Chapter 75

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Damon's POV

My alarm woke me up but I also felt little pushes on my hands. I moved one of my hands to turn off my alarm then I placed it back. Luna was still asleep next to me. She looked like she needed the rest so I left her to sleep. Honestly, I was still pretty tired so I took Henry and Lexi to school. "Where was Luna this morning? I couldn't find her," Lexi shouted out in the back seat of the car. I tried to keep a laugh in but I failed. "She was with you last night wasn't she?" Lexi slapped my shoulder. "Yeah. She couldn't sleep so Luna came in my room. We didn't do anything but I did feel the baby kick," I smiled. "OMG really!" Lexi exclaimed. "Yeah, it was Luna's first time feeling him kick as well. He's really strong as well," I told them. "I'm glad your on speaking terms again," Henry patted my shoulder. "Thanks bro, I'm glad that I have your sister back," I admitted. "Your back together," Lexi gasped. I nodded my head and smiled. "Dude what the fuck, my friends are happy again. I need to call Luna," Lexi was in a hurry. "She needa sleep lex that's why she hasn't come with us," I told her. "Ok, I'll do it later then," Lexi pouted. "Are you staying at school or going back home?" Henry asked. "I'm going back home, I don't really need this shit anyway so it doesn't matter if I show up or not," I shrugged.

"Laters Damon," Lexi and Henry got out of the car and went into the building. I turned the car around then headed home. "Morning Damon," Salvatore saw me. "Hey Salvatore," I smiled at him. "How was last night?" He asked. "I'm not quite sure what you mean," I furrowed my eyebrows. "I heard you and Luna laughing  and giggling. So, did you have fun?" Salvatore repeated himself. "Oh, basically Luna couldn't sleep last night so she came into my room. The baby kicked for the first time and we both experienced it together," I explained. "Are you sure?" Salvatore stood up. "One hundred percent," I replied. "Good, don't fuck up again," he told me through gritted teeth. "I've learned my lesson," I responded. Salvatore gave me a look then walked away. Rose came through the door then walked up to me. "Where's Luna?" Rose asked me. "She's asleep in my room," I told her. "And why was she there?" Rose looked at me. "She couldn't sleep last night so she came into my room," I sighed and sat down. "Sorry if we were loud with our laughing, the baby was kicking and every time we tried to kiss each other, he would kick," I continued. "Does that mean you two are back together?" Rose questioned me. "Yes," I replied. "Well you better get back to her before she wakes up," rose suggested. I stood up and walked back to my room. Luna was still asleep lying on her side. She told me that if she slept I her back for to long, the baby would not get enough oxygen and it would be bad. I took my shoes off and put my joggers back on then climbed back into bed. "Morning baby," Luna groaned. "Hey, morning," I smiled at her. "I'm so tired," she sighed. "Go back to sleep. I'll be right here," I smiled at her. "Ok, I love you," Luna layed back down and closed her eyes. "I love you to," I kissed her cheek. Soon enough I fell asleep again with Luna.

Luna's POV

I woke up in Damon's room. Damon had his arms wrapped around me holding me close to him. I looked at the clock, 10:30am, I gathered that Damon had me stay home to let me sleep. "You alright?" I heard Damon's voice, it was raspy and dry from his sleep. "Yeah, just really tired," I replied. "How's the baby?" He his hands on my bump. "He's alright," I smiled. "Your dad wasn't to happy with me this morning," Damon laughed a little. "What happened?" I stretched. "He thought we were going something else. He heard us laughing but I told him that is was Elijah kicking," he explained. "Well that's my dad for you," I sighed. I stretched one more time then got up. Damon came to get something to eat with me and we sat and watched tv. "Hey you two," nick came into the living room. Damon had one arm around me and the other placed on my belly. "Hey nick," we both smiled. "It's nice to see you two back together again," he stated. "Yeah it's good to have her back," Damon told nick. "I'm happy to have you again," I smiled then leaned in for a kiss. "Fuck," I winced. "Is everything ok?" Nick asked. "Yeah, he's just kicking," I put my hand where the baby kicked. "Do you want to feel?" I faced nick. "Sure," he shrugged and walked over. "Ok, put your hand there," I pointed. Nick placed his hand but Elijah didn't kick. "Hang on," I told nick. I went to kiss Damon then he kicked. "That one hurt," I squeezed my eyes shut. "I remember when I felt you kick when your mum was having you," nick stood up straight again. "It's been a very long but quick 17 years," nick chuckled. "What you taking about?" My mum and dad walked in. "Were taking about the baby kicking," I replied. "He's started?" My mum seemed shocked. She ran over to me and sat down putting her hand where nicks was. "How long do I have to wait until he kicks?" She asked. "You can feel him right now if you want," I mentioned. "Yes," my mum replied. I went to kiss Damon and Elijah kicked once again. "Mother fucker," I winced. "He's quite the strong one isn't he," my mum stated. "Yeah, it fucking hurts though," I laughed. "That's how I felt with Emilio, he kicked the hardest out of all of you. Make him do it again," my mum got excited. Once again I went to kiss Damon then Elijah kicked. "Can we stop now, it's not you guys who has to take most of the pain," I whined. "So have you chose a name?" My dad asked. "Yeah we have. But we don't know if we should wait until he's here or just tell everyone now," I shrugged. "Please tell us now," my mum and nick really wanted to know. "Fine. Elijah Salvatore Gomez. Elijah after Damon and his grandfather and Salvatore after you," I turned to my dad. "Sweetheart that means so much," my dad got up for a hug. As he stood up I got up as well. We hugged each other for a while then let go. "How come you decided on Elijah Salvatore?" Nick asked. "We both like the name and Salvatore fits in and rolls off the tongue better," I shrugged. We all sat downstairs, the others joined and wanted to know the name of the baby. All the girls wanted to feel him kick so it was a lot of pain and 'kissing' Damon. Each I couldn't get to close to Damon as Elijah would kick and it would hurt. After Hugo felt him kick I snapped a little. "Ok that's enough. It's hurts and I feel exhausted," I sighed. "Go to bed then baby," Damon told me. "I might actually," I stood up and headed out. I went to the baby room and slept in there. I don't know how long I slept but it felt good.

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