Chapter 109

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Emilio's POV

I left Luna and went to find willow. The need to have her in my arms was so bad that I would have killed anyone that touched her. "Have you seen willow?" I asked the group of girls she was with. They all shock their heads which made me angrier. After that I decided to walk around by her dads place in case she went back to him. "You dirty girl. You are never to leave this house again. Not for school not for anything," I heard willows dad shout. During his shouting I heard willow cry out. I ran and barged straight in. Willow was on the sofa in her underwear and her dad hitting her with a belt. "You shouldn't be here boy," her dad growled. "I have every right to be here if your hitting someone I love," I clenched my fists. It was a good job I was tall and strong otherwise my ass would have been whooped. "This is my house, you are trespassing," the old man turned around and looked at me. He had murder in his eyes. "Not when your beating a minor," I tilted my head. "Who are you? A police officer? You can't tell me what I can and can't do to my daughter," he chuckled. "No, I'm her boyfriend and I'm going to kick your ass," I told him. The guy didn't hesitate to leap at me. I dodged him and punched him in the face. He managed to pin me on the floor and get a few hits on me but I got angrier by the second so I pushed him off me. We both stood up and had guns pointed at each other. "QuickDraw," I smirked. I could feel blood going down my chin and some from my eyebrow. "If you shoot me you'll never get willow back," he laughed. "It'll be better leaving her with you," I fire back at him. "For a 13 year old, you have quite the mouth," the guy started getting angry by my words. "I don't know. Willow liked my mouth," I couldn't help but make my smirk show more. "Stop guys, just stop," willow screamed out. "No problem sweetheart," her dad pulled the trigger and hit me in the shoulder. I grabbed my shoulder then turned back to her dad. A bullet entered his head between the eyes and he fell to the floor. "Willow," my eyes went wide when some of the anger left me. "You need to leave me alone," she cried out. "Not here," I told her. I put a blanket around here almost naked body and carried her back to my house. It was almost midnight when we got back there.

"Where the hell have you two been?" My mum shouted when we walked through the door. "Luna can you help willow please, I need to take care of myself," I whispered the last part. Luna came out and took willow from me and I stormed into the kitchen. I took the bullet out of my shoulder and breathed heavily. "Fuck," I winced, my hands were shaking so it was kind of hard. The wound wasn't that deep so all I needed to put on it was a bandage. I cleaned my shoulder then bandages myself up. "What happened?" I heard Dakota gasp behind me. "I told willow about Enzo. She ran away from me and i found her at her dads. When I got there he was beating her with his fucking belt. He gave me a couple punches and shot me in the arm," I told her. "Emilio you didn't," I could tell Dakota started crying. "Didn't what Dak? Kill him, yes I did because I would rather become a cold hearted killer than to see my family get hurt," I turned around and shouted. "No, no you didn't," Dakota stepped back shaking her head. My mum, dad and Damon ran in and saw Dakota crying and my bloody tissue and the bullet on the counter. "Yes Dak I did. What else was I supposed to do?" I asked her. "That's not true tell me it's not true," she sobbed. "What's going on?" Damon looked at me with worry in his eyes. "I'm sure Dakota can tell you," I replied then walked away. I couldn't go to my room as willow and Luna were in there so I went into the back garden and swung myself on the swing. "Emilio," Lexi walked out. "Lexi," I sighed. "What happened with you and willow?" She sat next to me. Lexi pulled her knees up to her chest and sat back. "I told willow that I killed Enzo, she ran back to her dads house and I found him beating her. Lex, willow was basically naked with her dad beating her with his belt," I looked at her. The look on her face told me she knew what I did. "We got into a fight and then we pulled out our guns. He shot me in the shoulder so I got him between the eyes," I told her bluntly. "I killed willows family and now I've lost her to," I sat back. "I'm a cold hearted murderer that doesn't deserve anyone," I added. "Your not cold hearted Emilio. But to kill her dad right in front of her, it could have gone a different way," Lexi put her hand on my shoulder. "What way lex? Me end up dead and willow goes the rest of her life guilty that I died and not only that her dad killed me but he would have beat her and god knows what else," I shuddered at the thought. "Ok when you put it like that," Lexi shrugged. "Maybe you could go talk to her, see what she says," she suggested. "What time is it?" I asked. "1am." Lexi replied. I stood up then walked up to my room ignoring everyone I passed. When I got to my room, I heard willow crying but the door was locked so all I could do was slid down the door and talk to her. "Willow," I called out to her. "Leave me along Emilio," she sniffled. "Baby let me in," I sighed. "No, I don't want to see you," willow replied. "Please willow. I'm sorry," I put my head on the door and waited. "If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it," willow cried out. "Enzo hurt my family and your dad hurt you. Your right I'm not sorry, but I couldn't sit back and watch your dad beat you mostly naked. And Enzo hurt my sister and brother in law so your right willow, I'm not sorry. I don't feel anything. I'm a cold hearted killer that doesn't deserve you but I will try all I can to get you back," I closed my eyes for a moment. "Sorry won't do anything Emilio. I could of handled myself but you took away all the family I had left," willow walked over to the door and slid down it. "Enzo would have helped your dad hurt you so I stopped him before he could. And your dad. Was I supposed to sit down on the sofa and let him beat you the way he did? Tell me willow, can you take care of yourself?