Chapter 31

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Roses POV

Nick and Connie had come back from their 2 week honey moon. Remi and Brody came round a lot to get to know Luna and Henry. They both loved them and it was great.

One morning I woke up with Salvatore wrapped around me. "Morning babe," Salvatore smiled at me. "Morning," I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I put my feet on the floor to sit up properly. A wave of nausea hit me and I ran to the bathroom. "You alright baby?" Salvatore asked. "I feel like crap," I told him. I layed back down on my bed. A little while later I fell asleep again, Luna and Henry ran into the room screaming. "Shh, mummy's not feeling well, let's go play and leave mummy to rest," Salvatore whispered. He kissed me on the cheek and left.

I woke up at 11am and threw up again. "You alright in there rose?" Connie came into the bathroom and held my hair for me. Once I was finished I sat back against the bath tub. "Are you ok?" Connie asked again. "I don't know. I haven't felt like this since," my eyes grew wide at the realisation. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... I'm late. I'm fucking late," I shot up and paced around the room. "Rose, calm the fuck down. What's going on?" Connie held my by my shoulders. I sat on the bed and Connie sat with me. "On your wedding night, Luna asked me if me and Salvatore would have another baby, I can't remember if we used protection or not," I sighed. "I have a test if you want to be 100% sure," Connie told me. "Please," I felt the tears come up in my eyes. Connie had ran back to her room and came back. I didn't know if I wanted to have another baby or not, even if I was, there was no going back. Connie waited for me on the bed while I did what I needed to do. "Ok, timer starts now," Connie timed 5 minutes. "Alright you can look now," she told me. I picked up the test and looked, once again I had a positive pregnancy test in my hand. Connie had looked at the test and hugged me. "It'll be ok rose, your a great mum," Connie caressed me. "Thank you connie, I'm not crying of sadness, it's because Luna asked for this," I smiled through the tears. "Are you going to tell Salvatore?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll go now," I stood up and left. Connie went to tell nick which I was ok with.

"Salvatore, I need to tell you something," I walked into the living room. Luna and Henry were playing on the floor ignoring us so it didn't bother me that they were in the room. "What's up?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I passed him the test and he looked at it. "Really?" He looked at me. I nodded my head. Salvatore's face lit up and he ran up to me. He lifted me off the ground then spun around. "Number three," Salvatore shouted. "Congratulations Tesoro," nick and Connie came in. "Why is daddy so happy mummy?" Luna asked me. Salvatore put me down so I could tell Luna and Henry. "Come here Henry," I told him. I pulled them both towards me and kneeled to their level. "Mummy has a baby in her belly, going to have a little brother or sister," I pointed at my belly. They both squealed and jumped up and down. "I want a baby sister," Henry stated. "No, it has to be a boy," Luna told Henry. "It doesn't work like that I'm afraid, the baby will choose it's own gender. We won't know for a couple months though," I told them. They both got a little sad about that but was really excited to have a new baby coming. All of a sudden it clicked, "what about the wedding?" I asked. "You won't be showing for at least 3 more months, you will be ok," Salvatore pulled me into a hug. "We only have 6 weeks left until the day, surely you won't be showing in that time," he added. "He has got a point Tesoro," nick said. "Nick calls mummy treasure," Luna whispered to henry. "How do you know that?" I shot my head to her. "Nick has been teaching me Spanish, uncle Remi helps as well," Luna smiled. "Well your picking it up real quick," I laughed. "Just like her mum, a fast learner," Salvatore smirked. "I have to go make a doctors appointment now, I'll try and get it before the wedding," I told him and walked away. "Hello, I would like to make an appointment for rose Di'Angelo," i said through the phone. "Ok, I have a space tomorrow at 2:10 pm," the lady said at the other end of the line. "Perfect thank you," I replied and hung up. After putting Luna and Henry to bed, I asked Salvatore a question I wanted to really know. "Babe, Luna and Henry have my name, what happens when we get married?" I asked. "Just because they have Di'Angelo on their birth certificate doesn't mean they don't have a choice of what name they want to go by. When they go to school Luna and Henry can either choose Di'Angelo or Carter, like you said before Luna was born, they can have the choice," Salvatore told me. "Speaking of that, we need to get Luna into a primary school," I turned to him. "Ok we can do it all tomorrow," he said. "Either before or after 2:10pm though, I have my first scan but we can go with Luna together," I cuddled up to Salvatore. "That works for me," he smiled. We both went to sleep, waiting for the results about our baby tomorrow.

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