Chapter 48

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One month later

Roses POV

Luna and Enzo has been together a month. Lexi has been in the gang and was accepted by everyone other than Luna. The girls grew apart and it broke my heart to see it. "How you feeling today?" I asked Lexi. "Tired. I want to talk to Luna but she never has time for me anymore. It's always, Enzo this and Enzo that or its I'm going to hang out with Enzo or I'm with Enzo at the moment," Lexi breathed out. "I know. I don't know how long I can put up with seeing her with him," I admitted. "Henry is getting angrier everyday and the others act like nothing's wrong," I added. "The truth is she's so in love with him she can't see that people talk about her behind her back. I've heard it all through the school, there's another of Enzo's conquests, she's the one that Enzo is playing. To keep Luna in the dark like you asked me to is getting more difficult. Not to mention I've been on my feet doing big jobs and random little jobs for the gang so I don't have to go home to my mum," Lexi was starting to speak quickly and in the end she broke down. "Still that bad with your mum?" I pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, I get home late at night and my mum is always waiting for me, she shouts and screams at me then leaves me to cry in the room. I'm sick and tired of being weak against her," Lexi sobbed. "Your not weak, your stronger than most girls your age. Don't be scared of your mum babe, your in a gang remember," I smiled at her pulling Lexi back so I could see her face. "Yeah your right. Can we go train before dinner?" She asked. "Of course," I nodded. "Luna, Henry, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole, come on we're going to go change," I shouted. Lexi and I was already in leggings, a top and trainers so we didn't need to change. 10 minutes later all the kids came down in gym clothes. "Hey mum, can Enzo join us?" Luna asked. "Sure," I huffed. "I wish he was wasn't," Henry muttered. "Excuse me?" Luna turned around. "I said I wish he wasn't," Henry snapped. "What's your problem?" Luna asked. "This is a family thing, he is not our family," Henry pointed at Enzo. "Neither is Lexi-," Luna began but got cut off. "Lexi is our family. Has been for the past ten years Luna. Not to mention she's more of our family now that she's in the gang. Enzo will never be apart of this family," Henry shouted and walked away. "Why did you let him do that?" Luna faced me. "We all have our opinions in this family and you know it, Henry is just expressing to his older sister. Now let's go," I motioned everyone out the room. Cole has turned seven so he started training with us, just not fighting yet. When I got to the training room I saw Salvatore hugging Henry. "Everything alright down here?" I asked. "Yeah, man to man talk is all," Salvatore smiled. "Ok who's fighting who first?" I called out. "Me and Enzo," henry made his way to the mats. "You sure you want to do this?" Luna looked at Enzo. "Yeah, it's just training I'll be alright," he replied and walked to the mats. "Don't hold back princess," Henry got ready. "Don't worry," Enzo smirked. "3...2...1...GO!" Salvatore shouted. Luna looked on edge worried about Enzo. Enzo went for the attack on Henry but he punched him in the face. Henry kept hold of Enzo and repeatedly punch him. Enzo got a few punches in but that angered Henry even more. "You grab Enzo I'll get Henry," I nodded at Salvatore. He went to get Enzo while I pinned Henry. "Calm down Henry, calm down," I pinned his hands and made him look at me. Henry struggled against me and wouldn't calm down. "Henry calm down, listen to me, you need to calm down a bit," Lexi kneeled down by Henry's head and held it making him look in her eyes. At the sound of her voice he calmed down. "Can I let you up now?" I asked. Henry nodded and I got up. As soon as I was up henry went for Enzo again. "Luna take Enzo out of here and don't bring him back until Henry's calm," I shouted holding Henry back. Luna pulled Enzo away and when I knew they were gone i turned to Emilio. "You up to calm your bother down?" I asked Emilio. He nodded and got in front of Henry  and I let him go. Emilio was quick so he didn't get hurt that much. By the time the boys were done Henry fell on the floor panting fast and he was still angry. "What the fuck is your problem," Luna came back down shouting. "He's my problem. Break up with him he's no good for you," Henry stood up and shouted back. "How the fuck do you know who's good for me or not huh, Henry you have no right to talk to me like that," Luna began to cry out of anger. "Where's Enzo?" I asked Luna. "I sent him home so my asshole of a brother wouldn't kill him," Luna replied. "Ok, everyone showers then I want you in the kitchen for a meeting, do not test me tonight," I warned. All the kids ran up to the main house while I stayed in the training room to calm myself. "The last month you and Henry have been off with Luna, what's going on?" Salvatore sat next to me. "Lexi and Henry have been hearing people at school saying that Luna is just another one of Enzo's conquests. If he breaks her heart I will put a bullet threw his head," I told him. "Well, I have a new member of the gang, he's coming round to meet everyone tonight. His name is Damon, he's 18 come from Spain to join a gang. Just giving you a heads up," Salvatore hugged me. "Ok, what time?" I asked. "About 8. It's 6:30 pm now so we can just order food for the kids and get them to bed for 8 if you want," Salvatore suggested. "Yeah, the rest of the gang need to be there so that includes Lexi but she can sit with Henry while we do it to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," I looked at Salvatore. He nodded and ordered the good while I went it change. I had a quick shower and changed then went to the kitchen where all the kids were.

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