Chapter 11

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Salvatore's POV

Rose had locked herself in her room again. Nick had told me that she wasn't feeling too good but the others checked on her every day. One morning I woke up with Emma's arm around me. God, how I wish it was rose laying next to me. Since Emma was carrying my first child I had to be with her, that's why she had the ring on. "What do you think is wrong with her? She's had these stomach pains for the past few days," I heard the girls whispering outside. "I don't know, I've never seen anything like this," one of them whispered. "But she's also been throwing up, could she be?" "No she can't be. It might be a possibility but I'm not 100% sure," they were still whispering. "AHHHHH," I heard rose scream from her room so I ran out to the girls. "Rose doesn't want to see you Salvatore," Jessica turned to me. "Please Jess, let me see if she's alright," I begged. She sighed but nodded her head. The girls and I ran to find rose laying on her bed holding her stomach with tears in her eyes. "Rose are you ok, is there anything we can do?" Amber asked her.

Roses POV

"I need you to get me a glass of water," I told them wincing at the pain. Violet ran to the kitchen that was in my room and got me a glass. I chugged down the water and felt a little bit of relief. "I'm fine, I just need water by me 25/7," I joked. "You sure?" They looked at me quizzically. "Yeah, Salvatore you can go now, I'm fine go back to the whore that lays in your bed," I replied. "Rose please," he sighed. "It's ok, I'm over it, do what you think is best," I told him. He gave me a look that had pain written all over it. Salvatore walked out of my room and I was left with the girls. "When are you supposed to get your period?" Connie asked. "A couple days ago why?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Could you possibly be pregnant," she stated. "No, it was only one time and just no i can't be," I told them. "Come on, lets go to find the guys, it might be good for you," lynn turned to us. We all went to the kitchen where everyone was sat. I went to sit on the seat beside nick far enough away from Salvatore and Emma. There was breakfast food on the table to I started to eat. All of a sudden a wave of nausea hit. I ran to the closest bathroom and threw up. When I was done I messaged Connie. 'Do you have a test with you, just wanna be sure,' I told her. 'Yeah I'll be right there,' she replied. A couple minutes later there was a knock at the door, I opened it and let Connie in. "Do you want me to stay or do you wanna do this on your own?" She asked handing me the test. "Please stay," I replied. She gave me a smile and I took the test. Connie had a timer so she let me know when to pick it up. "Ok, times up," she broke the silence. My heart beat got faster and I got so nervous. I waited a moment the looked. + the test was positive and I started crying. By my reaction Connie knew what was going on. "We'll all be here for you, even if Salvatore isn't," she hugged me. Soon after, we walked out and back to the others. Nick looked up at me and gave me a small smile then looked at my hand where I held the pregnancy test. "Tu embarazada no eres, Tesoro?," -your pregnant aren't you Tesoro. Nick asked. Because he was speaking Spanish I knew others were listening. "Si, que voy a hacer," - yes, what am I going to do?. I broke down again. Nick immediately got out of his seat and hugged me tightly. "Tendras a todos nosotras, confiar en mi," - you will have all of us, trust me. Nick pulled me away to look at my face. "Eso es lo que dijo Connie,"- Thats what Connie said. I laughed a little. "At least you know you have all of us," nick chuckled a little. "We're going to be uncles," the boys shouted. "No shit Sherlock, how did you figure that one out?" Salvatore stated. "I will never be an uncle to the evil spawn she bares," Bentley got a disgusted look in his face. A moment later he turned to me and smiled. "We'll all be here Rose," they all smiled at me. "What's going on?" Salvatore demanded. "Umm, it's easier if I show you," I told him. I took a deep breath then handed him the test. He looked at it for a second then his eyes became wide. "Ah fuck," Salvatore sighed. "One if you need to do something about it," he looked between me and Emma. "Nah ah, I got pregnant first, this baby is staying. It's up to to rose," she stated then left the kitchen. Salvatore looked at me when Emma was gone. "No, I'll love else where, I'm not taking an innocent life for your wellbeing," I stated. "Rose you have to, I can't have two kids from two different women, it's not how the gang life goes," he stood up. "Screw you Salvatore, I'm not going through with it. Me and this baby doesn't need you anyway," I told him and went to my room. I was walking up the stairs and Emma was stood at the top. "What do you want?" I moaned because I didn't want to talk to her. "Salvatore will choose me over you. Everyone knows it," she smirked. Before I could say anything I felt her hands on my shoulders and push. I fell down the stairs and hit the bottom. Then everything want black.

Gang leaders girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora