Chapter 74

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Luna's POV

There's a baby boy in me. Lexi and I got really excited and went home to make a clues hunt for Damon. When we finished we put all the clues in their places and placed the note and baby picture in Damon's room. "They're not going to be home for a while. Should we go baby shopping?" Lexi asked. "Ok, let's go," I got up then we left. We spent a couple hours shopping, buying baby clothes and pampers also formula and bottles. "Ok, I can't do anymore, let's go home," I huffed our. "But we haven't been here long," Lexi pouted. "Lex, we've been here 4 hours, besides Damon and Henry might be home," I was breathing heavily as Lexi was dragging me all over the place. When we got home I quickly wrote another note for Damon, I placed it in his room along with a baby outfit. I got tired to I walked back to my room and sat on my bed then started scrolling through Instagram. After a while, someone slid a piece of paper under my door. Being curious, I got up and picked it up. "Theo, I like that one, Elijah, I've always wanted to call my son that, Jake and Kieran," I giggled at the names Damon had come up with. "I like that name Elijah as well," I heard Damon at the door. "Any particular reason?" I asked. Damon put his back against the door as slid down to sit on the floor, I did the same but was careful because of my bump. "My grandfather was called Elijah. We were very close but then he passed away and my dad left me and my mum. That's where I get my middle name, I'm Damon Elijah Gomez," he laughed a little. "I'm named after my mum, Luna Rose Di'Angelo," I giggled. "A boy, it's come round super quick," Damon stated. "I know, I'm so big it's unreal," I leaned my head on the door then put my hand on my bump. "I haven't seen you yet, your always in mr Greene's class room and your sat down so it's hard for me to see you," Damon sighed. "Baby?" He said. "Yes," I loved it when he called me that. "Can I see you?" He asked. "Damon," I sighed heavily. "It's ok if you don't want to. Can we at least talk like this for a while?" He questioned me. "Yeah, I like this," I smiled. "I've been feeling him move," I told Damon. "Really?" I could hear the excitement in his voice. "Yeah, he's really active, keeps me up most nights. Do you know who that reminds me of?" I giggled. "Who?" Confusion lacing his voice. "You, he reminds me of you," I blurted out. "I did keep you up a lot of the time," Damon laughed. "I miss you," he told me. "I miss you to," I replied. "You have no ideas how badly I want to kiss you right now," Damon broke the silence. "Two months 3 months without you and it's driving me crazy," he added. "I know the feeling," I replied. "Luna," Damon called out to me. "Damon," I mimicked him. "I love you so much," I could imagine him smirking at himself. "I love you to," I smiled. "What did you do at school?" I asked. "It was good. Callum pissed me off so I put him in a head lock," Damon chuckled. "What did he do?" I gasped. "He just keeps on saying things like I'm going to be the dad of the school, that I'm going to have to take over mr peters soon. Not to mention he keeps on calling me old man," Damon told me. "Your only 19, how does that make you an old man?" I giggled. "Because Callum is a dick," he responded. We sat there for a couple hours, talking and sitting there. I actually opened the door a little so Damon and I could hold hands. "Micheal made me laugh last week. He said that if he gets a girlfriend that he'll treat her right and that she'll be like a princess," Damon chuckled. "But he's gay isn't he?" I asked and laughed. "He denies it but we all think he is," Damon replied. "Damon, dinner," I heard my mum shout him. "I'll eat later Rose, I'm not hungry," Damon called back. "It'll be in the oven," she yelled then we went back to taking. "What have you been doing in mr Greene's class?" Damon asked me. "Not much. Mostly do work that I'm supposed to do in lessons, usually music and when I don't have anything to do I walk around the school where people can't stare at me," I explained. "You shouldn't have to hide it," he sighed. "I don't want to, but some of the girls there would come up to me and want to touch my bump and it's weird," I cringed at the thought. "I still haven't felt out baby," Damon squeezed my hand. "No one has, not even mum, when the time is right I want you to be the first," I smiled and tightened my grip on his hand. Damon intwined our fingers and held my hand like that. "So what name have we decided on?" Desperation lacing his voice to know. "Ok, what about, Elijah Salvatore Gomez?" I questioned him. "Perfect. But why Gomez? How come you don't put Di'Angelo?" Damon seems confused. "Because if he's anything like you then Di'Angelo would intimidate people and he won't have many friends," I replied. "Elijah Salvatore Gomez, is Salvatore after your dad?" He asked. "Yeah, for a girl I thought of Rosalee so it has my mums name but it's not just rose," I replied. "Imagine, 10 years time we could have a whole family, we would have Elijah, but then we could have Rosalee, a Theodore, what about Atlanta? I like that one," he sighed like it was a good idea have more kids. "Hold your horses there. We haven't even had our first and your busy thinking about having more," I laughed. "Of course. I was an only child and I don't want our son growing up without siblings," Damon sounded upset. "What's wrong?" I squeezed his hand. "I just want to hold you in my arms, feel our baby kick my hand while he's doing flips in you stomach. I just wish I could take back everything and have you in my arms," he sighed. 3 months was long enough, maybe I could give him a chance. "Baby," Damon pulled me out of my thoughts. "I'm here," I replied. "You ok?" Damon gripped my hand tighter. "Yeah, just thinking," I told him. "Are you tired?" He asked. "A little yeah," I responded. "I'll let you sleep then, I love you," Damon let go of my hand and stood up. I got up off the floor and stood by the slightly open door. "I love you to," with that Damon walked away. I went to my bed and positioned myself on my side.

