Chapter 84

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4 years later

Luna's POV

"Elijah, come get ready we need to leave," I shouted. I heard little footsteps running into the kitchen then yelling. "Mummy," Elijah screamed. "Hey baby boy, you ready to go to nursery?" I picked him up. "Yep," Elijah popped the p. "Go get Dimitri to help you put your shoes on then we can go," I smiled then put him down. Elijah ran out of the kitchen to go find Dimitri. "Hey darling, how you feeling today?" My mum came in. "Better. I can't believe that Elijah is going to have his first day at nursery," I packed a small bag that had snacks and a blanket for Elijah. "He's grown up so much," my mum sighed. "I know," I pouted then closed the bag. "Luna, now that your 21, how do you feel about moving into that apartment that I got when you were a baby?" My mum asked. "Really, I can move there with Elijah?" I gasped. "Yeah, I mean, your an adult and you don't have college anymore so it makes sense that you and Elijah can have your own space," she told me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I got excited then hugged her. "It's ok, me and your dad want you to have your own space, let Elijah go crazy with his own space," my mum pulled me back then smiled. Elijah and Dimitri walked in, they both smiled at me. "You seem really happy," Dimitri laughed a little. "Yeah, mums letting me and Elijah move in the apartment not that far away," I had a huge smile on my face. "You ready to go baby boy?" I turned to Elijah. He nodded his head. "Bye grandma, bye Dimitri," Elijah waved then walked to the front door. "Bye bud," Dimitri watched him as he walked away. "See you later hun," my mum started tearing up. "Don't cry mum," I pulled in for a hug. "He looks so much like his dad," she sobbed. "I know, it's a struggle everyday for me," I told her. "Mummy come on, we'll be late," Elijah shouted. "I'm coming," I called back then left. Once I opened the door, Elijah ran to the car trying to get in. "We're not going to be late you can calm down," I laughed at him. I unlocked the car then put Elijah in his car seat. Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques and Cole all went to school so there wasn't that many people when we left. My dad and the others went on a business trip, Connie and nick took Anthony, milo and sadie with them. "Mummy, how long until we get there?" Elijah asked. "Not long bub. After nursery we will be moving to a new house close by but you will be able to see grandma and grandpa everyday," I told him. "Do I get my own room?" He seemed excited. "Yes you will," I replied. Elijah had a little dance that he would do when he was happy. "We're here," I sang a little and Elijah started screaming with excitement. I took him inside then left him to play and have fun. Instead of going home I went to sit by Damon's grave like I had been doing every day for the last four years. When I got there I sat down and started talking. "Hey baby, I still miss you so much. Elijah looks and acts just like you, making the whole house laugh with his goofiness. He has his first day at nursery today, he hasn't stopped talking about it all week. I'm moving out of the house to a new place, Elijah will have his own room and play whenever he wants. It's been four years, it still hurts but I'm doing better. Dimitri is a big help, he comforts me when I need it most but I still wish that I had you. Mum and dad are the biggest help, same with Dak. Dakota has turned into such a beautiful young woman. It feels like yesterday I was first meeting her and hunter for the first time," I started crying like every other time. "Dak got her first boyfriend the other day, for a fourteen year old he's so good to her, hunter doesn't like him but he's her twin so what can you expect from him," I giggled. "Emilio is the best with Elijah, bathing him then putting him to bed when I'm working. Jaques is still a pain in the ass but he is good to the house. Cole, even though he's now 10 and he knows that death is permanent, he still waits at the door hoping that you will walk through it. He hates not having you there but there's not much we can do to help him come to terms that your not going to come back. Sadie sits with Cole as well, milo tries to tell her that you aren't ever coming back and that she and Cole should give up waiting but they are very persistent that you are. We all miss you, I can't wait until I see you again," I kissed my hand then placed it on the stone. It said 'Damon Elijah Gomez, born 2002 -2020, loving father, son, boyfriend and friend,' once I placed the kiss I got up and left.

Damon's POV

Enzo finished his weekly beating session on me. He keeps on saying that Luna won't take him back and that he will never be Elijah's father. Once he left that person came back. This time they didn't give me any water, they took off the chains on my wrists and ankles. "You need to get out of here, I will help you get to a car and drive you some where but then your on your own," the voice told me. "Yes, I can do it," I replied. They helped me up and got me inside a car. "What location?" They asked. "I can't remember, it's been so long, I can't fucking remember," I told the person. "I can only drive for so long until I have to leave you," the person sighed. "I know, just drop me off anywhere then I'll be fine on my own," I managed to get out through all the pain. After 20 minutes of driving the person heaved me out of the car and put me in the streets. "This is where I'll leave you, I'm sorry I didn't get you out sooner," then they were gone, I heard the car drive off and I was on my own. It was a cold night and I barely had any clothes on. "Can you help me please?" I asked a person waking past. She gave me a weird look and ran off. I got all my strength to get up and start walking. By this time it got dark and no one was around so I couldn't ask for help, I couldn't find Luna.

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