Chapter 93

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Luna's POV

Damon told me to go to sleep. He made me so tired so I didn't object. My legs were shaking, it just made me want more of him. It was 1:30am when I went to sleep. Since I was a light sleeper, I heard Damon snore not long after me. After two hours, Damon started shouting. "Screw you, get the fuck off me," I sat up and rubbed my eyes then pulled his head to my chest again. His tears flowed down my body as I held him. "It's ok baby, I'm here, shhh," I kissed his head. "Fuck you, you sick bastard," Damon shouted and tried to get out of my hold. "Damon wake up," I called out to him. Once again his eyes shot open and his breath coming out slow. "I'm here, I've got you," I told him. My dad rushed in as he rubbed his eyes. "Sorry Salvatore," Damon looked at him with tears still falling. "It's ok Damon, just checking on you incase Luna didn't wake up," he replied then walked away closing the door. "I fucking hate this," Damon sobbed. "I know baby, at least your not on your own," I could feel my own tears prick up in my eyes. After comforting Damon, he went back to sleep and didn't wake up again.

The next morning everyone looked like crap. "Hey guys," Damon smiled at them. "Hey Damon you alright?" Dakota looked at him. "Did I wake you last night?" He asked. "Did I wake all of you last night?" He looked at everyone. They all stayed silent and looked at the floor. "I'm so sorry," he gasped when they didn't answer. "It's not your fault Damon, we understand," Lexi tried to tell him. "It is my fault, I thought the rooms were soundproof so no one could hear outside," Damon sat down. "They are," Emilio sighed. "I'll be in the garden," Damon stormed out of the kitchen and into the garden to sit in our shed that we made up years ago. "Did you all really hear him last night?" I asked and sat down. "Yeah, and the first time it happened," Jaques told me. "How does he still manage to have a smile on his face after what happened to him?" Cole looked at me. "Because he has his family back, he just has really bad dreams about the last four years," I sighed. "Will he get better?" Hunter questioned me. "Over time yes, just not right away," I replied. "I'll go see if he's alright, man to man talk," Henry nodded then left. "I feel so bad now," Dakota looked down. "If I just kept my mouth shut," she added. "Dak, it's ok, not gonna lie we all look like crap, Damon included," I put my hand over hers. "All we can do is support him," Lexi smiled at me then the others. My mum, dad and Elijah walked in. Elijah looked happy while my mum and dad looked like the rest of us. "How is he?" My mum looked at me. "He's pissed of because he woke up the others," I sighed. "Did you hear daddy shout?" I looked down at Elijah. "No mummy, I didn't wake up not once," Elijah laughed. "Lucky for some who can sleep heavy," hunter muttered. "Hunter," my mum snapped. I have Elijah some breakfast ignoring the others.