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Emilio I can't," her voice broke. "Can't what willow? Be with me anymore. Is that it?" I banged my head against the door. All there was, was silence, no noise coming from inside of my room except for the soft cry's that willow let out. "What if it was me? You saw my dad beating me and you killed him to protect me. Willow that's all I'm trying to do and always will do. I will protect you until my last breath," I sighed. "Please Emilio, just leave me alone," willows muffled voice came out. "I can't do that willow. Not until I hear you asleep because I don't trust you to be in that room on your own," I told her. "I'm not going to I promise I just can't be near you at the moment," she sobbed. "Then why did you sit by the door when you could have stayed on the bed?" I tried to stop a smirk crossing my face but I didn't work. "Asshole," I heard her whisper then laugh a little. "That baby I am," I laughed. "Can you let me in?" I asked after a while of silence. "Emilio," willow sighed. I heard her stand up so I got up to. Except, the door didn't unlock and willow didn't say anything. "Willow?" I knocked on the door. "I can't Emilio, not right now," she replied. "At least let me come in and get some of my clothes for the spare room? You can run into the bathroom and I won't come in until I hear the door close," I reasoned with her. "Promise?" Her voice came out loud as she was close to the door. "Cross my heart," I told her smiling. I was going to let her run into the bathroom but I was going to stay in my room. "Ok," she breathed out. The door unlocked and I heard the bathroom door close. I walked in and pretended to get clothes out, I made noise with the hangers so it would be a little more believable. I walked over to the door empty handed. "I love you," I called out to her. There was nothing but silence. I sighed then opened the door and closed it again; I quickly ran to hide by a wall so willow couldn't see me. Willow opened the door and looked around then sighed out of relief when she didn't see me. When she walked out all of the way, I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. Willows screamed but covered her mouth. "I said I love you," I whispered in her ear. I felt her shiver when I kissed the top of her ear and trailed down to her neck. "Emilio," she gasped. "What?" I kept my voice low and soft. "Please don't," willow closed her eyes and leaned into me. "Don't do what baby?" I teased. I let my hands go from her waist and trail down her thighs. "Emilio I don't-," willow started but I cut her off when she felt one of my hands go up one of my shirts she was wearing. "Use your words love," I smirked. "I can't. I don't want to do this right now," she whispered. "Really? I can feel you already," My hand wasn't that far up her leg and I felt how wet she was. "Emilio," she gasped again when I pulled on the waist of her underwear. "Tell me what you want baby, I'll give it to you," I kissed her neck again. "Please Emilio. I can't do this," she sighed. I twisted her around so she was looking at me. There wasn't anything I could say, I just looked at her. Her eyes darting between mine. She had fear in her eyes so I let her go. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to let you go," I sighed and went to walk out of the room. "Emilio," I heard willow call me. I turned to her but she jumped on me and I fell back against the wall next to the door. Willow had her legs around my waist and her hands tugging at my hair. She reached over and locked the door then turned to me again. "I love you to," she smirked at me. "Carry on smirking willow, I'll take you right here right now," my voice low and husky. Once again I felt willow shudder and I walked over to the bed. Willow had her back on the bed and I held myself up, hovering over her. "Once we start there's no going back," I told her. "I don't care," willow giggled. I dipped my head to kiss her while my hand reached over to my drawer to pull out a condom. "What are you- oh," willow saw me hold up what I reached for. I know what your thinking, your 13 and you already lost your virginity. The thing is, my mum and dad raised us to become adults quicker than most kids my age so it didn't really bother me. The only thing that bothered me is that willow wouldn't talk to me. Now that we were on speaking terms again, I couldn't stop myths. Once you do it your not going to want to stop. "Only if your sure. And I mean 100%," I looked at her. From fear in her eyes, she went to love and lust. "I'm sure," willow smiled. I kissed her again then got the bottom of my shirt she was wearing and pulled it off. That left willow