Chapter 21

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Salvatore's POV

I woke up this morning to talk to rose about Emma. Nick had told her that everyone needed to spend time with Emma and Dylan and stop giving all their attention to her and Luna. Yes, I know Luna is my daughter but she can't always have the attention. When I went into roses room she wasn't there, neither was Luna. I figured they were with nick or sat in the living room. "Rose," I called out. She didn't answer. I called her name a couple more times until I began shouting. "Rose where the fuck are you," soon enough I gave up and sat in the living room. Emma came down with Dylan and passed him to me. We sat there for a while until griffin got my attention. "Is it alright if u go out for a while, I need to get some things done?" Griffin asked. "Sure. Just don't be too late home," I told him. "Whatever," he said and walked away. 5 minutes later rose walked in. She started saying stuff but I wasn't really listening, I was to focused on Dylan. "Where is she, bring her back," I shouted. "I'll get her and you can say goodbye," Rose told me. Rose came back in with Luna and stood there. "Now you can say goodbye," she glared. For some reason I just froze. Emma had taken Dylan from me but I couldn't pick up my little girl. "Fine, say goodbye to daddy sweetheart. We won't be seeing him for a long time," Rose told Luna. When I looked at Luna she smiled and giggled. Right then rose took her away. She came back in and started rambling again. "Should I even call him your son? He doesn't even look like you," Rose snapped. Without thinking I walked up to her and slapped her across the face. Why did she have to say that, my mum said it now rose, what the hell was I supposed to do? Emma had shown me the DNA results and he was mine. I couldn't just kick Emma and my son out, I just couldn't. "Not only have you lost me and my trust but you have lost your daughter, forever," Rose looked at me in the eyes. Them words hurt me and I immediately regretted what I had done. Before I could stop her she walked away and left me. Rose had taken my daughter and there was nothing I could do about it.

Roses POV

Griffin was sat with Luna on his lap. Tears filled her eyes and she leaned into his chest. Luna had a concentrating look on her face so I knew she was listening to his heart beat. "How are you?" Griffin asked. "I've been better. I'm glad she has my name not his. I had a bad feeling Emma would come back and fuck everything up," I told him. "She's listening to your heart beat you know," I smiled at him. "Is she?" He asked. "Yeah, when she does it to me or anyone else she gets a look on her face. It's really cute to see but she always does it when she wants me or her dad. In this case she wants Salvatore," I sighed at the thought of her not growing up with him in her life. He brought this upon himself though, it was no longer my responsibility. The only person I had to worry about was Luna. "Come on. We can go back to my new place for a while," I stood up. Griffin kept hold of Luna for the drive so she wouldn't cry. We got to my apartment and went in. "Damn Rose you did good," griffin smiled at me. "Thanks. Luna needs somewhere to grow up. This was the best option for her to have that," I looked down at Luna who had fallen asleep in griffin's arms. Griffin sat down while I put Luna in her cot. "Rose, I'm so sorry this has  happened to you," Griffin turned to me. "You weren't the one to push me and his daughter away. You don't have to apologise," I looked down at my hands and started crying. "Come here. It'll be ok," griffin pulled me into a hug. "It won't be. Luna will grow up without a father and I will have to make up a lie when she's older. I can't tell her that her dad didn't want her anymore because he had a son with another woman," I sobbed. "Well, I can stay for a while, be a father figure for Luna. In return you give me food and shelter," he smiled at me. "Only if you want to, I will get you whatever you want. I just can't do it alone," I sat up. "I could even be like a big brother for her, it would be a great 18 years," Griffin chuckled. "Ok then. You could be a big brother for Luna and I wouldn't be completely alone raising her," I laughed. "Decent. But I have to ask, is there another room that I can stay in?" He asked. "Yeah, there's one through there," I pointed.

Later on that night griffin, Luna and I watched a movie and got snacks as well. It was a Disney film which Luna giggled at every once in a while. "Who's that?" I asked. Griffins phone had started ringing, I paused the film so he could answer. "Hello," he said. "Where the hell are you, I told you not to come home that late," Salvatore shouted down the phone. Griffin had been sneaky and put it on speaker. "I'm out with friends and crashing there for a while, I won't be home for a couple days," griffin told him. "Ok. Well Dylan won't drink his milk. He keeps on crying and Emma and I don't know what to do, do you know anything about it?" Salvatore asked. "He's a nine month old. He should be in solids not fucking formula," I mumbled a little too loudly. "Are you with rose. Put her on the phone," Salvatore shouted. "What do you want?" I asked. "You can't do this. You need to bring Luna back now," he yelled. "What so she can grow up to see her father love another kid more than her. You have hurt me Salvatore, I won't let you hurt Luna," I yelled back at him. "You told me that it takes two to make a baby, I helped you make her. Now bring her back to me," Salvatore growled. "No. I regret everything that I've ever given you. I don't want Luna to regret you being her father because you pushed her away. She calls you when she cries at night. It breaks my heart to see MY baby like that and it's your fault," I fired at him and hung up. "Your one badass rose. Not even nick will stand up to Salvatore, and nicks older," Griffin laughed. "Shut up," I playfully punched him. "I'm going to sing a song, can you watch Luna?" I asked. "Of course," he smiled. I left to my room and closed the door. Every time I played I released all my emotion into the singing, it was an escape from my reality for a while.

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