Chapter 70

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One week later

Luna's POV

I woke up and threw up like usual. My mum said it would get better but it was hard on me as I didn't have Damon with me. "All good in there?" I heard Lexi. "Yeah, just the usual stuff," I replied. Lexi has been sleeping in my room a couple nights because she was worried about me. I did tell her that I was going to be ok but she still insisted that she stayed with me. When I finished, I brushed my teeth and went to get ready for school. At school I would avoid Damon and leave the room, or change direction when I saw him unless it was for lesson. From when the first time we didn't talk Damon moved seats but then moved back to sit next to me, the other day he moved away from me again. I was kind of thankful for it but it didn't mean I fell out of love with him. "What you thinking about?" Lexi asked. "What happens when I start to get a bump and everyone starts to notice that I got knocked up?" I sounded sarcastic but I was serious. "Then I'll be there to beat the crap out of anyone who says anything about it," Lexi told me. "And this is why we are best friends," I laughed at her. Lexi went to Henry's room to get ready and I carried on getting dressed. When I finished I went downstairs to find that no one was there. "Mum? Dad?" I called out but no one answered. I pulled out my phone to see where everyone was. "Hey darling what's up?" My mum picked up. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Your dad and I went shopping and Damon has taken the kids to school, Lexi and Henry should still be there same with the others but everyone else should be at school," she replied. "Ok, well I'll see you after school then, love you," I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Love you to," then I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. Today was going to be hard to stay away from Damon, each day he would be close to talking to me but I eventually went to a teacher. As I walked to school I played some music and I couldn't hear anything around me. When I reached school all eyes were on me. It had only been a week that I found out i was pregnant, I still went to school but everyone looked at me when I walked past. "Is it true about her and Damon?" I heard one girl whisper. "Apparently so, I heard he got her pregnant and then moved on to some whore of the school," another girl laughed. "Do you have something to say to my face?" I turned around. "Only saying what I heard," one of the girls told me. "Nothing happened between me and Damon and I'm not pregnant," I lied. "That's not what Henry's friends are going round saying," a brunette joined in. "What have they been saying?" I asked. "They have been calling you a slut and a whore since you have moved on from Enzo so quick," the red head said. "Well I'm not and if I hear you talking about me again you will get it," I smiled then left.

I walked down the corridor to my next lesson and bumped into Damon and Henry. "Have you told your friends about me?" I asked Henry since Damon didn't know about the baby. "Lexi and I talk about it. They must of over heard," Henry told me like it was no big deal. "You can't keep your mouth shut can you? Now because of you and Lexi everyone knows about me," I started shouting. "So it is true," the girls called out when I told them I wasn't with Damon. "Nothing happened between us," I shouted. "Luna calm down," Henry held my arms. "Don't tell me to calm down when you did this," I got myself out of Henry's grip and ran off. I didn't bother going to class, I ran under the benches and curled up in my usual spot. "Everything alright Luna?" I heard someone come up to me. Mr Greene stood there with sympathy all over his face. "No," I shook my head. "You want to talk about it?" Mr Greene asked. "I sat up and nodded my head. He sat down next to me and waited for me to explain. "Damon got me pregnant and he doesn't know. My brother and Lexi were taking about it in front of his friends and now they have gone round telling people," I sighed. "Well congratulations Luna, but if you didn't want people to know why did you tell them?" He asked. "Lexi only knows because she was there when I took the test and Henry knows because I told him because Damon cheated on me," I explained. "So it's Henry and Lexi that have started it?" Mr Greene looked at me. "Yeah, I just don't want the whole school to know that I'm going to be a teen mum," I started crying again. "Have you thought of any other options?" He questioned me. "Like what?" I got confused. "Um, adoption, even abortion," he suggested. "If I gave up my baby I would be guilty for the rest of my life and I can't kill an innocent life that never asked to be born. I'm keeping the kid even if Damon isn't in our life," I told mr Greene. "Where do you sit at break and lunch times, or when you get angry and walk out of lesson?" He turned to me. "Here, it's the only place I feel safe," I replied. "Why don't you come in my room. It's always open even when I'm not there, and I only teach year 10 and 11 so it's free most of the day," he smiled at me. "Thanks sir," I kindly returned the smile. "Come on, it's cold out here," we stood up and walked to mr Greene's room. "So when did you find out?" He asked. "Last week, my mum was disappointed and my dad didn't seem to bothered about it," I shrugged. "And Damon doesn't know," he sat down on his chair while I sat on the table. "No, I haven't told him yet," I looked down. "Are you going to tell him?" Mr Greene made me look up. "I don't know. He cheated on me and got caught so I don't know if I should tell him," I responded. "So if you don't tell him, he's going to know eventually. I mean with you getting bigger and then in nine months a baby," he sighed. "Yeah I know, I'll tell him, just not now," I nodded. "Well it's almost lesson two, are you going to stay in here or go to the class?" Mr Greene asked me. "Is it ok if I stay here, I don't really want other people in my year group seeing me," I told him. "Yep that's fine, I do have work to do so I'll be in and out of the room but you can do whatever, go on your phone or get a laptop," he smiled at me. "Thanks," I stood up and went to the back of the classroom and sat down on a chair. I put my headphones in and listened to music and played games. Before I knew it, it was time to go home. During the day I only was in my English class as I had mr Greene but I didn't go to any others. Like usual I walked home and went to bed.

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