Chapter 96

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Dakota's POV

Damon was on the sofa last night. When Emilio got angry before dinner I could tell something was off. The thing that got me mad is that Hunter and I are supposed to be getting prepared for our GCSEs and Cole for his SATs but Damon was keeping us awake a lot of the night. Last night Damon shouted for the first time. For some reason it was 10x louder than when he was with Luna. I came to the conclusion that Damon was louder was because Luna wasn't next to him. I heard my dad run to Damon then the shouting stopped. I woke up and sat up in my bed. My bedroom door opened to reveal Cole. "What's up Cole?" I rubbed my eyes. "Damon scared me," he replied. Cole had done this for the last two weeks, come into my room because Damon had scared him. "Come on," I yawned then pulled back my covers to let him lay down. "Dak, how long will Damon be like this?" Cole asked. "I don't know Cole, none of us have been through what he did so all we can do is support him," I told him. "Ok," Cole sighed then we both went back to sleep. Later Cole shot up when he heard Damon again. We heard someone run to Damon but it didn't sound like my dad. I gathered it was one of the gang members so it didn't bother me. After that I heard my dad run as well. Damon stopped then Cole and I went back to sleep. Twice in one night, Damon was going to get worse before he got better.

Luna's POV

I woke up early so I could go check on Damon. When I got to the living room he was already awake. It looked like he had been up for hours already. "Are you ok baby?" I sat next to him and pulled him close to me. "No, your dad and nick had to wake me up last night. Twice in one night Luna, I can't do it anymore," Damon sighed. "It'll get better Damon. What time do you go to see that counsellor?" I asked. "11am," he replied. "Do you want me to take you?" I hugged him tighter. "It's ok, stay here and get some rest," Damon rubbed my back. "How long have you been awake?" I looked at him. "When nick woke me up," he told me. "I didn't want to go back to sleep incase I woke someone up for the third time so I stayed awake," he added. "Baby I'm so sorry," I cuddled into his chest. "It's not you who did this to me so you have nothing to apologise for," Damon kissed the top of my head. "I still am though," I looked up at him. He leaned in and connected our lips. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip which I let him in. "Did you cook bacon this morning?" I pushed him back playfully. "Baby, I cooked bacon twice," he laughed. "And you couldn't have woken me up to give me some," I pouted. "Your not only looking after yourself now Luna, I don't want you to have to wake up more than what I'm causing you to," Damon looked away. "Damon, we'll be ok, i promise," I smiled at him. "Don't you have an appointment at 10:30?" He asked. "Yes," I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's 9:45am, you need to get going," he smiled at me. "Shit, I've got to get ready," I shot up and ran to my room. I put on a pair of jeans and a black top, I slipped on socks and then my shoes; I did my hair then brushed my teeth and ran back to the living room. "Love you baby, see you later," I kissed him then left.

When I got to the doctors, I had to wait a while before the doctor called my name. I followed her into the room and layed on the bed. "Do you know how far along you are?" The lady asked while setting up the things. "I found out yesterday so I would say around two weeks," I replied. "Ok," she smiled. I lifted up my top and she put the gel then started. "Yep, you are around two weeks, foetus looks healthy nothing to worry about," the doctor smiled at me. She went off to get some pictures then I left when I got them. When I got home, everyone was sat in the living room except Damon. "Hey guys," I walked in. "Hey Luna, Damon's gone to see the therapist he's got," my dad told me. "Ok, do you know what time he'll be back?" I asked. "No, we just have to wait," he replied.

Damon's POV

Luna left to go to the doctors, my counselling appointment wasn't that long from luna's so I went to get ready when she left. "Nick, I'm so sorry about last night," I said when I saw him on my way to Luna and I's room. "Damon stop apologising, we will all get through it, just have faith. I remember rose when she had Emilio," he sighed. "Be honest nick, who's worse? Me or rose," I looked down. "Rose was bad but not as bad as you," Nick replied. "Thanks nick," I smiled then went into the room. I hated that I was waking everyone up. If rose was bad when she had Emilio but I was worse, what would happen in a couple month. Things would get worse before they got better. When I was ready I got a set of car keys and left.

