Chapter 88

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Luna's POV

When Damon and I walked into Elijah's room, hunter and Dakota was sat there playing with him. "Mummy, daddy," Elijah shouted. "Hey baby boy," I smiled at him. "Hi bud," Damon chuckled. "There was a loud bang," he pouted a little. "We heard it as well, it's nothing to worry about," I told him. "Uncle hunter and auntie Dak is playing with me because I got scared," Elijah looked down. "It's all over now baby boy, nothing to worry about," I pulled him in for a hug. "Luna can I talk to you outside?" Dakota and hunter asked me. "Yeah sure," I nodded then we left. "What happened?" Hunter shut the door then turned to me. "Dimitri went to shoot Damon and got him in the shoulder. Damon shot him in the back of the head, Dimitri's dead," I told the truth. "He was a miserable dick anyway, no one really liked him not gonna lie," Dakota shrugged. "Luna, dad told me to tell you that Elijah can come out of his room now. The body is gone and the blood is cleaned up," Emilio smiled at me. "Ok, Damon's getting Elijah ready so we can go back to the apartment," I nodded at him. "Alright, I'll tell mum and dad then," Emilio spun on his heels and walked away. Dakota and hunter followed behind to leave me with Damon and Elijah. "How was your day at nursery yesterday huh? Your mum told me that it was your first day," Damon asked Elijah as he helped him get into a pair of jeans. "I made a new friend. He is really nice but I don't like my teacher. She's mean," Elijah told him. "Really? What does she do?" Damon buttoned up Elijah's jeans then put a t-shirt on him. "She makes me go sit in the corner. There's a girl that pushes me but when I push her back she shouts at me," Elijah pouted. "Should daddy have a talk with the teacher, make sure she gets it right?" Damon let out an evil chuckle. "Nope, I will talk to his teacher, I know what your like," I walked inside the room fully. "You know me to well," Damon smirked at me. "At least I can have a civil conversation with someone without threatening them," I joked. "No you can't," he laughed. "Yes I can. If you can give me a time I haven't had a civil conversation with someone then I'll let you off," I crossed my arms. "Before we got together, I was talking to Henry about Enzo then you beat the crap out of me," Damon stood up then pulled me close to him. "I hate you," I couldn't hide the smile that was forming on my face. "You won't tonight," he kissed me. "Can we go find grandma and grandpa now please?" Elijah filled the room with his voice. "Yeah you go ahead, get grandma to put your shoes on we'll be going soon," I told him. Elijah ran out of the room. "What do you have planned for tonight?" I lifted up my eyebrows then but my bottom lip. "It's a surprise," he smirked at me. "God, not even one day and your already thinking about sex," Lexi came into the room. "Missed you to Lexi," Damon laughed. "It's good to have you back. The house has been to depressing without you here," she smiled at him. "Really?" He looked shocked. "Yeah, Dimitri was an asshole. He would shout at us when we were being to loud when we broke the silence," Lexi shrugged. "Glad I killed him," Damon joked. "Same to be honest. You got him good," Henry walked in as well. "Thanks man. Bastard got me in the shoulder but I'll be alright," Damon and Henry hugged each other. "It's good to have someone roughly my age here again," Henry sighed. "Jesus Christ your 20 now, the twins 14. Emilio's 13, Jaques is 11, and Cole's 10. This is to weird," Damon shook his head. "I know, it's good to have you back," Henry hit him on the shoulder. "Dude that where the shot is," Damon winced. "Shit I'm so sorry," Henry gasped. "Got you bitch," Damon laughed, Lexi and I joining as well. "Glad you haven't lost your sense of humour," Henry bro shaked Damon. "How could I? It's a gift," Damon smiled. "You and your fucking gifts," Henry laughed. "It's nice to hear you laugh like that again babe," Lexi smiled and hugged Henry. "You always did know how to make this house fill with laughter," I walked over to Damon. "What can I say? I'm just the best," Damon chuckled then pulled me close to him so he could kiss me. "That you are," I smiled when we pulled away. "Come on, I bet Elijah is getting impatient," Damon wrapped his arm around my waist. "He's just like you in so many ways. He's a heavy sleeper, he walks like you, he talks like you and most of all he's got your sense of humour," I told him. "He does. He makes everyone laugh like you used to, but then Dimitri always used to send him to his room. He did that when Luna, rose and Salvatore wasn't around," Henry sighed. "Is that why Elijah was always in here?" I asked. "Yeah, Dimitri thought we were all being to loud and that you should have raised Elijah to grow up quicker and that he would be to immature when he went into secondary school," Lexi told me. "He told my son what to do and how Luna should have raised him. Glad I killed that mother fucker," Damon scoffed. "Elijah is going to grow up in his own time, mum and dad only did it to us is because of the gang, Elijah won't choose wether he wants to be in the gang or not until he's sixteen. I want my son to grow up and have a normal childhood without worrying and looking over his shoulder every time he leaves the house," I could feel rage rising inside of me. "Hugo and griffin did tell Dimitri that he's only a baby but of course the stubborn old prick didn't listen and ended up dead," Henry shrugged. "Come on, let's go get our son and raise him together in our own home," I smiled at Damon then we walked out of the room. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Elijah walking into the living room. My mum, dad, Hugo and griffin all sat with him. "Can we go get ice cream after?" Elijah bounced up and down. "Sure," I smiled at him. We all said goodbye then we left the house. "You kept the car?" Damon was shocked. "Yeah, I got it fixed up and kept it for myself, I wanted something else that was yours other than Elijah," I replied. "You really do surprise me," he chucked. I strapped Elijah in his car seat then got in to drive. It didn't take long for us to get back to the apartment.

"Hello Luna, Elijah. Who's this?" Millie the receptionist asked me looking Damon up and down. "This is Elijah's dad, Damon," I told her. "Wait, I thought you told me that he was dead," Millie got really confused. "So did I but one of the guys I went to school with set it all up, now I have him back," I explained. "That's weird. Well I'm Millie, I guess you will be moving in here," Millie stood up to shake Damon's hand. "Damon, yeah I guess I am," Damon awkwardly shook milked hand. He had a face of disgust on his face. "Well I'll leave you to it," Millie smiled then we all left. "She gave me the creeps," Damon leaned into me. "I know. She keeps on telling me that she remembers me as a baby when my mum first moved in here," I cringed. "Damn she must be old then," Damon shuddered. "Millie was 19 when she first started working here so that makes her 38 now," we walked to the lift and got inside. "I'm only 23 and she's looking me up and down, I don't like that one bit," Damon  made a face. "Daddy, wait until you see our new house, it's really big," Elijah started to get excited. "Are you going to she me your room?" Damon kneeled down to Elijah's height. "Yes, it's got batman in it," Elijah smiled widely. "I take it you like batman?" Damon guessed. "Yep. Who is your favourite daddy?" Elijah asked him. "Hmm, it might have to be captain America or iron man. Maybe even dead pool," Damon told him. "He's to young for dead pool babe," I giggled a little. "I know but I've got to admit, it was a really funny film," Damon chuckled then stood up and took Elijah's hand in his, my hand I'm his other one. We got out of the lift (elevator) and walked to the house. I unlocked the door and Elijah immediately ran inside pulling Damon with him.

As I am British, there will be a lot of words that some of you might not understand but I will try my best to help to make you understand the words. 😊

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