Chapter 87

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Dimitri's POV

It was one in the morning and someone was banging on in the front door. Rose had opened the door to a rough looking man. He looked around mid twenties and he had blood over his face and body. The look on roses face made me see that she knew him but had just seen a ghost. As soon as recognition crossed roses face she helped the man in then took him into her room. Rose started shouting, her voice shaky. She told the others to go downstairs so they did while Dakota called Luna. "What's going on? Who was that guy at the door?" I asked Henry. "I have no idea. When we all got to my mums room, my dad was in the bathroom, they both seemed really scared about something, or someone. Then nick burst in and went into the bathroom with dad then he got worried," Henry replied. "Ok, I'll come into the living room with you," I nodded then we all walked in. Soon after, Luna arrived with Elijah then went up to her mums room. Luna went to the kitchen and did something, then rose, Salvatore and nick came down with a more looking clean guy. "Dimitri, this is Damon, Elijah's dad," rose told me. "Hi, I'm Dimitri," I put my hand out. "Damon," the guy took me hand then shook it. Just then Luna walked in then froze. Tears streamed down her face when she came back in from putting Elijah in his bed. All of a sudden, Luna jumped on the guy then kissed him, I could see a lot of emotion go into that one kiss. When they sat down, Elijah called for Luna. She brang him back into the living room then passed Elijah to Salvatore then took him back. Luna walked over to the guy and said that he is Elijah's dad. My heart kind of sank because I started to get feelings for Luna and now she and Elijah are jumping right into his arms. Damon didn't have any words, he just kept his gaze on Elijah. Soon, Elijah fell asleep then Luna and Damon left to take him to bed.

"I thought you said he died," I looked at Salvatore and rose. "We thought he did. I was there when mark told Luna that he died from the crash. You even picked up Luna from his grave," rose told me. "How is he here if mark told you that?" I asked. "I'm sure Damon will explain everything tomorrow. For now you can all go back to bed, no one is going to school for the rest of the week," Rose looked around the room then everyone left. After it was only me, rose and Salvatore sat in the living room. "How the fuck is this possible?" Salvatore murmured. "I don't know, I'm going to check on Luna quick," Rose replied then she was gone. I decided to go back to bed but I couldn't sleep, Luna was on my mind and now I'm to late to tell her how I feel.

Roses POV

I walked out of the living room to go check on Luna. When I went into her room, I saw her, Elijah and Damon all asleep on the bed. Luna woke up to see me standing there. "You alright mum?" Luna stood up and walked out so we could speak in the hallway. "Yeah. What happened to him?" I gathered Damon told Luna what happened to him. "Enzo happened. He wanted me back but apparently Damon took me off him so he made us think that he died, so for the last four years Enzo has been beating him because he can't have me back," Luna explained. "What happens when Enzo comes to look for Damon?" I got worried. "Tomorrow I will take him to the apartment, Enzo doesn't know about it so Damon will be safe there," Luna yawned. "Ok, go back to sleep," I rubbed her arm then walked away.
When I got to my room, Salvatore was already passed out so I just went to sleep. Why would Enzo want Damon? Why does he want Luna back when all he did was use her? All these questions filled my head until sleep took over my body, would Damon and my family be safe here?

Damon's POV

I woke up with the sun blazing over my face. Elijah was still in the middle of Luna and I. Luna wasn't in the bed so I sat up to look around for her. I couldn't see her so I got up carefully and left the room. When I got close to the kitchen I heard voices, it was Luna and that guy Dimitri I think. "Nothing can happen Dimitri. You had four years to tell me and now that Damon's back you want me," I heard Luna. "I know but I'm telling you now. I wish I had done it when I had the chance but he came back and ruined it," Dimitri's voice rang in my ear. Anger filled inside of me as I knew what he was yelling Luna. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Luna asked. I heard someone stand up then there was a crash. I stumbled in to see Dimitri pinning Luna up to the counter their faces really close. "Look, it's the party stopper," Dimitri had a sound of evil in his voice. "Get the fuck away from her now," I told him through gritted teeth. "What are going to do about it? I've been here far longer than you, I know how to get what I want," he smirked. "Get off me," Luna shouted. Her voice was so loud that nick and Salvatore ran into the kitchen. "What the fuck is going on here?" Salvatore's voice boomed in the room. "This piece of shit ruined my chance with your daughter so now I have to do something about it," Dimitri replied. "I will never be yours," Luna sounded pissed off. "Well, that might be a problem then," Dimitri pulled out a gun then shot it at me. Before the bullet could hit me, I ducked then pulled out my gun that I got back last night. I pulled the trigger so it hit Dimitri in the back of the head.

Luna's POV

Dimitri pulled his gun on Damon, it was like Enzo all over again, 'if I can't have you no one can.' Luckily Damon dodged the bullet then pulled his trigger. Dimitri's face changed, his eyes went dull then he fell to the floor. A pool of blood flowed from his head, then I connected my eyes to Damon's. "Luna," Damon shook his head. He held his shoulder as blood came flowing through his fingers. I ran up to Damon then took him to the gang doctor. The bullet didn't do much damage to him but he would have a nice scar after it healed. "What about Elijah?" Damon looked at me with sad eyes. "He didn't hear it, he's like you when he sleeps. But if he did hear it, mum or someone else would be with him," I smiled at him. "God I've fucking missed you," Damon smirked at me. With his good arm, Damon pulled me close to him and crashed his lips into mine. A small moan left my lips at the memory of the first time he kissed me and now I got him back. "You want me already? It hasn't even been 24 hours since I've been back," Damon chuckled. "I've been waiting four years for you," I told him. "You only have to wait until tonight," he smirked at me. "That reminds me. Elijah and I moved out, do you want to go see the new place?" I asked him. "Yeah, I just thought that you moved out with Dimitri," Damon sighed. "Nothing happened between us. Not one kiss was shared, he did comfort me the way you used to but that was because I imagined you in the bed with me, not Dimitri," I admitted. "You really have been waiting for me Huh?" Damon had a look of lust in his eyes. "I had a feeling you would be back," I whispered in his ear. "You kept me sane while I was away. The image of you holding our baby boy is glued in my head," he kissed my cheek then stood up. "Let's go get Elijah then you can show me the house," Damon took my hand in his then led me out of the emergency room. We thanked the doctors then went to get Elijah and leave.

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