"Damon Gomez?" A tall man called my name. I stood up then followed him into a room. We both sat down then he started talking. "So why are you here today?" The guy asked. "For the last four years my family though I was dead. While I was gone I was beat once a week. It was only two weeks ago that I got back to my girlfriend and family," I told him. "Ok, what's been happening in the last two weeks?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "While I've been sleeping, I've been shouting. My girlfriend has been with me but she found out she was pregnant so I'm now sleeping on the sofa," I replied. "Can you tell me what the guy did to you. Talking about the things he did might help you sleep, getting it off you chest is a possible way of help," the guy sat back in his chair. "It started off once a week, he would punch me, kick, a lot of the time he would cut me. After a couple weeks, the beatings became more frequent, maybe two three times a week. Over time he would bring in more things to harm me, a taser, things to break my bones," I explained. "So what about your girlfriend? Has she helped you with this?" He asked. "Yes, she would wake me up. Last night I was on the sofa because I have been kicking her in the legs, so now that we know she's pregnant I'm going to be sleeping on the sofa," I replied. "Ok, while you were with your girlfriend how many times did she have to wake you up?" The guy seemed curious. "Once. Last night my boss and one of my colleagues had to wake me up," I responded. "Ok, for four years, you went through a lot, it's just time that will help. How long I don't know. Damon I'm going to be straight up with you, it will get worse before it gets better," he sighed. "What about my son? He's only four," I asked. "If he starts waking up, then that's the time to start taking things into consideration, but if he isn't waking up at the moment, the only thing you can do is let your family wake you up," the guy told me. "Is there other children in the house?" He asked. "Yes, two 14 year olds, one 13 year old, a 11 year old and a 10 year old and my son being four," I told him. "What about the adults?" He looked at me. "All above 30, my girlfriend is 21, her friend that lives with us is also 21 and there's another that is 20," I told him. "Ok, you have PTSD from what that guy did to you, it will take some time. If you wake up more than five times in one night then I will get you some medication to help but until it gets that bad all you can do is wait," the guy smiled at me. "Ok," I smiled back then left. When I got back home people were really nervous and when they saw me they calmed a little.

"So what's going on?" Rose asked. "The guy said that I have PTSD from what Enzo did. He told me that Elijah would be fine until he starts waking up. He didn't say much about the kids but he's not worried about the adults since they can look after themselves. But he told me that if I wake up more than five times a night then I will have to go on medication to help me," I replied. "He also said that all we can do is wait and over time see what happens," I added. "How bad do you think you will get?" Luna grabbed my hand. "He said that for four years, that was a long time for someone to go through something like that. He said that it is going to get worse before I get better," I sighed. "We're all here for you damon, no matter what," griffin told me. "Thanks guys," I smiled. "How did the scan go?" I turned to Luna. She didn't say anything, she just passed me pictures. "It only feels like yesterday that I saw one like this on my bedside table of Elijah," I kept my eyes on the photo. "The baby is healthy, and we don't have anything to worry about," Luna told me. "Hopefully we can have a little you running around, not another of me," I laughed a little. "We will get what we're given. But I would love Elijah to have a little sister," Luna smiled at me. I leaned in and kissed her. "Did you have bacon," I mimicked her. "Your fault for not making me some when you did," she giggled. "I love you," I leaned in again. "I love you," she leaned into me. Our lips connected and the others filled the room with awes or errr. "Get a room," I heard Henry. Luna and I put up our middle fingers at him not breaking the kiss. "Love you to guys," Henry laughed when we dropped our hands. Later on we had dinner, Connie cooked as it was the last time her, nick, Anthony, milo and Sadie would be eating there. "This is really good Connie," I smiled at her. "Salvatore, sexy beast," griffin pointed. "Do you still do that?" I asked. "Just started again. Dimitri was an ass and didn't let me do it because he thought it was to childish for someone like me to say as we're in a gang," griffin rolled his eyes. "Now I'm really glad I put a bullet through his head," I muttered. "So that's where he went. Not that I'm complaining, I mean, Dimitri was a bit of prick," Emilio shrugged. "Emilio," rose snapped. "It's their fault, they swear all the time," Emilio put his hands up. "This house is full of children," rose rolled her eyes. "Not going to lie, the only actual adults in this house is me, Rose, Luna and Damon," Salvatore chuckled. "I can be an adult," Hugo took offence to that. "I'll believe that when I see it," rose laughed. Later that night Luna kissed me goodnight then went to bed. Soon after I let sleep take over my body.

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