him. Salvatore gave me another kiss then picked up Henry to leave, Luna said goodbye and then my two boys were gone. Us girls all played games until Luna wanted to go to bed. Like always, blue was layed by her side and didn't move. "Goodnight baby girl, I love you," I kissed Luna's forehead. "Love you to mummy," Luna smiled and went to sleep. I walked back to the girls who had already got alcohol I and started drinking. "Lucky bitches," I sulked. "We weren't the ones who got ourselves knocked up now are we," Connie reminded me. "Yeah i know," I sighed. "Have you written your vows?" Lynn asked. "Yeah," I lied. "Let's hear it then," they all turned to face me. "Nope, you can wait until tomorrow to hear it," I told them. "Your no fun," Jessica pouted. "That's not what you say when we go out clubbing," I laughed. "Touché," Amber giggled. The night ended at 11pm as Connie wanted me to get 'beauty sleep'. I checked on Luna one last time and blue came with me. Blue walked with me to my room and jumped up on the bed. "I've trained you so well," I scratched behind his ear. When I got into bed, blue put his head by my stomach. Soon enough I fell asleep after playing with blues fur. The day finally came for me to get married.

Salvatore's POV

Henry and I said goodbye to rose and luna. I quickly gave Rose one more kiss and picked up henry. Then I left my girls. "You all ready?" I asked. Nick, Anthony, Ronnie, Bentley, Hugo, Griffin all had their bags ready to leave. They all nodded their heads and we left. We got to my mums house and she went to bed. After 3 hours of playing games, Anthony and Henry got tired and wanted to go to bed. Nick tucked in Anthony while I did the same to Henry. "Daddy, why did we have to leave mummy?" Henry asked. "Well, when two people get married, they don't spend the night before the day together, that's why we are at grandmas and all the girls stayed at home," I told him. "Will I ever get married?" He smiled up at me. "When your much older buddy," I chuckled a little. I gave henry a kiss on the forehead and went back to the boys. Nick was already with the others. "I turn to put my son to bed and you get the drinks out," I laughed. "Hell yah, we've been waiting three hours for this, but I mean, playing games were pretty fun," Griffin told me. "Here drink," nick passed me a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Nah I'm good, I want to be sober when I see my bride tomorrow," I looked down at my hands. "Damn, your falling hard," Bentley called out. "If I wasn't I wouldn't have proposed you idiot," I told him. "Touché," Bentley put his hands up by his head in surrender. At 12am the guys had passed out except for me and nick. Nick had been drinking but kept an eye on it as he had his son to look after and didn't want to be hungover in the morning. "You excited?" Nick asked me. "Yeah, and nervous. How did you do it when you married Connie?" I admitted. "I took a shot of tequila before I went out, that's my little secret," nick chuckled. "Did she not taste it when you kissed her?" I was confused. "Yeah but Connie likes tequila more than me so she didn't have a problem with it," he smiled. "You really love her don't you," I said. "Yeah, I really do. I don't know where I'd be if rose hadn't brought us together," nick replied. "What can I say? My girl is amazing," I laughed. "That she is. But promise me, whatever you do, don't fuck it up," nick placed his hand on my shoulder. "I haven't in 3 years. I'm not going to either," I reassured him. "I'm glad to hear it," nick smiled. "Well, it's midnight so I'm going to bed. See you in the morning nick," I stood up. "I better take the bambino's (children) to their rooms, they're such alcoholics," nick laughed. "Want some help?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll take Hugo and Bentley, you can take Ronnie and griffin," nick told me. "Ah come on, they're the biggest drinkers that I know," i sighed. "You offered to help," nick chuckled. "Shut up," I smiled a little. Nick and I took the boys to their rooms and put them on their beds. I only placed Ronnie and griffin on the bed, I didn't put a blanket on them, just placed them down and left. Before I went to bed myself, I checked on Henry. He was sound asleep so I had no worries. I put my usual joggers on and climbed into bed. For some reason, as the time got closer I got more nervous. Would she show up? Will I have to call off the wedding because rose didn't want to marry me? All these questions filled my head. I put the bad thoughts to the back of my head and focused on the good. I went to sleep ready to see my bride the next day.

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