Chapter 13

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Roses POV

"You are having a baby... girl," she told me. "A baby girl," I repeated. Tears rolled down my face and I stood up. "Congratulations tesoro, I'll be here every step of the way," nick hugged me. We walked out to the others and they all stood up. "It's a girl," I told them. The girls were especially excited but the guys were happy for me. I could tell they really wanted it to be a boy, Nick was just glad that she was healthy. "Ok I need to go see Diana, she deserves to know what Salvatore has done," I told nick. He agreed with me and drove me there.

I knocked on the door and Diana answered. "Rose, it's been a while, how are you," she hugged me. "Hi Diana, I need to tell you some things," I sighed. Come in dear let's get some tea," she lead me to the living room. "So what's happened?" She asked. "I'll start of by saying, congratulations," I smiled. "What for?" Diana looked confused. "Your going to be a grandma," I smiled at her. "Really?" Her face lit up more than what griffins did. I stood up and showed her my bump. After a little while of her feeling her kick, I told her the rest. "Oh honey I'm so sorry, I always knew that Emma girl was a nasty piece of work," Diana stated. "Yeah, but on the bright side, we don't have long until you get to meet your granddaughter," I told her. "Wait, your having a girl?" She kind of squealed. I nodded my head. The others had my back on what had happened and they told Diana things that I didn't even know about. After about an hour of talking I decided it was time to go home. "Ok, I think it's time to get back to Salvatore, he's probably going nuts wondering where you guys are," I sighed. I gave Diana a scam photo so she had something from her granddaughter. "Remember rose, I'm always here is you need anything," Diana hugged me then we left to go home.

"Where the hell have you all been?" Salvatore shouted as we walked into the living room. He couldn't see me since I was behind everyone. "Well answer me," he demanded. "They were with me seeing if they were having a niece or nephew. So don't shout at them because there here for me and YOUR baby when you can't be," I snapped at him. "Rose. So you've finally come out from sulking then have you?" He fired back at me. "Screw you Salvatore," I told him. I grabbed the remote and put in a code. It turned to cctv on the stairs. The footage showed Emma clearly pushing me down the stairs. "I knew you were lying you stuck up bitch," Bentley shouted at Emma. "If that's not proof enough then you are well and truly blind," I turned to Salvatore. Emma soon ran out of the house and didn't come back. Good riddance to her. "Rose I'm so sorry," Salvatore walked over to me. "Salvatore Carter, why did you doubt me?" I asked. "Cos I'm a fuck up, I messed up with everything," he replied. "Well next time check the god damn footage," I giggled a little. "Ow," I said. "The baby's kicking, you wanna feel?" I asked Salvatore. He lifted his hand but then dropped it. "You know it takes two to make a baby, you helped me with this one so don't be afraid to feel her kick," i grabbed his hand and put it where she was kicking most. "Did you just say her?" He asked. "Yeah we're having a baby girl," I smiled. All of a sudden Salvatore engulfed me in a hug. "I'm so sorry Rose, please forgive me," he sniffed. "I already did," I hugged him back. We were stood there for a moment until he pulled away. "What can I do to make it up to you?" Salvatore broke the silence. I put my arms around his neck and his went to my waist. "Don't fuck up. One more time and I'll be leaving to go to a different place where you won't find me," I smirked at him. "Your giving me one more chance?" His face lit up. "I guess you could call it that," I smiled. He smiled back at me then connected our lips. Cheers and whistles erupted from behind us from the other. I pulled away and nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.

Salvatore and I layed on my bed since I didn't want to be in his room until he got a new bed. "What are we gonna call her?" I asked. Salvatore had his hand on my bump waiting until she kicked. "I don't know. What do you have in mind?" He replied. "What about... Luna?" I turned to face him. "Luna. I like it. Who's last name is she gonna have?" He stated. "She will have mine until we either get married or if things don't go right and I have to leave with her, she will have my name," i looked at him in the eyes. "Luna Di'Angelo, it rolls off the tongue better than Luna Carter," he smiled. "Or when she goes to school she can choose what name she wants to go by," I added. "That sounds fair," he told me. I was really tired so I fell asleep with Salvatore next to me.

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