Chapter 22

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Roses POV

A couple days passed and Luna finally got the idea that she wasn't going to see her dad again. Griffin stayed as he promised and helped me with Luna. He started helping Luna walk, griffin would let her hold his fingers and take a few steps. It all felt really nice to have no worries for a while, I had everything I've ever wanted. I finally got that puppy, i got Luna and myself a German Shepard which was the cutest thing ever.

Griffin hated the name I gave him, I named the puppy blue

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Griffin hated the name I gave him, I named the puppy blue. "Are you still going on about the stupid name griffin?" I chuckled. "Yes. The dogs gonna be a masculine thing and he's gonna have a little princess name," he picked blue up. "Yes, a princess name. News flash griffin, he belongs to a princess," I laughed harder. "Ok, the next animal or baby you have, I want to name it," he smirked. "Animal, I may consider it, baby you can have your own if you wanna do something like that," I sipped my coffee. Griffin put blue down and walked over to Luna to play with her. "I can't believe she going to be 10 months tomorrow, it's gone to quick," I walked over to them both. "I know, Salvatore's to stuck up Emma's ass to realise what he's going to miss," griffin got Luna and walked around the room with her. "I know. I feel bad for Luna. I hate the fact she won't know her real dad until she wants to meet him," I sat on the floor. "Ready, go Luna," griffin let Luna go. She walked from griffin to me, even though the gap wasn't that big, she took her first steps. "Oh my god Luna, you took your first steps to mummy," I spun her around. That went on for hours. Luna had fell a couple times but didn't cry, she was determined to master walking. "Good job baby girl," I smiled. Luna smiled and giggled at me but dribbled at the same time. "She is so determined to get things done. Just like her mother," griffin chuckled. "At least I can be the one to teach her how to fight and use a gun if she needs it," I sighed at the thought. "Salvatore was so excited and wanted Luna to grow up so he could teach her, he wouldn't stop talking about it," griffin picked up Luna and layed her down in her cot. As soon as she layed down she was fast asleep. "Thank you for letting me stay, I really appreciate it rose," griffin hugged me. "Thank you for being here when I needed someone most," I hugged him. 'You have a visitor in their way up' the lady at the front desk messaged me. "That's weird, why would I have a visitor at 8pm," I furrowed my eyebrows. The door banged and griffin ran away. "Who is it?" I asked. "Rose it's Salvatore open the door," he demanded. "Sorry I don't know anyone by the name of Salvatore. Please leave before you wake my baby," I called out to him. "Stop playing rose before I do something to the people you love so dearly," Salvatore shouted. My mind immediately went to the guys and girls back at the house. I quickly opened the door but kept Salvatore outside. "You can come back now. You have been away long enough. I'm tired of playing games let's go," Salvatore gritted through his teeth. "I don't have to do anything. Now please leave before you wake up my baby thanks," I smiled and tried to close the door. "You don't wanna do that. All I have to do is send a message and your beloved friends get a nasty surprise," he smirked. "Let me pack," I opened the door for him to come in. I packed a bag for me and Luna. "I'm ready, let's go," I picked up Luna and layed her head in the crook of my neck. "One last thing, GRIFFIN, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW," Salvatore yelled. Luna jumped and started crying. I dropped my bag on the floor and turned my back to Salvatore. "Shh, shh, it's ok baby girl, your alright mummy's here," I cooed Luna. Griffin walked out slowly with his head down. Soon enough I got Luna back to sleep and glared at Salvatore. "Thanks a lot smart ass, now I have a baby that will call her dad at night again," I picked up my bag and we all walked out the door. Salvatore started the car. He was in the front while me and griffin sat in the back. We pulled up to the house and we got out. "I'm taking Luna up to nicks room. Don't bother me or her unless it's necessary," I told Salvatore. Griffin followed me up. When I entered the room nick, Ronnie, Hugo, bentely, Amber, jessica, lynn, Connie and violet sat all around the room. "What the fuck, you guys look like you haven't eaten in days!" I exclaimed. "Rose," they all came up to hug me. "I need you all to watch Luna for me for a while, I'll be back in a bit," I told them. Nick took her out of my arms and hugged her, he held her like his life depended on it. They guys needed food so u was going to make them a feast. An hour later I had 10 plates of food prepared. Emma came in and tried to take some of the food. "Not for you bitch," I slapped her hand away. Salvatore came in holding the baby boy. "He still won't eat. I don't know what to do Emma," Salvatore sighed. "Like I said. He needs to be in solid food not baby formula it's not use to him anymore. If you want that kid to be alright, take my advice," I told him. I cooked some eggs and placed them on a little plate. "Pass him here," I held out my hands to take the baby. "No, don't touch my son," Emma protested. "Your not feeding him right, do you want him to get sick and die?" I asked. She shook her head and looked down. "Though so, now pass me the baby for fuck sake," Salvatore passed me Dylan and they both watched me like hawks. "I'm not going to hurt you kid chill," I told them. I got a bit of egg and put it to my top lip to see if it was cool enough for Dylan's mouth. Since it wasn't to hot, I put it in his mouth and he started chewing. "There. Wasn't so bad was it, you need to start giving him solids. Take him off the milk," I gave Emma Dylan once he was finished with the eggs. When she had hold of him, I got the tray of food and took it up to the others. They each took a plate and ate. "You didn't have to do this tesoro," nick smiled sadly at me. "I don't see Emma or Salvatore doing this for you so someone needs to," I returned a smile. When nick was finished he gave me a hug but winced. "What's wrong?" I pulled away. "It's noth-," before nick could finish his sentence I turned him around and lifted his shirt up. He had bruises and what looked like belt marks. "What the fuck," I whispered. I didn't hesitate to look at the others. They had the same marks except for griffin. "Who did this to you," I clenched my fists. "My bets Emma," griffin stated. Nick nodded and I stormed out of the room. "The fuck you playing at. Letting that whore harm you family like that," I screamed at Salvatore. "They shouldn't disobey Emma then should they," he snapped back. "Nick has been by your side since you were born, how the fuck could you let her do something like that to him, not to mention the girls. OUR family Salvatore," I stood in front of him. "They will learn for next time then won't they?" He stated. "So what happens when Luna doesn't obey Emma, huh, you gonna let her hit Luna with a belt and give her bruises like that. If you or Emma touches Luna like that I won't hesitate to put a bullet through you heads," I threatened. "No, I would teach Luna a lesson. She will grow up to respect me and Emma so don't give me that," Salvatore replied. "What lesson Salvatore because I swear if you touch MY daughter you won't reach 40 years old," I yelled. "Forget it. I'm done with your bullshit," I walked away back to nicks room. "Pack your things. We're all going to my place," I told them. Everyone rushed around to get their things packed to leave. "Stay here, when u come back get ready to leave," I picked up all their bags to put them in the car. On my way out Salvatore didn't catch me but when I walked in he saw me. "Where did you go?" He asked. "I went to see if Luna had a spare toy in the car, chill," I smiled and walked away.

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