Chapter 63

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Damon's POV

When I got home there was a random guy stood at the front door. I couldn't see his face until I got out of the car and walked closer. "Enzo I told you we are over. Now stay away from me," I heard Luna shout. "No, your mine and no one else can have you," Enzo yelled back and stepped inside. I ran into the house to see Luna pressed up against the wall and Enzo kissing her neck. She was trying to push him off her, Luna was crying but he wouldn't get off her. I pulled him off her and threw him outside. "I swear your asking me to beat the shit out of you," my fists were clenched along with my jaw. Enzo just smirked at me so I punched him in my face repeatedly. Just then rose, Salvatore and the others came running to us. Salvatore and the boys pulled me off Enzo and dragged me back. "Enzo you need to leave now!" Rose sounded angry. He got up and ran off. "What the fuck was that about?" Rose turned to me. "Get off me," I shouted. "You need to clam down Damon, beating the shit out of someone won't help," Salvatore gripped me harder. I couldn't hear Luna behind me so I panicked and got free from 5 guys hold and ran to find Luna. She was in her room but she locked it. "Luna open the door," I put my hand up against it. "Luna please. What else was I supposed to do? Stand back and let him carry on with what he was going to do?" I asked her. "Just leave me alone," I heard Luna sob from behind the door.

Luna's POV

Damon left to take the others to school and I layed in my bed. I heard the door bell ring so I figured Hugo was back and left his key. I opened the door to find Enzo stood there. "What do you want Enzo?" I huffed frustratedly. "I've come to get my girl back," he smirked at me. "Enzo I told you we are over. Now leave me alone," I shouted at him. "No, your mine and no one else can have you," Enzo yelled back at me. He stepped inside and pushed me up against a wall. His hands were touching all over my body and he was kissing my neck. I started crying because I was trying to get Enzo off me but he just pushed me against the wall with his body even harder. All of a sudden Damon pulled Enzo off me and threw him outside. "Your asking for me to beat the shit out of you," Damon shouted at him. Enzo just smirked and Damon started punching him. I saw my mum and dad run down to pull Damon off Enzo. I ran up to my room and locked the door. After a couple minutes I heard Damon at the door. "Luna open the door," he called to me. "Luna please. What else was I supposed to do? Stand back and let him carry on with what he was going to do?" He asked. What he said made sense but I couldn't bare the thought of Enzo getting up and hurting Damon. "Just leave me alone," I called out to him and sobbed. I heard muffled voices outside then one person walked away. "Luna," i heard my mums voice. I quickly unlocked the door and jumped into her arms. She stumbled back a little bit got her balance and hugged me close. "What happened mi amor?" She asked. We let go of each other and walked into my room and sat on my bed. "Enzo came here while I was on my own and he started kissing me and touching me all over," I sobbed. "I wanted him to stop but he wouldn't and then Damon came and started punching Enzo," I told my mum. "Why are you crying hun?" She asked. "What if Damon wasn't here when he was? What would Enzo have done to me if he didn't show up?" I started shouting. "Nothing because me and your dad got home earlier than we thought, we would have got here before anything would have happened," my mum pulled me into a hug again. "I'm such an idiot. Damon won't want to speak to me again after this," I cried into my mums shoulder. "He's really worried about you Luna. Should I send him in?" She asked. I nodded my head and she left.

Roses POV

The business trip didn't take as long as we thought so we came home early. Hugo and Diana came to pick us up as the kids were at school. When we pulled up I saw Damon punching someone and Luna behind them. Salvatore and I ran out of the car to pull Damon off the kid that he was hitting. As soon as I saw it was Enzo I didn't have any sympathy for him at all. Salvatore told Damon to calm down but he realised something and ran into the house. "Leave me alone," I heard Luna say. A tear fell down Damon's cheek and my heart broke, I could see that he truly felt something for my daughter. "What happened?" I gave him a sympathy look. "I think Enzo went to Uh, I think he went to hurt Luna. Not with his hands or like torture, I think he was going-," I could see that Damon was having trouble to find the right words to tell me but I know what he meant. "I get it. Don't worry, I'll talk to her. Wait out here and I'll send you in if she wants to see you," I smiled at him then he went to sit in the stairs. When Luna unlocked her door she wrapped herself around me like she used to do when she was little. We went into her room and spoke about what happened. "He's really worried about you Luna, should I send him in?" I asked her. She nodded her head and I walked out. "You can go in and see her now," I told Damon and he walked into luna's room. The others were sat in the living room so I went in. "Is she alright?" Nick asked me sounding worried. "Yeah, Damon's with her now. Just give them some alone time," I smiled at everyone. A couple hours later I went to go pick up hunter, Dakota, Henry, Emilio, Jaques, Lexi and Cole from school. They were all really excited to see me and the others. "I need you all to leave Luna alone for a while, she's been through something this morning and she's sensitive right now," I looked at everyone in the mirror. "Was it something to do with Enzo?" Lexi asked me. I nodded my head and Henry and Lexi both got a look of 'I'm going to kill him'. "I knew he was up to something when I didn't see him at school," Henry sounded just as angry as Damon. "Before you talk to her, just give her time to herself," I smiled at him. "Mummy, is daddy at home?" Cole asked me. "Yes honey, you will see everyone soon," I replied. "Is Luna alright?" Emilio seemed worried. "She's with Damon so I think she'll be alright," I nodded at him. Lexi and Henry started to laugh when I mentioned Damon and Luna. "Is something funny?" I was very curious. "Damon had scratches on his back this morning, Luna told me that she just scratched him a bit to hard when he asked her to," Hunter told me. "Oh is that right," I parked the car and they all got out. "Daddy," Cole shouted as ran into his arms. "Hey bud, missed me that much?" Salvatore laughed. "Yes, I missed mummy as well," Cole smiled. "How was America?" Dakota asked. "It waa amazing, me and your dad are thinking about taking you kids soon," I replied. "Sick," hunter yelled. Everyone just laughed at him and went inside.

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