Damon's POV

It pissed me off that I woke up the others. I know it was the weekend but what happened when they had to go to school? When I got to the shed that me and Luna made up, I slumped down in one of the chairs. Luna kept it nice in here. "Damon, it's Henry," I heard from behind the door. "It's open," I called out. "Are you ok?" He walked in then sat in the chair opposite me. "No, I feel like shit that I woke you all up," I sighed. "Damon, what has happened to you was out of your control, if the others don't like it then it's their problem. What you need to remember is that we will all help you get through this, your family and we are here no matter what," Henry told me. "I hate that I'm waking Luna as well. If you guys can hear me how does Luna feel being right next to me when it happens. I don't want to make her feel like she has to sleep in the same bed as me while I'm like this," I burst out. "It doesn't matter about us, we're all old enough to last on 5 hours of sleep. The only one you have to look out for is Elijah, but like you, he's a heavy sleeper so he doesn't hear much, as well the the room being soundproof, he'll be alright," Henry told me. "What about Cole and Jaques, there're only 10 and 11 they need as much sleep as Elijah," I put my head in my hands. "They'll be ok, if they really wanted to, my mum and dad would take them to the apartment," Henry shrugged. "What if I went back to the apartment?" I asked. "If I can here you WITH soundproof walls and door, Damon the apartment is the worst place for you to be with people that don't have that," he replied. "Fuck, maybe I should just move to the middle of no where and leave everyone alone until I don't wake anyone up," I fell back on the chair. "Don't forget that we're all here to help. The only one that might not like it is hunter because he has a temper like dad but we'll all be here," Henry reassured me. "Thanks mate," I nodded to him. "Now, what are you doing today?" Henry clapped his hands. "Luna and I want to take Elijah out," I responded. "Want two tag slings?" Henry smiled. He meant him and Lexi so I knew Luna would like it. "Yeah, ok, that way Luna could stay home and sleep or it gives me some help incase I need to carry Luna if she falls asleep while we're out," I nodded then stood up. We walked back to the house to see the gang and the kids looking like crap. "Hey Damon, you hungry?" Amber asked me. "You know he got his fill last night," Bentley laughed. "Dude come on, not while everyone's eating," Hunter whined along with the others. I caught luna looking at me so I motioned her outside. "Looks like there going off again," Ronnie shouted. "Just because you can't get any don't be jealous," I shouted back which made the others laugh. "What's wrong?" Luna looked me then shut the kitchen door. "If you want to stay home to sleep you can, Lexi and Henry are going to join us, but if you still want to come out then I'll have extra hands if you fall asleep," I told her. "Ok baby, I'll still come out but no promises that i won't fall asleep," she yawned. "Maybe you should stay here," I suggested. "No, I got more than five hours sleep, Which I've only been getting for the last four years but today I'm just really out of it," Luna yawned again. "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could make it stop," I pulled her in for a hug. "I know, just time is all it takes," she wrapped her arms around my back. All of a sudden Luna went limp, when I looked down she had fallen asleep. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our bed. She stirred a little but didn't wake up, I pulled the covers over her then kissed her forehead and left to go back to the kitchen. "Where's Luna?" Lexi furrowed her eyebrows. "She won't be coming, she's to tired," I looked down. "Damon we understand what your going through, we'll get through it together," Rose looked at me with sympathy. "I really am sorry guys that I woke you up," I sat down between Ronnie and Lynn. "Us adults will get through it since we don't have school or work, the twins will be fine but Jaques and Cole might struggle but we will explain to the school what's going on so they might be able to have a couple hours sleep while they're at school," Salvatore told me. "What about Luna? She told me that she got more than 5 hours of sleep but today is the most tired she's been in a long time," I told him. Rose and Salvatore looked at each other with wide eyes then back at me. "Que pasa?"- what's wrong? I asked rose. "Nada,"- nothing, she replied then went back to eating. Soon I got Elijah ready, Lexi and Henry were waiting for us in the living room. "Thanks for doing this you two," I smiled at them. "Damon Gomez, are you going soft?" Henry gasped. "I never thought I would see the day," Lexi joined in. "Fine then I'll be an asshole all day to you," I laughed then took Elijah out to the car. "Where's mummy, daddy?" Elijah asked me while I put him in his car seat. "She's really tired today bud, we'll see her when we get back home ok," I smiled at him then went to the drivers side. Lexi sat in the back with Elijah to keep him company while Henry sat in the passenger side. "What did Enzo actually do to you?" Henry asked me trying to be quiet. "He punched me, kicked me. Broke bones but he had a doctor that helped them grow back so he could do it over again. He uh, he cut me over my chest and legs since they would always be covered," I told him. "Damon," I heard Lexi in the back. "It's ok lex, I'll get over it," then I started driving. We took Elijah to a play centre that Luna told me he liked to go to. As his dad, I wanted to take him so I could get to know him a bit more, hear it from him what he likes not get all the information from luna. "How did you know I liked this place?" Elijah got excited. "Because I know everything," I laughed. He was like me in some ways but his excitement come from his mum. "Just like batman," he screamed. "Just like batman," I smiled at him. We went in and played for a couple hours. "Are you hungry Elijah?" Lexi turned to him. "Yeah, I want chicken nuggets," he told her. "Ok, go tell your dad," Lexi pushed his shoulder a little. "Daddy I want chicken nuggets," Elijah jumped while gripping my knees. "Ok, what about McDonald's?" I shrugged. Elijah nodded his head vigorously and smiled. "Ok, put your shoes on then and we'll walk over," I ruffled his head of hair. He had very similar hair to me, black and thick but he had luna's green eyes.

