Chapter 15

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Roses POV

3 months later.

It was around 4 in the the morning and I got the urge to wake up. There was a kind of pain in my stomach that was bearable but it still hurt. For some reason it reminded me from when I first found out I was pregnant, so I went to get a glass of water. Since Salvatore and I were in my room i only had to go a couple feet to the kitchen. I chugged a glass of water but the pain got worse. All of a sudden there was a flush and a extreme pain. That was the moment I knew I was going to welcome my baby girl into the world. "Salvatore, Salvatore. I need you to wake up. I think it's time," I tried to walk over to the bed. "SALVATORE!" I shouted and he immediately woke up. "What's wring are you ok?" He asked, when he saw me holding my belly. "You need to grab the bag. We need to go to the hospital now," I told him. With that he was on his feet pacing around the room like a lost puppy. "Where's the bag, I can't find the hospital bag you packed," he shouted as he paced. "What going on in here?" Nick walked in rubbing his eyes. "Rose thinks the baby's coming. There's a puddle over by the kitchen and I can't find the hospital bag," Salvatore panicked. "Is this it?" Nick picked up a bag and passed it to Salvatore. "Yes, now lets go," Salvatore rushed to help me. Nick had gone to wake up the others and would come later on. We got to the hospital soon and the doctors took me in. They gave me some medicine for the pain which I was grateful for.

"Ok rose, I'm going to see how many centimetres dilated you are," the doctor told me. I nodded and Salvatore looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Ok, on the count of three I want you to start pushing. 1...2...3, push," the doctor said. The medicine stopped to I felt almost everything. I grabbed Salvatore's hand while he caressed my face. "Your doing great rose, one last big one then you can meet your baby," the doctor smiled. I did what he told me and pushed as much as I could. Relief came over my body then a baby cry filled the room. "Congratulations you two, a baby girl," the doctors smile widened as he wrapped her in a blanket. He passed her to me as she cried so I could calm her down. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I could have sworn Salvatore let a few out as he leaned over us. Soon after Luna stopped crying, the doctors took her to clean her up and check how much she weighed. When they came back she had a small white baby grow on with a hat and swaddled in a blanket. "She is 6'1 oz and she is very healthy," a nurse handed her back to me. Luna started crying so I put my finger to her top lip where she suckled. "Can you make her a bottle please?" I asked Salvatore. "Only if you guide me, you were supposed to teach me but she had other plans and came early," he replied. "Fine," I sat up getting comfortable. I told Salvatore what to do and he managed to make the first bottle for his daughter.

The next day

"She's so cute," I whispered as Luna slept in her cot the doctors brang in. "Rose, we need you to fill out her birth certificate now," the doctor came in. "Her name is Luna Rose Di'Angelo, born on the 24 of March at 10:25am," I replied. "Ok, mother and fathers name?" She asked while taking notes. "Rose Di'Angelo and Salvatore Carter," I told her. "Thanks, I'll get it sorted. When I come back with it you are free to go," she smiled and left. A couple hours later the same doctor brang me a piece of paper and told me that Luna was now officially an existing person that lived in London. I thanked the doctor and Salvatore and I left the hospital. It took a bit longer to get home because Salvatore was worried he would hurt his little princess. "You could have actually gone the speed limit, she's fine in her car seat," I told him when we pulled up outside the house. "I know, just didn't want to risk anything," he smiled. When i got out of the car the girls grabbed me and pulled me into a group hug. "Where is she. I can't wait to hold her," Connie squealed. "Well if you weren't to busy hugging me you would have seen that Salvatore had taken her inside," I giggled a little. They all whined a little then we all went inside. The guys were in the living room sat around. When I walked in Salvatore smiled and my eyes went to where he was looking. Nick was holding Luna and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Por favor no llores nick,"- please don't cry nick, I told him. "Lo siento, mi niña ahora tiene un propio,"- sorry, my little girl has one of her own now, he smiled then wiped away the tears. "Abuelo nick, suena bien,"- grandpa nick, sounds right, I chuckled. "Only if you let me," he chuckled back. "Ok, what was just said, you know we can't understand," Salvatore furrowed his eyebrows. "I told him not to cry, then he said his little girl has one of her own now. I told him that he was grandpa nick and you got the last little bit because he said it in English," I explained. "Only if you let me Salvatore," nick looked up. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't have my dad and neither does rose so it only fits," Salvatore smiled. "Ok, the suspense it killing me, what's her name?" Amber started getting excited. "Should I tell them, or you, maybe nick if he wants to?" I turned to Salvatore. "What, nick doesn't know. I have no clue what your talking about," Salvatore told me. "I'm not clueless. I know you told him, it's fine though. He's been here your whole life, but I also knew you couldn't keep your mouth closed and had to get it off your chest," I smiled at him. "Ok you got me, I told nick but he's kept it a secret. Nick would you do the honours?" Salvatore turned to nick. "I would love to," he replied with a smile. "Ok now spill, we all want to know!" Hugo whispered yelled. We all laughed for a moment at Hugo's remark but then nick finally said what everyone wanted to hear.

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