Chapter 39

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Roses POV

When I got to the school I asked one of Henry's friends mum to take him home as I had to talk to Luna and the boy who was being mean to her. "Rose your here, I have Luna sat with enzo and his dad in the classroom," miss Jackson led me into the class room. "Hello mrs Carter, I'm mr archer, miss Jackson tells me you wanted to talk to me about my son," the man stands up to shake my hand. "Yes, it seems that your son has been saying things to my daughter that shouldn't be said by a six year old," I told him. "See now, enzo is a good kid, he tells me that Luna bullies him," mr archer turned to look at them. Luna and enzo were just glaring at each other with a look of disgust in their faces. "That's where I think you son is lying, Luna has told me that he says things to her that makes Luna start shouting, now I have raised my daughter to be honest, do I make myself clear," I glared at mr archer. "Mrs Carter, I have raised my son on my own, he knows right from wrong, let me tell you this, he gets his own way," he smirked at me. "Mr archer, the things enzo has told Luna is very unacceptable to be said to a child. He tells her that she was a mistake and no one in her family loves her," miss Jackson had my back every time since she was scared of Salvatore, but at this time she was telling the truth. "Is that true enzo? Have you been telling a young lady those things?" Nr archer turned to enzo. "No dad," enzo replied. "LIAR!" Luna stood up and slammed her hands in the table. "Tell the truth enzo, I haven't raised you to be a liar," mr archer got stern with his son. "She's the one that has been saying this stuff to me," enzo did the same as Luna. Mr archer walked from me over to Luna, my overprotectiveness cane out so I pulled out my gun and aimed it at mr archer. "Get the fuck away from my child," I demanded. "I wouldn't do that rose," he then pulled out a gun to me. We was stood in the middle of the room glaring at each other with guns pointed. "Get away from my child and you won't get a bullet through the head, I can assure you I can pull the trigger faster than you," I told him. "There's no need for this is there rose, we are having a adult conversation about our children, the gang life doesn't need to come into this," he put his gun back in the waist band of his jeans, I did the same. "Enzo, have you been saying these things to Luna, don't lie either," mr archer bent down next to enzo. "Yes dad," enzo looked down. "Why have you been saying them things?" He asked his son. "Because I don't like her, she's annoying and it makes me angry," enzo whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear. "I need you to say sorry, that's no way to treat a woman, I thought I raised you better than that," mr archer patted Enzo's shoulder. "I'm sorry Luna," enzo sighed. "I don't forgive you, and I never will," Luna told him and stormed out of the room. "What else can we do if Luna won't forgive him," mr archer turned to me. "She is very much like me, so take my advice. Keep the two separated at all times, don't let them near each other and don't let them speak to each other," I replied. "Well it was a nice talk, I will make sure to keep my end of the bargain," he said and went to walk away. "Anyway, how did you know that I was apart of a gang?" I asked. "Your name, you Salvatore Carter's wife, no one dares to mess with the carter family, even the homeless know that, and I will make sure my son knows to show respect to Luna," mr archer didn't turn to face me, he put his arm around enzo and walked away. "Thank you miss jackson, how much to keep the gun thing quiet?" I asked her. "Rose, don't keep paying me to keep my mouth closed, I have and always will keep my silence," she smiled. After that I went to find Luna and go home.

When I parked the car, Luna ran into the house slamming the door behind her. "I hate him, I will show him," Luna shouted and stormed to her room. "What was that about?" Salvatore had wide eyes as I walked into the living room. "There's a boy at school that keeps on making comments about her, I had a chat with the father and it didn't go so well, he got close to Luna so I pulled my gun on him," I sat down and slumped in my seat. "He pulled his gun on me but in the end he got the kid to apologise but Luna didn't accept it and stormed out of the room," I continued. "That's my girl," Salvatore sounded proud of Luna. "She has a bad temper like you Rose, remember that guy, Andy archer, you got into loads of fights with him because he either picked on you or Remi," my mum laughed a little. "That's why his name sounds familiar, that bitch used to bully me but I didn't take his bullshit so I beat him up every time," I sat up. "You used to beat up a boy because he used to talk shit and now his son is doing the same to our daughter?" Salvatore asked. "Yeah, Luna is going to grow up like me and get in loads of trouble, I had good grades but took no ones bullshit so I beat them up," I sighed. "Luna will take care of herself when the time comes, I've already started teaching her how to defend herself, she's just as good as you are," Salvatore smiled proudly. "Why is Luna crying tesoro?" Nick came through the door. "I take it she cane to you and Connie?" I asked. "You know how she is," nick replied. "There's a boy at school who's been bullying her. Where's Henry?" I looked around the room. "He's playing in his room, as soon as Louis' mum brought him home he ran straight to his room to play," Salvatore told me. "Do you still want to meet your other grandchildren mum?" I turned to face my mum. "Yes, they just came in and ran off," she laughed a little. "Luna, Henry come downstairs please," I shouted. Small feet were heard coming down the stairs. "She looks just like you Rose," my mum said as she saw Luna.

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