Chapter 45

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Roses POV

"Hey kids, I need you to stay away from Luna's room until she comes out," I told the boys and Dakota on the way home. "What's going on?" Emilio asked. "Let's just say, Enzo is more friendly to her than we thought," I replied. "What is Enzo and Luna a thing now or something?" Hunter leaned forward. "I don't know what's up with them, just leave Luna alone until she comes out of her room," I said sternly. When we all got home, Luna and Enzo were sat in the living room with Salvatore and Henry glaring at them. "Kids go to your room," I motioned for the kids to leave. "Dak take Cole with you hunter and Emilio," I walked in the living room and the kids went upstairs. "So it finally happened then huh?" I smiled at Luna. She nodded and looked down. "Whats the big deal?" I asked Salvatore and Henry. "She's only a baby. He'll hurt her," Henry sounded annoyed. "I'll kill him if he hurts my daughter," Salvatore growled. "One, Luna is the oldest she can do what she wants. Second, you are not going to kill him Salvatore," I sat down. "How do you know?" Enzo asked me. "Luna is sixteen, I was seventeen when that piece of shit took my dignity, and sixteen is usually the time to do it," I shrugged. "If I'm a piece of shit then why did you marry me?" Salvatore asked. "Because you we had Luna and I fell in love with you," I told him. "Your a piece of shit to," Salvatore commented. "Why thank you darling husband," I replied sarcastically. "Right, will you both leave these two alone, it's done, they like each other and we can't change that," I walked over to Luna and Enzo. "Are you not angry mum?" Luna lifted her face to look at me. "No babe, when you first started arguing when you were six I knew that something would happen sooner or later," I pulled Luna into a hug. Then we sat down again. "So... how was it?" I faced Luna. "I can't bare to listen to this!" Henry shouted and walked away. "Shut up you virgin," I shouted after him. "How do you know he's a virgin?" Salvatore asked. "Remember that time when all the guys and girls got drunk and slept with each other, yeah I know how people act when they've been laid," I giggled a bit. "So tell me, how do you feel?" I faced Luna again. "This is my queue to leave," Salvatore got up and left. I rolled my eyes and looked at Luna again. "Well, it kind of hurt at first then it turned into pleasure, all I can say is that it felt good," Luna smiled embarrassed. "So Enzo, what are your intentions with my daughter, she's never had a boyfriend before?" I asked him. "I've never had a boyfriend because Enzo would always fight them away when they would try and talk to me," Luna stated. "I see," I leaned back in my seat. "What?" Enzo asked. "You have liked Luna a lot longer than you think. How long do you think you have liked Luna?" I faced Enzo. "About a year," he told me. "That's it. You only annoyed her is because you liked that she gave you attention. Even when she was beating the shit out of you. Am I right?" I questioned him. "Yeah your right," he sighed. "So when did the physical fighting actually start?" I faced Luna. "About a year ago," she told me. "Ok, Enzo only wanted you to hurt him physically because he wanted to feel you on his skin. When your hand would connect with his face it would bring Enzo pleasure to feel you on him," I stated. "Your mums right, that's why I wouldn't do anything back to you when you would punch me," Enzo turned to Luna. "Why didn't you say anything about it sooner?" She moved closer to him. "Because a year ago you hated me. Like you said you only started feeling things for me two months ago, what was I supposed to do? Do what I did today?" He asked. "Two months ago yes, but 6 months ago I would have beaten your ass," Luna giggled. "So what actually happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Um, I was throwing paper balls at her and kicking Luna's chair. I wanted a reaction and when she punched me I was satisfied. Then I put her over my shoulder and pushed her up against the lockers when I left the class room. Luna tried to get away from me but I didn't let her go. She started to piss me off so I slapped her but immediately regretted it when she gave me a look of murder. Then Luna started punching me and ran away. At lunch I tried to apologise but she ran and went to hide under the benches. Then I found her, I told Luna to stop being bitchy and kissed her. The second time I picked her up and leaned us against a wall. Then she came here so I followed her to apologise. Then you know what happened after you let me in," Enzo explained. "So what's going on with you two now?" I asked. "We're together," Luna leaned into Enzo. "If this has happened then don't feel too bad about hitting Luna. Salvatore did the same to me once," I hugged at the memory. "Dad hit you?" Luna questioned me. "Yeah, it happened when you were nine months old," I told