Chapter 16

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Roses POV

"Her name is... Luna Rose Di'Angelo," nick told everyone. Quiet cheers erupted the room when he finished. "But Salvatore's last name is carter, why does she have yours?" Amber asked. "Because if me and Salvatore don't get back together and I need to move while Luna is still young, she will share my name. But if me and Salvatore move on, we will change it to carter. But Luna will have the choice of which name she wants to go by, no matter what is on her birth certificate," I told her. "Ohhh, makes sense," she stated. After a while, nick finally let everyone else have a turn to hold her. As I expected, all the girls teared up but the one that I didn't expect was Hugo. He was a bit worried at first that he might break or hurt her. With a bit of convincing, Hugo finally have I and held her. As soon as Luna layed in his arms he just couldn't hold back. The girls found it adorable that he reacted that way but the guys would 100% tease him when they were alone. Salvatore took her from Hugo a little while later and she started crying. "What's wrong with her, am I holding her wrong or something?" Salvatore asked, his voice laced with worry. "No, she's fine. Put your finger on her top lip and if she suckles she's just hungry," I giggled at him. He did what I told him to and she for sure was hungry. "I'll make the bottle and you can feed her, I don't like the way she looks when you wind her. The position is so weird," he said the handed me Luna and left. I got her to calm down before Salvatore got back with her bottle. "Here you go," Salvatore gave me her tiny bottle and I fed her. "How do you wind her exactly?" Ronnie asked. I sat up straight and put Luna sat up on my legs, then I put my hand softly under her chin and rubbed circles on her back. "Like this," I said while I did what I needed to do. "Looks like she's being strangled," Ronnie exclaimed. "No she's perfectly fine, it's comfortable for her to be like this anyway when I wind her," I chuckled a minute. Soon after Luna let out a huge burp that caught everyone by surprise. "Yep, definitely takes after her father," nick stated. "And that's a bad thing because?" Salvatore asked. "And that's a good things because?" Nick mimicked him. "Touché," Salvatore leaned back in his chair. When I was sure Luna had brang up all her wind, I layed her on my chest and rocked a little. I did this in the hospital rocking chair. When a nurse caught me she told me that babies like to listen to their mothers heart beats when they fall asleep, especially when they are new born. Luna lightly snores and that when I knew to put her down in her Moses basket. I got up without telling everyone but they immediately followed me into my room. I layed her down with everyone watching over my shoulder, she looked so peaceful, all the girls awed at her.

"She's so adorable," Lynn said

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"She's so adorable," Lynn said. "Let's leave the two to sleep. Rose looks like she needs it," nick motioned everyone out. "Let's go lay down," Salvatore pulled me over to the bed. We layed there for a moment until I felt my eyes get heavy. I fell asleep with Salvatore's arms wrapped around me, knowing that I would wake up to a beautiful baby girl soon helped me sleep better.

A few hours later I woke up with Salvatore gone, I walked over to the Moses basket but Luna wasn't there. I didn't over react because I knew someone in the house had her so it wasn't a problem. The tv was on in the living room so I went there first. Nick was watching a boxing match but was quiet because he knew Luna was sleeping. "Hey nick, do you know where Salvatore is?" I asked. "He brang Luna up here earlier because he wanted to let you sleep and not get woken up," he replied. "Ok, I'll just look around for him," I turned on my heel and left. I figured Salvatore would be in his room as his office was empty. There was music playing but it wasn't normal, it was soft and relaxing, enough to make someone want to sleep. When I walked in Salvatore was on his bed and Luna was in his chest. Her ear was right near where she could listen to his heart beat. The moment was too cute so I pulled my phone out and took a picture.

 The moment was too cute so I pulled my phone out and took a picture

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I layed next to them for a little while and then Salvatore woke up. "Sorry, she woke up so I took her to nick. I didn't want to wake you up," Salvatore smiled a little. "It's ok, you should be able to take Luna places without me being there 24/7," I replied. "How'd you sleep anyway?" He asked. "Great, it might be the only good sleep I get for at least 3 months, or until she is old enough to go the whole night without needing to be fed," I sat up. Salvatore followed me and sat up as well. He put his hand at the back of her head to support her then pulled her down to cradle her. "We made her," Salvatore looked at me. "Yeah, I know. We did it together and I don't regret a single thing," I smiled at him. "Can I ask you something rose?" Salvatore asked. "What's up?" I replied. "How old does she need to be, when I teach her how to fight and use a gun?" He asked sheepishly. "Well, I started when I was around 6 or 7 so I guess she could start on her sixth birthday. But that's if she wants to do it though," I told him. "The girls are going to hate me when that day comes," he smirked. "Tell me about it," I laughed. We layed there for about half an hour until I realised that Diana had to know her granddaughter had been born.

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