Chapter 42

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Roses POV

At first it was me and Salvatore who went to fight. "3...2...1...GO," Luna shouted. Salvatore ran straight at me but I roundhouse kicked him. When he fell to the floor I brang his leg up to his back. A few minutes later he tapped and got up. "You still use that same damn kick and uncomfortable position?" Salvatore asked. "You shouldn't attack then should you," I shrugged, all the kids laughed that I beat their dad. Next was Luna and Henry. Salvatore counted them in, Luna went forward to Henry. Luna went for the legs which made Henry fall, after she pulled his legs and pinned his hands behind his back. When Henry let out a sound of submission Luna let go. "Well dons Luna, you can beat a boy in a fight," Hunter teased. "You can't even beat Dakota so don't start that shit with me," she commented. "I can beat Dakota," he huffed out. "Go on then, prove it," Dakota walked to the mats. "Don't go easy on me hunter," she got ready to fight. Once again, Salvatore counted down and the twins ran at each other. Hunter went for Dakotas legs but she jumped to get over him. When hunter layed on the floor, Dakota sat on his back and pulled his head backwards. "Stop!" Hunter shouted. "See you can't even beat Dakota," Luna stated again. "Shut up," Hunter said. "Emilio you beat Dakota twice, who do you want to go against?" I asked him. "I'll start with Luna and go down and finish off with you and dad," Emilio replied. Him and Luna went on the mats and started. Emilio punched Luna in the face then pinned her to the floor, her hands were up by her head and Emilio had her legs so she couldn't move. "Ok I give," Luna called out. She got up and Henry went to fight. Emilio didn't give it a second thought before beating Henry at the fight. "Hunter your next," i motioned him to go. Of course, Emilio won, he windmill kicked hunter and that knocked him straight to the floor. "Don't hold back brother," Dakota got ready. She did the mistake and ran straight to Emilio. He slide tackled her feet and before she could fall on him she pinned her to the floor again. Dakota tapped and got up rubbing her back. "Your turn Salvatore," I told him. "Don't hold back dad," Emilio smirked. "You think you can beat me, your brothers and sisters can't," Salvatore looked at Emilio. "I'm not the others," Emilio replied. "3...2...1...GO!" I shouted. They both ran at each other, Emilio wrapped his legs around Salvatore and pulled his head back. This made Salvatore fall on one knee, Emilio made him go down all the way and made Salvatore gasp in pain and submit. "How the hell is our 9 year old stronger than me?" Salvatore asked. "Because I take after my mother," Emilio shouted across the room. "Ok, who's stronger, mum or Emilio?" Luna asked. "Let's try it," I walked over to the mats and got ready. Salvatore shouted go but none of us moved. Eventually I ran up to my son and tackled him. Soon he got out of my grip, Emilio stood up and breathed heavily. I ran back at him and got on his back, all my sons are really tall like Salvatore so it was easy for me to get in Emilio's back, except for Jaques and Cole, Henry hunter and Emilio all were very towering. As I was on his back he fell to the floor. "I give," Emilio shouted. "So your stronger than dad but can't beat mum, pathetic," Luna snickered. "I'd like to see you go against you father and beat him," I helped Emilio off the floor. "No thanks," she replied. "Just because he can't beat me, he kicked all your asses including the man of the house, not even nick can do that. For a nine year old he did really good, now go get ready for dinner," I ordered. They all ran off to get ready while Emilio stayed in the training room while I packed some things away. "What's up mi amor?" I asked him. "Why do they think I'm soft?" He sounded sad. "To be honest, Luna is too stuck up her ass, Henry wants to be stronger than everyone else, Hunter hasn't really got the muscle and Dakota is very much like Luna. The main reason is that you don't train with us that often, they think your weak. Just remember, today you beat your old man in a fight, nick can't even do that," i sat Emilio down on a bench. "I do train, just not with the family, I come down when everyone is in bed, and do some weights and things like that," he admitted. "But your the strongest in the house, I've seen you win every fight," Emilio faced me. "That's because everyone runs up to me, it gives me the opportunity to go for the legs or the upper body, you Emilio, you have all the right strategy's that you won against your dad. You only lost against me is