Chapter 27

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Roses POV

After a couple days, we all moved back into Salvatore's house. I had officially turned 19 and the girls wanted to take me out. Connie and nick offered to look after Luna as Connie couldn't drink. Salvatore didn't want to go out so he stayed home and watched films with Luna, Connie and nick. "Rose hurry up, we need to leave. Everyone is ready," Jessica shouted. "Why don't you try leaving you baby to go out for a change," I yelled back. I said goodbye to the 4 and left. Ronnie, Hugo, Bentley and griffin decided to have a night out would be fun. We all left in a taxi and went to have fun. We all drank a lot and practically stumbled home. I banged on the bedroom door so I could keep my balance and not fall over. Salvatore opened the door, he looked like he just woke up. "It's fucking 3am rose, Luna is sleeping be quiet," Salvatore pulled me in the room. I was too drunk to stand so I flopped in the bed. "Salvatore come cuddle," I called out to him. "You need to put these on and go to sleep. You need to sleep off the alcohol," he told me. He gave me a pair of my pyjamas and layed back down. I slid out of my party clothes and put my pyjamas on. I flopped on the bed once more and passed out.

I woke up to the sun in my face. There was a pounding in my head and I struggled to get up. "Morning sunshine," Salvatore chuckled. "My head hurts," I slurred out. "No shit, you came home pissed out your face. Here's some pain killers and a glass of water," Salvatore smiled at me. I took the pills and drank the water. I felt a little better but I would never be drinking again. "You should see where the girls and guys are," Salvatore smirked. I quickly got up and checked the bedrooms. The sneaky little shits all went to bed. Ronnie with violet, Hugo with lynn, Bentley with amber and griffin was with Jessica. I walked back to Salvatore's room and I started laughing. "They are gonna be so pissed off when they wake up. That's so funny," I managed to get out through my laughter. "Yeah, the only ones who didn't get any was me, you, Connie and nick," he smirked. "You doing kind of disappointed," I smiled at him. Before he could answer Luna woke up. "Morning princess," I picked her up and kissed her face. "Mama stop," she giggled. Luna was working on her speech and it was improving. "Lets go get some breakfast, mummy needs her morning coffee," I smiled. "Cock block," I heard Salvatore whisper. I shot him a evil look then walked away. I put Luna in her high chair and made some eggs and bacon. In the middle of it, I felt Salvatore put his arms around my waist. "I'm trying to cook," I told him. He was placing soft kisses along my neck. "If I ask you something, promise not to get mad," he whispered in my ear. "Depends what it is," I replied. "Will you be mine again?" He asked. "Let me think about that... okay," I smiled and turned around. My arms went around his neck while his stayed by my hips. "What you thinking about?" I asked him. "How my future will look with you in it," he smirked. "How do you see it?" I put my face closer to his. "Loads of kids along with that damn dog you got," Salvatore pulled me closer to him. He connected our lips and we stayed there for a moment. I pulled away because I remembered the eggs and bacon. It was close, but luckily I didn't burn any of it. I gave Luna her food and Salvatore his and we ate as a family. After we finished we heard the others shouting. Salvatore got Luna and we ran up to watch the fight. "What the actual fuck Bentley, you took me to bed," amber shouted. "Calm the fuck down, I didn't even want to do anything but you forced yourself on me, same with the others. Don't blame me amber," Bentley yelled back. After all the girls argued with the boys they calmed down. "Why are you so happy?" Jessica snapped at me. "Because I have a perfect little light sleeping cock block," I laughed at her. "Lucky bitch," all the girls sulked. "At least you got game and I didn't," I reasoned with them. The guys came in looking angry as ever. "It was good though," the girls giggled. The boys spent the day sulking but eventually got over it. Connie and I took Luna to the park while the girls and boys sorted out their differences. Nick and Salvatore stayed behind incase it got out of hand.

Later on I climbed into bed after laying Luna down. "How did it go with the happy couples?" I asked. "Eventful, they started arguing and then they started making out. Soon enough they left me and nick alone while they did their thing," Salvatore replied. "That must have been really... eventful. Well it's late so I'm going to sleep," I told him. "Cock block," he whispered again. "Do you wanna go?" I asked him. "Don't mind if I do," Salvatore smirked and leaned over me. I giggled and then it happened. The first time in over a year I finally got what everyone got. Every time I laughed Salvatore put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake Luna. This is had to be the second best night I had.

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