Chapter 106

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Luna's POV

When I realised willows last name I thought back to Enzo. He was still in the basement injured bad from my dad and Damon. "What's going on?" Willow sag back down when Emilio left. "Nothing, I'm sure it's nothing," Damon told her. "Why did you ask about my brother?" I think willow was starting to get suspicious. "No reason, I knew him in school and he mentioned something about a little sister," I shrugged and went back to eating. We heard Emilio shout so Damon and my dad ran to him.

Emilio's POV

I went down to the basement to find Enzo chained up looking rough. "Isn't it the one that shot me. How's it going," Enzo had a huge grin on his face. "Knock that grin off you face before I do it for you," I looked at him darkly. I had my gun in my waist band of my jeans just incase. "What can I help you with?" Enzo still had a smile on his face. I could feel myself tense up at the way he was. "Did you know that your little sister was being abused by your dad?" I questioned him. "Oh yes, willow, he told me everything he did to her. Beat her black and blue because she reminded him of my mum to much," Enzo shrugged. "Are you aware that your sister is in this house right now?" A smirk crossed my face slightly. "Why is she here?" Enzo's face fell and his eyes full of worry. "See now, four years ago I claimed your little sister as mine. She still is and always will be. But the thing is Enzo, your face dropped when I said she was here, if you cared for willow then why didn't you take her from your dad?" I crouched down to his eye level. "Because he would eventually kill us both. Let me see her, I need to," he begged. "You don't have the right to see her," I told him darkly. "Your going to kill me yourself, Luna isn't its you isn't it?" Fear came across Enzo's face. "Not today, but yes. I am the one who's going to kill you," I stood up. "Let me see willow one more time please," Enzo tried to get free but the chains made a lot of noise. "Shut up," I looked at him. "Let me see her," Enzo partly yelled. "I said shut the fuck up," I shouted. I pulled out my gun and pointed it to his face. "Just do it. I don't care anymore. Kill me," Enzo started moving and screaming. I shot him in the thigh to make him stop shouting like that. All of a sudden my dad and Damon burst in with wide eyes. "Emilio come back and eat dinner," Damon gulped. "He needs to feel what he's put you through and what he put willow through," I pointed the gun at them. "Son, put the gun down. I get that your angry at the moment but you need to put the gun down," my dad started walking towards me. "I don't think I will," I pointed the gun back at Enzo. "I've never seen him this mad," my dad whispered. "Just pull the trigger already," Enzo shouted. It made me jump and my finger slipped and the bullet went right through his head. My eyes went wide when I realised what I had done, my mum and Luna ran into the basement and saw what I did. "Emilio, put the gun down," Luna stepped towards me. I dropped the gun on the floor then my mum grabbed me. "No one tells willow," my mum held me close to her while the others looked at me.

Damon's POV

Rose took Emilio to her room for a while. Luna and I put Elijah and the twins to bed then sat with willow for a bit. "What happened?" Willow looked between Luna and i. "Emilio needed to let off some steam so he went to the shooting range we have," I lied. "Where is Emilio now?" She asked. "With rose. If your tired willow I'm sure Emilio will see you in his room," I smiled at her. Willow left to go up to bed and I fell back on the sofa. "He's 13 years old. How did he do that?" Luna started crying. "I don't know baby, he'll be fine," I hugged her. "I haven't even killed anyone and he's still a child," Luna sobbed. "I know Luna. I wasn't much older than Emilio but I was old enough to know the difference," I told her. "How old were you?" She asked. "I was 15 when I killed for the first time," I sighed. "13, he shouldn't be doing this. He should be thinking about girls and his future not killing people for a living," Luna cries into my chest. "Let's go to bed, I'll go check on Emilio," I took luna to bed then walked to roses room. "Emilio look at me hun," Rose was crying as well trying to get Emilio's attention. "He's in shock rose," I told her. "How do we get him out?" She sniffled. I walked up to Emilio and slapped him across the face. He quickly came back to reality and was scared shitless. "I killed him. I killed someone," Emilio paced around the room muttering to himself. He was tugging at his hair while walking back and forth. "Emilio calm down," I held him by the shoulders. "I killed him. Willow will never forgive me," he put his hand over his mouth. He wasn't crying which was a sign that he didn't feel that guilty but he felt bad for taking away willows brother. "She won't know. Just calm down mate, don't think about it," I told him. "Why isn't he crying?" Rose looked at her son. "Because he doesn't feel guilty. After what he's done to me and Luna, Emilio doesn't feel anything about killing him," I sighed. Rose gasped and broke down. "Emilio, go to bed, everything will be ok," I let him past me and he went straight to his room. "He's just a child and he took someone's life. I haven't even done that," rose sobbed. "Damon can you go take care of the body, Hugo and Ronnie are down there now but they never do a good job," Salvatore gave me a smile. "Sure," I nodded then left. When I shut the door I heard rose break even more. Before I went back down to the baseball, I checked on Emilio. Willow was asleep but he layed there hugging her. I went into Dakota's room to see if she was ok. "Dak you alright?" I knocked on her door. "No," she replied. "Can I come in?" I opened the door slightly and put my head in. "Who's that?" My eyes grew wide when I saw a boy holding Dakota. "This is Mateo, hes my boyfriend," Dakota told me. "Ok, No funny business guys," I joked making Dakota laugh. "We won't," she smiled. "Hunter you all good in here?" I walked into his room. "My little brother did that," Hunter was crying. "He'll be fine I promise," I told him. "I know but mum and Luna haven't even done that, and they're 21 and 37," he said. "I know mate, try and get some sleep and don't think about it," I smiled at him then went down to the basement. When I got there, Ronnie and Hugo had already moved the body and cleaned up. "You guys work quick," I was surprised. "How are you so chill about this?" Hugo asked me. "Because I know what he's going through," I sighed. I was 15 when I killed first and I struggled the first couple days but managed to get over it. Emilio will to just give him time," I nodded then left. This was going to be difficult with Emilio since he didn't feel any guilt, unlike me I felt it all.

Dakota's POV

My boyfriend Mateo snuck in to comfort me. "He'll be alright Dak, Emilio is a strong kid," he held me close to him. "I know but I never thought out of all my mums kids it would be Emilio to kill someone first," I cried. Mateo was the only person who knew about my home life with the gang. Like Emilio and willow, we had been together for four years. "Dakota, all you can do is be there for him. It's done and there's nothing we can do about it now," mateo kissed the side of my face. "Dak you alright?" Damon knocked at the door. "No," I told the truth. "Can I come in?" He asked. I didn't say anything and he poked his head around the door. "Who's that?" Damon furrowed his eyebrows and nodded to Mateo. "This is Mateo, hes my boyfriend," I told him. "Ok, no funny business," Damon pointed his finger at us. "We won't," I laughed then he left. "Is he your dad?" Mateo turned to me. "No, hes my brother in law. Him and Luna are getting married in 5 days," I replied.

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