because you were tired and you went sloppy, if you go against me before everyone else when your at your strongest, there is a possibility to win," I smiled at him. "I just hate the fact that everyone thinks I'm soft because we can talk to each other in Spanish. Hunter even sees me at school with willow," Emilio sighed. "So her names willow huh?" I sat back. "Yeah, she has green eyes that take me away from reality every time I look at them. Her hair is jet black, she is really pretty but I don't know about it," he told me. Salvatore and I raised our children to grow up and mature a little quicker than other kids because of the life we live, our most mature and respectful kid had to be Emilio. "Give her a chance to be your friend and see where things go from there. It only takes friends to become more than that," I smiled at him. "How did you and dad meet?" He asked me. "Well, one day I went out shopping and my dad called me home. Aunt Brody took me there and your dad was standing in the kitchen with uncle Remi, grandma and my dad. I had to pack my things and leave to live with your dad. I didn't see uncle Remi until four years passed and I had Luna and Henry. I saw my mum again when I not long had the twins. Then a year later you surprised me then after two years along came Jaques then six years ago Cole was born," I told him. "It all started because I became a gang leaders girl," I added. "Would you ever have more kids?" Emilio asked. "Well I'm 33, I don't know for sure but one more might not hurt. Why do you want another little brother or sister?" I asked him. "I kind of want a baby sister, I want to teach her how to fight like me and you and teach her Spanish, I want a little sister who will look up to me for guidance and to learn new things," Emilio looked up at me. "If that's what you want, I can only do my best at a little sister," I told him. "I'm not the one who has to have the baby so it's up to you and dad," he leaned into me. "It's up to you, if you want a baby sister I can try but if you get a brother-," I began. "I will do the same as I would with a baby sister," he smiled. "I'll talk to your dad about it, see what he says. Just a secret between us, I want another baby," I laughed. After we spoke for a while we went up to the kitchen to eat dinner. Connie made everyone some pasta with chicken and bacon. "This is really good Connie thanks," Hugo smiled at her. "It's ok, Rose was busy so I decided to cook for a change," Connie told Hugo. "Well like I say for every good meal, I love it like my sexy beast," griffin smirked at Salvatore. "Every fucking day," Salvatore muttered. "You know it sexy boy Salvatore," griffin bit the air at him sexually. "Will you leave sexy boy Salvatore alone griffin, he's mine," I winked at Salvatore, all he did was smirk back at me. Luna, Henry, Hunter, Dakota and Emilio all shouted "eww" after Salvatore smirked at me. "You'll regret that later," Salvatore told me. "Actually we need to talk later about one of your sons," I told him. "Ok, what about?" He asked while eating. "Some things that the others don't need to know about, you'll know later once we've tucked Cole in," I replied. We all finished dinner and went upstairs. "Goodnight all my gorgeous children," I shouted out. "Night mum," I got muffled goodnights from the kids but it was good enough. Salvatore and I tucked Cole into bed and left. "Dak you got blue?" I shouted. "No," she shouted back. "Luna what about you?" "No check with Henry," Luna told me. "Henry you got the dog?" I called out. "No mum, I don't know where he's gone, I saw him just before I came in my room," Henry shouted from his room. I walked into Emilio's room to see him laying with blue. "How you feeling mi amor?" I asked him. "Better, I like having blue with me, he usually comes down to the training room," Emilio was scratching blue behind the ears. "Are you sure that you want a baby, once it's done there's no going back," I told him. "Yeah mum, I want to have another," he smiled at me. "Ok, goodnight," I smiled. "Night mum," he replied then I left. I flopped on the bed next to Salvatore. "Babe, would you have another baby if you had the chance?" I asked. "Why, do you want another one?" He leaned over and kissed me. "Sort of, Emilio wants a little sister so I just wanted to talk to you about it first before making the decision on my own," I told Salvatore. "You know I have no problem with putting a baby inside you," Salvatore smirked and leaned over me until I was underneath him. "I love you," he smiled at me softly. "I love you," I pushed my lips against his.

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