Around 1:30am I couldn't sleep. The decision was now or never, I got up and went to Damon's room. "Damon," I whispered. "You alright baby?" He turned to look at me. "I can't sleep," I told him. "Come here," he patted the bed next to him. The door was covering my body so he couldn't see my bump. When I walked in, I shut the door then faced Damon. His eyes lit up when he saw me, his eyes travelled down to my bump. "Your making me feel really fat right now," I moaned. "When you said that you were big I didn't think you were that... big," his eyes were wide. "This is your fault," I smiled while pointing at him. I made my way over to his bed and layed down next to him. Damon put the covers over me and pulled me so my back was against his chest. His hands  went down my body until they stopped at my bump. "He's moving you know know," I put my hands over his. "It feels like there's butterflies-ahh," I winced. "Did you feel that?" I asked Damon. "Yeah, on my left hand," he replied. "Your the first to feel your son kick," I giggled a little. "He's our son and it was the first time you felt it as well, I assume by your reaction," Damon said, his accent really thick. "Yeah, we experienced it together," I turned my face to look at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I've missed you," I put one hand around his neck while the other kept his hands on my bump. I pulled his head closer to mine, I connected our lips. It was soft and slow until I had to pull away. "Shit," I winced again. "He's kicking again," I smiled. "I felt it again, stronger than the last one," Damon laughed a little. "Don't laugh at me. It's your fault," I whispered yelled. "Not all mine, it takes two to make a baby, nena," he smirked at me. "Touché," I giggled. Damon kissed me but then Elijah kicked again that made me pull away. "He doesn't like us doing that," Damon chuckled. "He's not even born yet and he has a problem with us kissing. Imagine him as a toddler, mum and dad are kissing, he's going to kick our shins," I laughed. "Then we won't do it in front of him," Damon leaned down. Before he could touch my lips with his Elijah kicked again. "This is definitely a night to remember," Damon smiled. "Yes it is," I replied. "We better get some sleep before I don't get enough and have to stay home from school again," I moved on my side. Damon pulled me closer to him then placed his hands back on my bump. "I love you," Damon whispered in my ear then kissed my forehead. "I love you to," I smiled then closed my eyes. Now Damon and I were on speaking terms and we finally felt out baby. "Will you be mine again?" Damon asked. "Yes," I replied. Damon kissed the side of my face then put his head close to mine. I closed my eyes again then  let sleep take over my body.

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