Chapter 73

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2 months later.

Luna's POV

The day finally came where I could finally see if I would be having a son or a daughter. Damon and I hadn't really spoke since I still needed time to think things through. As it was another school day, I had it off and Lexi came with me again. Griffin offered to take us which we agreed to. Mr Greene was a big help. He would let me stay in his class room when I needed to. He would get me work from all my classes so I wouldn't miss out on anything. Henry helped a lot by making Damon stick around with him and Lexi. Since I was getting ready to leave, Lexi and griffin was making the car comfortable for me. I could swear that I was having a boy, my morning sickness was horrible and the baby started moving which had me up all hours of the night. It wasn't bad but I still think I would be having a boy. I was much bigger now but it was easy to hide my bump from the people at school.

All the taking died down as some people had got a look at my bump so whenever I would walk around the school I would catch people trying to get a glimpse of my bump but I would cover it with my coat and scarf I carried round

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All the taking died down as some people had got a look at my bump so whenever I would walk around the school I would catch people trying to get a glimpse of my bump but I would cover it with my coat and scarf I carried round. The only time I would take the scarf off is when I would be in mr Greene's room on my own. "You ready?" Lexi came to my room. "Yeah, give me a minute, I can feel the baby moving," I was bent over with one hand on my dresser and the other on my bump. After a moment the baby stopped and I was ready to go. "Is Damon still here?" I asked. "No, he went to school with Henry," Lexi smiled at me. I nodded and we left. Griffin was waiting at the car, he opened the door for me and closed it. "I can still do things you know, I'm not completely helpless," I rolled my eyes at griffin. "I know that, just thought I might help," he shrugged. "You think I'm helpless," I looked at him. "Ok a little," he laughed. "Ok let's go. I want to see if I'm having a niece or nephew," Lexi tapped griffins head. We all put our seatbelts on then we left. "I'll be waiting at McDonald's again," griffin shouted from inside the car when Lexi and I left. "Ok," we yelled back to him and walked into the doctors. "Hello, appointment for Luna Di'Angelo," I smiled at the receptionist. "Yep, dr Taylor will be out with you in a minute," the man told me. Lexi and I went to sit down but was immediately stopped by Mark. "Luna, lets go," mark motioned us to go with him. "Guess I'll just have to sit down in a minute then," I moaned. We walked after mark into the room then I layed down on the bed with Lexi next to me again. I pulled up my top and waited for mark to do what he needed to do. "What do you think it is?" Mark asked. "Personally I think it's a boy but everyone else thinks I'm going to have a girl," I replied. "Ok, have you been feeling the baby move?" He looked at me. "Yes, a lot actually. Keeps me up most of the night. It feels like butterflies but I read that when the baby is moving it feels like that," I smiled. "Great, that sounds like the baby is healthy and we can find out if it's a boy or a girl," mark clapped his hands. He put the gel on which was freezing this time, then started moving the scan around. "Ok, there's the baby," mark kept the scanner in one spot. All of a sudden a noise filled the room that made my heart drop. "And that's the heart beat," mark smiled softly at me. I could feel tears fall down the side of my face. "I've just recorded that for you. Now would you like to know the gender?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he began. "Your having a..."

Damon's POV

When I got home luna wasn't there. "Where's Luna?" I asked nick. "Her and Lexi went baby shopping to get things ready," he smiled at me. "Ok, I'll be in my room if you need me," I told him then went to my room. The first thing I saw was another photo frame and a note.
'Our baby, this time we know if it's a girl or a boy. Try and guess what the gender is. If you can't the answer is on the back of the photo. I still need some time to myself, I don't know how long but I'm slowly starting to forget about it. I love you damon Gomez, never forget it
Love Luna.' I put the note down and looked at the photo. I spent at least 45 minutes trying to guess if the baby was a girl or a boy. In the end I gave up and looked at the back of the photo. I took the back of the frame off which lead me to a clue. 'Check the kitchen,' it said. After I got to the kitchen there was a piece of paper on the table. 'Go to the living room,' was the next clue. On one of the sofas was another paper so I opened it. 'Go to our spot,' the next one. I went out to the garden and went to the little hut that Luna and I claimed as ours. 'So close but yet so far, go to the master bedroom.' "Damn Luna, got me looking like an idiot," I sighed and laughed at myself. I went up to the master bedroom which was rose and Salvatore's but the clue was on the door. 'Almost there. Go down the hall to the room on the left.' As I collected all the clues I put them in my pocket, so I put the clue in my pocket and went to the room. On the door was another piece of paper. 'In this room beholds the gender of our baby. Lexi helped me decorate, I love you.' I put the paper in my pocket and went inside. There was a Moses basket and a little paper inside. 'Congratulations daddy, can't wait to meet you, love your baby boy,' "it's a boy," I whispered. The room was filled with baby things, there was a chest of drawers, a Moses basket, a bouncer and a king size bed for adults.

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The baby corner was really cute for a little boy, but the bed confused me

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The baby corner was really cute for a little boy, but the bed confused me. Was Luna and I going to have this as our room? Did Luna want to wait until the baby was born until we shared a room again? Many questions filled my head. I walked back to my room to find the door open, I was sure I closed before I left. The photo frame was back to normal and placed on my bedside table. An outfit was layed out on my bed so i walked over to look at it. It was a blue baby grow that said 'daddy's little boy.' There was a note next to it which I picked up to read. 'You did it! Now you know that we are having a little boy. Think of some names and we can decide on one together, make a list and slide it under my door when your done, I love you -Luna.' I sat down on my bed and smiled to myself. There was a couple names that came to my mind that I've always wanted to name my future kids. I got a piece of paper then started writing the names down. There was Theodore (Theo for short) Elijah, Kieran and Jake. Once I finished I walked up to Luna's bedroom door the slipped the piece of paper under it. I heard her get off her bed and walk over to the door. "Theo, I like that. Elijah, I've always wanted my son named that, Jake and Kieran," she giggled. "I like that name Elijah as well," I told her through the door. "Any particular reason?" Luna asked. I leaned on the door and sat down.

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