Chapter 43

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Luna's POV

I woke up and got ready for school. Like every morning I said goodbye to my mum and left. When I got to school my best friend Lexi was waiting for me. "Enzo has been talking shit again," Lexi told me. "Well until he pisses me off, he can keep his shit to himself," I replied. We walked to my locker so I could get my things for my first two classes. "Carter," enzo shouted behind me. "It's Di'Angelo dumbass, get my name right or don't say it at all," I snapped at him. "Fine whatever, stop with the tough girl act and give up," Enzo stated. "It's not an act, now leave me alone before I do something to make your face more ugly than what it already is," I told him and walked away. Not going to lie but Enzo was quite a good looking lad but was a pain in the ass. The bell rang so I went to my first class. I sat down but of course Enzo sat behind me. For the first half of the lesson he threw paper balls at the back of my head and kicked my chair. "I've had enough," I stood up and turned to face him. "Anything you want to say?" I asked. "Not really no," he replied. "Good," with that I grabbed the collar of his shirt and punched him in the face. "Luna sit down," the teacher yelled at me. When I finished with my punch Enzo stood up. "What the duck was that for?" He shouted. "Because you are fucking me off," I shouted back. "So you punched me for a pathetic reason?" Enzo stated. "Kind of. I punched a pathetic boy that doesn't know how to respect woman and leave them alone," I glared at him. "I've had enough of this bullshit," Enzo leaned to me and put me over his shoulder. "Continue with the lesson miss, I will take miss Di'Angelo to the head teachers office," Enzo acted like the golden boy. "Put me down," I screamed and kicked my feet. "She's on one again," a kid shouted. "Fuck you Kyle," I stuck up my middle finger. Once Enzo was outside and closed the door he put me down but up against the lockers. His body pressed me against the lockers so I couldn't move, his hands were near my head and he leaned in. "What the fuck is your problem?" He whispered. "Your my problem, now get the fuck away from me," I tried to get loose. "The thing is, I could have you killed for the amount of times you have punched me. But I like the way you retaliate so I keep you around," Enzo smirked at me. "If I die your going to hell with me," I told him. "Who would kill me, your father, Henry? That my dear is where you will be the only one to go to hell," Enzo got really close for my liking. All of a sudden he back handed me across the face. That made me even more angry so I started punching him again. "If you ever lay a hand on me again I will be the one to end your life," I punched him one last time and left.

"Did you really punch Enzo in history?" Lexi asked me while I was eating my lunch. "He was pissing me off so I sorted him out," I told her. "Luna, you have a cut on your cheek, did he hit you?" Lexi gave me a sympathetic look. "He carried me out of the classroom and back handed me so I punched him a couple more times, what is this about?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Lexi was looking over my shoulder so I looked to see who it was. Enzo was walking over to us so I grabbed my bag and ran away. "I'll call you later lex," I said then ran as fast as I could. "Di'Angelo!" I heard Enzo shout. I picked up the pace but I think he was following me. When I stopped to breath by the benches that we had on the school field, I heard someone come up behind me. I quickly went to hide behind the benches to avoid whoever it was. "Di'Angelo, Luna," I heard him behind me. "What do you want Enzo?" I asked. He didn't answer. I went to walk away but Enzo grabbed my wrist. He pulled me and I ended up bumping into his chest. "What do you want Enzo?" I asked again. "I want you to stop being a bitch to me," he told me. "You started it to it when we were six, this is all on you," I spat out. "Don't test me Luna," Enzo got a dangerous look in his eyes. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked, my voice going a little shaky. All of a sudden, Enzo crashed his lips into mine. He let go of me and his hands went to my waist while mine went around his neck. Enzo lifted me up so my legs went around his waist, he pushed me against a wall and he didn't break the kiss. When we needed air he looked at me in they eyes. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for," he smirked at me. "Is that all you wanted?" I asked. "No," then Enzo kissed me again. "Get off me. I'm going home," Enzo dropped my legs softly and I pushed him away. "Please don't do that ever again," I told him. "Why not? Because you might fall for me when you don't want to?" He asked. I turned around and pulled his face to mine again. "That's the only taste of me you will ever get, it was the first and that's the last, don't do it again," I told him sternly then walked away. When I got home I passed my mum in the kitchen. "Hey baby girl how was school?" My mum asked. "Crap," I immediately responded and walked away. "Luna Rose Di'Angelo get your ass in here now," my mum shouted. When my mum used our full names there would usually be something wrong. "What the fuck happened to your face?" She questioned me. "Enzo slapped me because I punched him in the face," I said just above a whisper. "Who hit who first?" My mum got confused. "He was throwing paper balls at me and was kicking my chair so I punched him in the face and came home early," I explained. "There's something else isn't there? Swollen lips, shaky voice," my mum examined my face. "He kissed you didn't he?" She asked. "I was eating lunch with Lexi and he came over. I ran away to hide under the benches but he found me. He told me to stop being a bitch then kissed me. Enzo put me up against a wall and did it a second time. The third was me telling him that it was his first and last taste of me, then I left," I explained. "Girl to girl Luna, do you like Enzo more than what you are?" She asked concern lacing her voice. My eyes started watering and I cried. "What do I do. I don't want to love Enzo but I can't help myself," my mum pulled me into a hug. "How long?" She rubbed my back. "2 months," I sobbed. "It's ok to love someone even if you don't want to, love is love and once it happens there's no getting rid of it until you move on," what my mum said made sense. My mother is rose carter, what the hell, she's always right. All of a sudden the door bell rang, luckily my mum went to answer it.

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