her. "That's because you were right about that bitch and I didn't want it to be true," Salvatore came back into the living room. "That bitch almost made you blow your own brains out so don't go there with me, besides I'm always right," I told him. "You almost killed yourself?" Luna shouted and stood up. "Be quiet, no one else knows," I stood up to make Luna be quiet. "When did this happen?" She asked. Salvatore and I told her our life story, about the first time he cheated on me, then Emma getting pregnant with his 'child' and the rest of it. "So you tried to kill your self because everyone left the gang and you got lied to?" Luna was confused. "Long story short mi amor is that your dad lost everything he ever knew, your mum, you, me and the girls and boys. But thanks to that argument your mum and dad had I got back with your aunt Connie, I'm thankful for that," nick came into the room. "Ok, it's kind of making sense now, thanks uncle nick," Luna hugged him. "Where's Connie and the kids?" I asked. "Connie took milo and Sadie to the park, Anthony being a troubled teen is playing video games with Henry," nick replied. 5 years ago connie and nick had twins of their own and they were close in age with Cole. "Ok. Now are you done having a bitch fit about your daughter having a boyfriend?" I questioned Salvatore. "WHAT, who got a boyfriend?" Connie practically ran into the living room. "Hello everyone, Enzo- ENZO!" Connie shouted. Since Connie was shouting everyone came running in. First came in henry and Anthony who was followed by, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole, Amber, violet, Jess, Lynn, Hugo, Griffin, Ronnie and Bentley. "Who the hell is that?" Hugo asked when he saw Enzo. "Uh,- I'm Enzo, luna's boyfriend," he stood up to shake the men's hands. "Sick, I'm Hugo," everyone introduced themselves. "There's my aunt Connie and uncle nick, my cousins Anthony, milo and Sadie. And my younger brothers and sister, hunter, Dakota but everyone calls her Dak, Emilio he speaks Spanish and is the strongest in the family other than mum, Jaques and Cole is the youngest," Luna told Enzo. "So have you been de-flowered yet?" Connie asked wiggling her eyebrows at Luna. "Right, everyone out. Go play, go train do whatever and leave Luna and Enzo alone for a bit," I shouted and pushed everyone out. "Welcome to the club," Connie winked at Luna. I heard Luna and Enzo laugh as everyone left. "It's getting late, are you staying for dinner Enzo?" I asked. "I guess I could," he turned to luna. "It's up to you, if you want to leave you can but you can stay," Luna smiled. "Ok, I'll stay if that's alright," Enzo faced me again. "If it wasn't I wouldn't have asked," I told him. "Touché," Enzo laughed. "Well we'll be getting Indian. What curry do you like?" I asked. "Just a korma will be alright thanks," he replied. "We are more alike than we thought," Luna commented. "In more ways than one," Enzo smirked at her then pulled her face to kiss her. "OH GOD, my virgin eyes," I shouted. "You suck mum," I heard Luna shout. "You swallow," I shouted back. "You choke," she called out. "You deep throat," I walked into the living room. "Mum your the one with 7 kids not me," Luna stated. "Ok smart ass," I laughed. I ordered dinner and we all sat around the table. "So Enzo, how long have you liked Luna for?" Amber asked. "Around a year," he replied. "When did you guys get together?" Hugo said. "Today," Luna told him. "You had sex and got together in the same day?" Bentley called out. Luna and Enzo nodded. "That's my girl," Bentley leaned over the table and high fived then both. "This is so good. Salvatore you sexy beast," Griffin laughed. "Sexy beast?" Enzo turned to Luna. "Griffin always calls dad it when we have a good dinner which is everyday," Luna explained. "You know it," griffin blew as kiss to Salvatore. Salvatore caught it but threw it away and stuck his middle finger to griffin. "You love me really," Griffin went back to his food. "Do I griffin? Do I?" Salvatore asked. "You know it," everyone laughed and ate their dinner. After dinner Enzo had to leave. "I have to go, thanks for dinner mrs Carter," Enzo stood up. "No problem. Don't be a stranger," I stood up and hugged him. "I can't stay away from Luna," he whispered. "Better treat her right then," I told him. "Always," he pulled away and shook Salvatore's hand. "See you tomorrow Luna," Enzo hugged Luna tightly. "Lexi is going to hate me," Luna said. "Don't tell her I told you this but she was the one who told me to make things better with you," Enzo told her. "She's a bitch," Luna giggled. "Love you," Enzo smiled. "Love you to," Luna replied. Enzo went to kiss Luna but Salvatore cut them off. "Ok time to go," Salvatore quickly said. "Salvatore," I snapped. "What?" He asked. "See you soon Enzo," I said and pushed Salvatore out the room. God damn men being jealous of their daughters.

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