Chapter 67

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Roses POV

Damon had a lot of blood on his face from when Henry hit him. "Sit on a chair and don't move," I ordered. He slipped on a chair, his eyes still filled with tears. I got a cloth with a bowl of water to clean Damon up with. "What possessed you to do that?" I asked him. "I don't know. I was thinking about Luna and then the girl jumped on me and it happened," he sighed. "Henry is really pissed at you right now," I sighed. "Yeah i know. I deserved what he gave me," Damon lifted his head so i could clean all the blood. "Maybe," I shrugged.

Damon's POV

Rose was helping me clean all the blood from my face. I remembered what she said, something was wrong with Luna. "Rose," I paused. "Yeah," she answered. "What's wrong with Luna?" I asked. "It's not my place to tell you," she sighed. "Please rose, tell me what's going on with her," I began to get desperate. "You can't tell anyone I told you and you can't tell anyone you know," Rose warned me. "I'll keep my mouth closed," I told her. "You got Luna pregnant," rose told me. "Holy shit," was all that came out. "She came to tell you but she caught you with that girl," rose added. "How can I make things better?" I asked. "Time. Give Luna time and she'll come around," Rose replied. "What about at school?" Luna still goes to school and she will have to be careful. "I'll call the head teacher and tell him what's happened, but you will still go there and make sure she doesn't hurt herself or the baby," she smiled. "There, done. There is a cut on your lip but I'm sure your used to that," rose smiled at me. "How can I keep my mouth closed about this?" I knew I would be able to but it was still a risk that it would slip. "Your going to have to. At least try your hardest," Rose told me and left.

Luna's POV

Lexi and Henry walked back into the room and sat down. "What happened?" I looked between Lexi and Henry. "Well, Damon has a busted face and Henry somehow got stress relief from it," Lexi replied. "Did you tell him about me?" I asked. "No, I kept it to myself," Henry shook his head. "What are you going to do?" Henry looked at me. "With the baby? I'm going to keep it. Why should I remove a life that I made from this world?" I stated. "We'll support you no matter what you do," Lexi smiled at me. "Thanks lex," I returned the smile. "How have you thought about hiding it when your at school and start getting bigger?" Henry asked. "Uh, scarfs. Maybe use a couple of dads tops and tie them up," I responded. "What about your due date is near? You might go into labour at school," Lexi gasped. "No, for the last month I'll be out of school," I laughed. "Eight months left of school for you and the you will have like 3 off. Lucky bitch," Lexi pouted. "It's not all fun and games lex. I have to throw up every morning for the next 3-4 months and then I have to through the contractions and a baby coming out of my girl bit," I laughed a little. "Ok maybe I'll wait," Lexi said. After a couple hours I got tired and went to sleep. Lexi and Henry left me to be on my own but I went back to my room. As I went to go in my room, I saw Damon sat in his. He was layed across his bed and looked like he had been crying. "You alright?" I walked up and leaned on the threshold. Damon looked up at me and guilt covered his face. "Not gonna lie, no I'm not. What about you?" Damon sat up to look at me. "I will be," I replied then walked away. "Luna, how are you feeling, since you was sick this morning?" He asked. "I'm good, just a stomach bug that's all," I lied. Damon nodded his head and I went to my room. "I'm going to pick up the twins, Jaques and Cole from school. Do you want me to tell them or do you want to do it?" My mum walked in. "Can you do it, I'm really tired so I just want to get some sleep," I replied. "Ok," with that she left. Once again I was on my own to be lost in my thoughts. "I'm sorry," I whispered and put my hand on my belly. It was weird to believe that I would be having my first baby in the exact same place my mum had me, it was even crazier that I was pregnant and had a little baby growing inside of me. I wanted to tell Damon but I don't think it's going to work with us so what's the point? I finally closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. Soon enough I would have my baby in my arms with my family around us.

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