wearing only her underwear and noting else. I could feel my member making my trousers tight so undressed myself. I took off the suit vest then went to my shirt buttons with willow helping me. After that I went to my trousers then my boxers. Willow quickly helped me put the condom on. "Patients baby," I teased. "Emilio if you won't then I will do it myself," she rolled her eyes then took her hand away from my neck and I felt it by my member and go to her heat. "No willow, let me," I grabbed her hand then raised it back to my neck. With one hand I lowered it and stuck two fingers inside of her. Willow gasped then let her head roll back. She arched her back and moaned out. "Emilio," her eyes on mine. "Tell me what you want willow, tell me and I'll do it," I whispered in her ear. "Just fuck me. I don't want your fingers I want you," willow groaned when I pulled out my fingers. I brang then to my mouth and licked them clean. "You might have to wait for that baby, you taste so good," I gave her a devilish look. As I went down her body slowly I kissed every bit of her body until I reached her heat. "We haven't even done anything and your that wet over me?" I looked up at her. "Only for you," willow breathed out. I dipped my head and kissed her inner thighs until I reached where I wanted to be. There was no hesitation, I flicked my tongue inside of her making her back arch again. When I got to her sweet spot she let out a huge moan making me start as well. After about 10 minutes, I got willow to her climax and licked her clean. "You taste so good baby," I smirked at her as I went back to her face. "Now just fuck me Emilio, I've been waiting long enough," willow wrapped her hands and legs around my neck and waist. I lowered my hips and filled her with my length. Of course I didn't move for a moment so I could let us both adjust as it was only our second time. After a minute I pulled out then went back in. "God," willow let her head fall back again. "God isn't going to help you baby, only I can do that," I kissed her lips swiping her bottom lip for entrance. Willow opened her mouth letting me in as I kept thrusting in and out of her. We went on for a couple hours until willow said she couldn't go anymore. "Emilio I can't go anymore. My body feels so weak," she whispered as I pulled out and entered her again. After that I fell down next to her taking off the condom and putting it in the bin beside my bed. I rolled back over and pulled willow close to me. Her bare back touching my chest, I wanted to have her again but I controlled myself and let her be. "I love you," I pulled the covers over us and held her close to me. "I love you to," she replied. "I'm sorry I locked you out earlier, you just scared me," willow sighed. "If I scared you then I should be the one apologising isn't it?" I moved her so I could look at her face. "Maybe but this is your room, not mine and I had no right to lock you out," she looked down. I got her chin with my fingers to make her look at me again. I kissed her for a short time then pulled away. "Never apologise for that. I was a dick and helped you not take your father and brother from you. This room is yours just as much as it is mine, if you want to lock yourself in here then you can do that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," I looked down at her. "Emilio please be honest with me-," I cut her off as I knew what she was going to say. "No, I don't feel guilty or bad about any of it. As bad as that may sound, but willow let me tell you. I'd rather kill your dad and brother and you hate me for the rest of your life then to watch you get beat black and blue. So the answer to your question is no," I told her. Willow stayed silent so I had to ask. "Are you scared of me?" I looked down ashamed because I knew my answer. "No Emilio," she said. "Willow don't, don't lie to me," I sat up getting annoyed that the one girl that I loved more than my own family was lying to me. "Yes. When you told me you killed Enzo," willow looked around the room. "See this ring?" I picked up her hand and put it in front of her eyes. "This ring represents how much I love you when I can't tell you. This ring tells you that I will never hurt you in any way shape or form. And this ring lets you know that you are mine and nobody else's," I told her. I dropped her hand then kissed her slowly and softly. After I layed is down then pulled willow close to me. "I love you so much Willow archer," I whispered in her ear. "I don't want my name to be archer anymore," she blurted out. "Que?" I looked at her. "I don't want my name to be archer," willow repeated. "What do you want it to be?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I don't know, I just want to change my name," willow replied. "Are you sure. I don't want you to regret anything," I looked at her. "I'm sure. What about Taylor. Willow Taylor?" She asked. "Is that's what you want," I smiled at her then put my head on my pillow. "I love you willow Taylor," I chuckled. "Maybe I'll have your name one day," willow muttered thinking I couldn't hear her. "One day baby, I'll make sure of that," I kissed her neck then went to sleep. Obviously I waited for willow to fall asleep first so I would be able to keep and eye on her, after I went to sleep. Having her in my arms again brang me comfort and I was most relaxed with her. It made me happy.

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