Elijah put on his shoes with Henry's help, then we walked over the road to get to McDonald's. Luckily we only had to cross one road to get food because I was starving. "How can I help," the lady behind the counter smiled as we walked up. "One chicken nugget happy meal, and a medium Big Mac meal please. You guys want anything?" I turned to Lexi and Henry. "Uh, I'll have a medium nugget meal with coke," Lexi smiled. "Large Big Mac meal with Fanta, a box of six nuggets and a chicken salsa wrap," Henry ordered. "That's it thanks," I glared at Henry. "Ok, that's £26.34 please," I took out my wallet and paid her. Lexi took out her purse so she could split the cheque because of Henry. We got the food and took it home as it was getting late. "Here's your bag big man," I joked with Henry and passed him a huge bag of his food. "I didn't see you running around after Elijah," Henry snapped. "Dude I got shot in the shoulder," I said defensively. "I'm on my period and my boobs could have slipped out while playing so it was down to you," Lexi took her food then sat down. "Elijah, stay here and eat, I'll be back in a second," I sat him on a chair. "I swear you got something as well," Henry looked at me while unpacking his feast. "Nah I got this for Luna, and that's to say sorry for waking you two up, I'll be taking the others out after school tomorrow for ice cream," I told them then walked away. When I walked inside the room Luna was sat with her mum crying. Rose saw me then left us alone. "Are you ok nena?" I asked. "Yeah just a little emotional that's all," Luna replied. "I got you McDonald's," I held up the bag. "Thank god I'm so hungry," she sighed in relief then I handed her the bag. "How did you know what to get me?" Luna sounded surprised. "How could I forget what you always get when we went to McDonald's twice a week while you were pregnant with Elijah," I laughed a little. "Thank you baby," she smiled then started eating. "Did you not get anything?" Luna furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I'll take some off Henry, damn pig got a feast," I chuckled. "Ok, you go eat," Luna smiled. I gave her a kiss then went back into the kitchen. "How the fuck have you already eaten that burger and chips when I was only with Luna for 5 minutes?" I was shocked by Henry. "Because I'm a fat bitch that doesn't give to shits what people think of me," Henry replied. "How am I your girlfriend," Lexi sighed. "Shut up, you love this fat bitch," Henry leaned to the side to slap his ass. "Sadly I do," Lexi and I laughed. I walked over to Henry then took two of his nuggets. "Dude come on," Henry shouted. "I bought it, besides, I like nuggets to," I pushed one in my mouth. "Fat bitch," Henry murmured. "You love this fat bitch," I mimicked Henry then slapped my ass. "You know it sexy boy," Henry laughed then he slapped my ass. "How do you have a son?" Lexi looked at me. "What? I wasn't the one to make Henry slap my ass," I shrugged then ate the other nugget. "Not to mention HE called me sexy," I added. "Your still sexy to babe," Henry leaned over to her and kissed her cheek. "You make me crazy," Lexi rolled her eyes then carried on eating. I waited for Elijah to finish, then I bathed him then put him to bed. "Night buddy," I kissed his forehead. "Daddy your hair tickles," Elijah giggled. "This is a master piece. And it's a beard mate, you'll get one, one day," I told him. "Nope, I will stay like this forever," he huffed. "Of course you will," I smiled then left his room and went over to my room. Luna was asleep so I put some joggers on and went to sleep myself. That night Luna woke me up again, pulling my head into her chest and Salvatore ran in. It went on, me waking up the others because of me.

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