Chapter 101

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Luna's POV

Emilio and Damon walked into my room. "This is freaky," Emilio whispered. "Get used to it, this is what Will happen when you get a girl pregnant," I giggled a little. "Note taken," he relaxed a little. "Any updates?" Damon walked over to me. "I'm 7cm dilated, it won't be long until they're here," I told him. "What does that mean?" Emilio sat next to Damon on the chair. "Um, it means that the babies will that enough space to get out when they need to. I am 7 at the moment but I to be 10 for me to start pushing," I explained. "Oh, what happens if I'm in here when you have to have the twins?" Emilio seemed to get worried that he would have to see me give birth. "You would either be kicked out or locked in. But you have the choice to stay if you want. I am allowed two people in the room with me," I smiled at him. "So if I do stay, where would I have to stand?" Emilio furrowed his eyebrows. "You can come stand this side of me while you can let me hold your hand," I laughed. "I think I'll leave that to Damon, I'll just stand far away from your lady parts so I don't see anything," he cringed. "Wait until you get a girlfriend and lose your virginity, you won't be able to stay away from girls," Damon chuckled. "I'm confused," Emilio sat back. "When you finally lose it, let me know and then I'll explain it to you when your older," Damon told him. "You guys are so weird," Emilio rolled his eyes. "That's what makes us good together," I layed my head back to relax. "Are you ok though?" Emilio asked me. "I'm good, just really want these two to come out," I sighed. "Not long now baby," Damon smiled at me and made patterns on my hand with his thumb. After a while Emilio fell asleep letting me talk to dakota and the others. I FaceTimed them so I could speak to Elijah and tell him that I would be home soon with two babies that he could keep. 3 hours later, the pain started to effect me more so Damon got my midwife in. "Is he ok?" Lillie asked pointing at Emilio. "Yeah, he's just tired, he stayed up all night. He's my little brother so he's alright," I smiled at her. "Ok, your 10cm so we can get started, is he going to wake up or just let him sleep?" Lillie looked over to Emilio. "Just let him sleep, he won't wake up," I told her. Lillie got everything ready and I started to push. "Good job Luna, you got this," Damon let me squeeze his hand. He kissed my forehead while I practically crushed his hand. "What the hell," Emilio woke up and got scared. "Just don't come past the blanket mate alright," Lillie told him. "What have I woken up to?" Emilio ran his hand through his hair and sat back in the chair. "Your going to witness your sister have the twins," Damon laughed a little. "And I can't leave?" Emilio got very uncomfortable. "Nope, you have to stay in here now," Lillie giggled at the way Emilio was reacting. "One more big push Luna then the first one will be here," Lillie told me. I took in a deep breath then pushed as much as I could. A wave of relief came over me when I heard a baby cry fill the room. "You've got a baby boy," Lillie wrapped him in a towel. "Emilio I need you to hold your nephew while Damon keeps hold of luna's hand," Lillie held the baby in the air while she waited for Emilio to take him. "I can't do that," he shook his head and his eyes went wide. "How about you take luna's hand while I hold the baby," Damon suggested. Emilio quickly took Damon's place then Damon took the baby from Lillie. "Ok, ready Luna?" Lillie looked at me again. I nodded then pushed again holding Emilio's hand tightly. "Ouch, damn she's strong," Emilio winced. "I bet you wish you took the baby now huh," Damon laughed. "Kind if yeah," he shut his eyes. "One more then Luna you got this," Lillie smiled at me. Once again I took a deep breath, then my breathing went back to somewhat normal when I heard another baby cry fill the room. "Another boy," Lillie wrapped him up in a small towel as well the passed him to me. "Three boys," I started crying. "We got three boys," Damon walked over to me. Emilio sat back in the chair covering his eyes since he was still tired and he had just woke up and had to go through all of it. "What names have you chosen?" Lillie asked. "We chose Theodore James for the oldest and we don't have a second boys name," I replied. "Let me know when you do," Lillie cleaned me up then walked away. After a while, a couple nurses walked in to take the twins from Damon and I to clean and weigh them. "Ok oldest is 6'4 oz and the youngest if 5'8 oz, very healthy babies," they gave one to Damon and the other to Emilio so I could have a shower. When I got back, Emilio and Damon were both feeding them. Damon was holding Theo while Emilio had the unnamed baby. "What name are we going to pick?" I asked Damon as I leaned over him to look at our babies. "I have no idea Luna, I can't think straight at the moment," Damon