Chapter 28

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3 years later
Roses POV

"Luna, Henry come get your breakfast," I shouted. Over the last three years, Salvatore and I had a baby boy and we named him Henry. Connie and nick had a boy as well and named him Anthony Lopez. We had a happy family. Henry and Anthony were roughly the same age and were best friends. Salvatore walked down with Henry in his arm and Luna ran up to me. She jumped into my arms and gave me the biggest smile. "Mummy my took cane out," Luna exclaimed. "Wow, your such a big girl now. The tooth fairy will leave you some money under you pillow tonight," I tickled her. I placed her down on a chair so she could eat. "Morning baby girl," Salvatore kissed me. "Morning baby, how was he this morning?" I asked. Henry was a more difficult baby than what Luna was. We managed thought. "Better, there was no tears and he washed his face and teeth with no problems," Salvatore smiled. He kissed Henry on the cheek which made him laugh. "Daddy stop, your fluff tickles," Henry giggled. He called Salvatore's beard fluff because he didn't know any difference. "Good morning everyone," Connie has come down with Anthony. "Hey Connie, where's nick?" I asked. "He said he had some business to deal with," she told me. "Yeah, um he wanted to uh... shit I can't tell you, he told me to keep it a secret," Salvatore sighed. "Que esta pasando?"- what's going on?, Connie asked me. "Ni idea. El tampoco me lo dira,"- not a clue. He won't even tell me either, I shrugged my shoulders. When Connie had let Anthony eat she left. "What's nick doing?" I asked Salvatore sternly. He just looked around. "Tell me Salvatore or you won't get any tonight," I finally said. "Fine. Nick wants to propose to Connie. He's gone out to buy a ring for her," Salvatore sighed. I squealed, Luna and Henry gave me a weird look. "Mummy's really happy babes, aunt Connie is going to be really happy as well," I winked at them.

Nick came home and I pulled him to one side. "When were you going to tell me?" I asked. "He told you didn't he?" Nick leaned his head back. I nodded my head. "Ok. Don't tell her but I'm taking her out for dinner tonight then a walk along the beach. I'm going to ask her at her favourite spot at the beach," nick told me. "Ok. I'll let you off," I told him. We left the room and nick went to find Connie to take her out. Salvatore and I had offered to look after Anthony while they went out. They were both very grateful but I told them it was no big deal as they had Luna and Henry a lot.

Remi's POV

It had been 4 years since I last saw my twin sister. Brody and I had got closer and eventually got together. "Boss, I've finally found a secure place where rose could be," one of my I.T men called me. "Ok. Send me the location, I might finally get my sister back," I smiled. I got Brody and we left almost immediately. By the time we got to the destination it was dark. The house was lit up and it was a beautiful place. Brody and I stayed focused on trying to get rose back. We got out of the car and jumped the fence. I didn't have any people to help me so it was me and Brody by ourselves. I got us to duck behind a car when someone caught us and took us inside.

"What are you going here?" They guy asked. He didn't tie us up, he just took us inside the house and down some stairs. "I have my reasons, I won't tell you though," I told him. "Look, I'm trying to make this easy for you. I don't want to have to get my boss to come down, she can be a feisty one when people sneak on to her property," he said. "I won't tell you anything," I spat out. "Ok, Bentley, go get you know who," they guy said. One of the 5 guys left and the other 4 stood there with guns to our heads. Brody stayed strong but started crying. "I love you," I told her. "I love you to," she gave me a watery smile. "Well, I never thought I would see the day," I heard a female voice fill the room. I didn't recognise it so I was very confused.

Roses POV

"Rose, Ronnie needs you down on the basement. There were two people caught hiding by one of the cars," Bentley came into my room. "Are you telling me that there was people trespassing in my home?" I asked. I hated it when people did that. "Yes rose, you need to come now," Bentley panted. "Salvatore I'm going to be busy for a while, look after the kids," I yelled. "Whatever you need," he shouted back. Bentley and I walked down to the basement to see the other 4 boys with their guns to a couples head. "I love you," the guy face the girl. "I love you to," the girl had already started crying. "Well I never thought I would see the day," I filled the room with my voice. "What are you gonna do to us?" The guy asked. "Boys stand down," I shouted. They put their guns away and stepped back. When I saw the faces in front of me, my heart almost beat out of my chest.

"Rose?" "Remi?" I ran up to the guy and latched on. After 4 years of not seeing my little brother I finally got to hug him once again. "You know this guy?" Hugo asked. "Yeah, this is my twin brother," I smiled. Remi put me down so I could face my men. "I've got it from here," I told them. The boys filed out of the basement and left me alone. I heard quiet sniffles coming from behind Remi. "Brody?" I looked at her. When she made eye contact with me, we wrapped around each other. "I've missed you so much," she sobbed. "You have no idea how much I missed you guys," I also started crying. "Come on, lets go sit in the kitchen.

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