sighed. "What about javier?" Emilio mentioned. "I like it," I shrugged. "Theodore and Javier Gomez," Damon smiled. "They're both great names," Lillie walked back into the room. "Thanks Lillie, then it's settled," I giggled. "Voy a ensenarle español,"- I'm going to teach him Spanish. Emilio looked down at javier. Lillie gave me a confused look which made me tell her what Emilio said. "He's going to teach him Spanish," I told her. "I didn't know you were a Spanish speaking family," Lillie started making up a clean bed for me. "My mum speaks it, my uncle and auntie, Emilio and me. Damon comes from Spain so we can talk in Spanish when we want to insult someone without that person knowing," I explained. "Right. So what does javier mean?" Lillie asked Damon. "It doesn't really have a meaning, it's a very well known Spanish name," he replied. "Who taught you Spanish Emilio?" Lillie turned to him. "My mum and uncle as well as my auntie a little bit mostly my uncle," he told her. "So when did you start speaking it?" Lillie questioned me. "Four years about, I want all my kids to be able to speak Spanish with their dad so he doesn't feel like they have to be completely English," I replied. "Makes sense," she nodded. Once Lillie finished making the bed, I took javier from Emilio so I could burp him, Damon did the same to Theo. "How do you feel?" My dad walked in with my mum and Elijah behind him. "Better, I'm just glad they're here now," I replied. "Mummy," Elijah shouted when he saw me. "Hey baby boy," I smiled at him. "He looks so tired," my mum looked at Emilio who had passed out on the chair again. "You should have seen his face when he woke up and saw me having the babies," I laughed a little. I rubbed javier's back which he let out a burp at the same time as Theo. "Can I see mummy," Elijah tried to climb up on the bed. "Hold on a minute," my dad walked over and helped him up. I cradled him in my arms as Elijah was on my legs trying to look. "You have a baby brother," I smiled. "Two brothers to be exact," Damon added. "Two boys. What are the names?" My mum squealed which made Emilio jump out of skin. "Oh my god what happened?" He shot up. "Sorry hun, go back to sleep," my mum apologised. "Fuck me mum, you gave me a heart attack," Emilio sighed. "Do you want me to take you home?" She asked him. "No, I'll just leave when you take Elijah home," Emilio sat back down and closed his eyes. "What are the names?" My mum turned back to me and Damon. "Theodore James and javier Ronnie," I told her. "Who's who?" My dad asked. "I have Theo and Luna has Javier," Damon replied. "Can I hold one?" My mum and dad asked at the same time. Damon and I laughed but gave my mum Theo and my dad javier. At around 6pm, my mum took Emilio and Elijah home while my dad stayed with Damon and I so he could take us home in the morning. "Bye baby boy, I'll see you tomorrow," I kissed Elijah then he left with my mum and Emilio. "You alright dad?" I turned to him. "Yeah just a bit tired," he told me. "Go to sleep then, we'll be fine," I smiled. "You can have the bed for a couple hours to if you want," I added. "You need it though," he responded. "I'll be fine for a couple hours," I told him. I got out of the bed and my dad layed down. "Thank you Luna, wake me up in 3 hours," my dad yawned. "Will do," I laughed and sat in the seat next to Damon. "You did really got baby," Damon took my hand in his as we watched the twins in the cot the nurses let us put them in. "You did good as well," I kissed his cheek. "Do you ever shave?" I laughed. "Nope, I'm proud of my master piece," Damon lifted his head up proudly. "All our boys are going to look like you," I giggled. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked. "No, I just can't wait until we have a girl," I bit my bottom lip. "You've just had twins and your already thinking about more kids," Damon moved in his seat. "Why not, you do want a girl as well," I shrugged. "Yes but at least wait until after the wedding or after the twins are a year old," Damon told me. I stood up and sat in his lap leaning my face into his neck. "I can wait," I kissed his neck. "I'm sure you can't," Damon joked. "I can, just you wait," I giggled. "Nena stop, your dad is in here," Damon chuckled. "That hasn't stopped us before," I whispered. "This is why you don't wait nine months. Not to mention that we have to wait six weeks before we can do anything again," Damon whispered back. "Don't remind me," I rolled my eyes. Soon after, my dad woke up and let me sleep while him and Damon stayed up to look after the twins. In the morning, a nurse let us go and we left. It took us a while to get home because of traffic but we eventually got there. My dad took Theo inside while Damon got javier then we all went in. The gang was waiting for us in the living room as well as, Lexi, Henry, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole and Elijah.

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