Chapter 7

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Roses POV

"OH HELL NAH," I yelled and stormed in the office. Salvatore was with a girl on top of his desk. When he saw me he quickly got off her and stood up. "Fuck you Salvatore, I should have trusted my gut and not got with you. One goddamn day, it's been one day and you have already decided to cheat on me," I started hitting his chest. "You have just ruined a perfect moment bitch," the girl said. "Call me bitch one more time and I'll cut that tongue out of your mouth," I growled. "Screw you," she flipped me off. I walked over to her and got a fistful of her hair and slammed her across the room. She landed by a broken photo frame I had brought yesterday for a picture of me and Salvatore. I picked it up and ripped the side with me on it. "I take it this doesn't mean anything to you anymore," I threw it at him and walked away. The tears blurred my vision but I knew where I was going. "Rose plea-," Salvatore started but I cut him off by slamming the office door shut. Now I know how he really feels about me. You always see others getting cheated on, it doesn't effect you when you see it but as soon as it happens to you it's crap, no one should have to feel that way. I ran into the piano room and slid down the wall, i brang my knees to my chest and sobbed. "Rose, estas bein Tesoro?" - are you alright treasure, Nick knocked the door. "No, no deberia haber confiado en el," - I shouldn't have trusted him, I told nick. "Lo siento mucho mi amor," -I'm so sorry my love. I could hear the pain that he had for me in nicks voice. "Duele mucho nick," - it hurts to much nick, I sobbed harder. Nick opened the door and came to comfort me. I felt nick shake his head so I think Salvatore must have came to see me. He cheated on me and I didn't want to see him for a little while. Nick was with me just cradling me until I stopped crying. "Gracias nick, yo necesitaba eso," - thanks nick, I needed that, I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes. "No hay problema Tesoro, avisame si necesita also," - no problem treasure, if you need anything let me know. Nick smiled back at me then left.

Salvatore's POV

Emma had came to the house while Rose was out shopping with the girls. They had been gone for 4 hours and I had no idea when they would be back. Emma had come into my office to discuss why she was here. I had told her that a different gang was going to attack the house soon so she had to be prepared for that. She understood the information I had given her which was good as always. All of a sudden she came at me. Emma climbed into my lap and started kissing me. I tried to push her away because of Rose, but I gave up in the end. Things got heated and then I heard rose shout. She stormed in and started shouting and hitting my chest. I didn't stop her because I knew I deserved what she said and did to me. Emma told her some things and rose grabbed her hair and tossed her across the room. Emma had knocked off the photo of me and rose from when we went to my mums house for dinner. Rose ripped it in half and threw it at me. "I guess this doesn't mean anything to you anymore," she had tears free falling down her cheeks. "Rose plea-," before I could finish my sentence rose slammed the door shut and ran to the piano room I gave her. I quickly put my trousers on and went to find her. "ROSE, ROSE ," I shouted her name. When I found her Nick was cradling her. When he caught my eye he shook his head for me not to come in. "Duele mucho nick," she said in Spanish. He spoke to her in their language for a while. Soon enough I left because I knew she didn't want to see me. After an hour nick came into my room and his face said it all, he had a look of disappointment. "Why did you do that to that poor girl Salvatore?" He asked me. "I don't know, Emma came at me. She was my first love and I can't seem to let her go, I'm such a fuck up," I rubbed my hands in my face. "Just give her some time ok. She'll come around," nick told me. "Nick, what did she say to you, I couldn't understand?" I asked. "She told me that she shouldn't have trusted you. She also said it hurt too much, in the short while I've known someone, I've never been affected by how someone else feels, but that girl, she doesn't deserve anything life throws at her," with that he left. I felt like shit. Nick was right, she didn't deserve any of it, especially if I caused it. This wasn't fair in rose at all, when she allowed me to see her I will apologise and make things right, other than that I should give her space.

2 weeks later

I hadn't seen rose for 2 weeks. Nick had been spending a lot of time with her, probably speaking Spanish to make it stronger. "I want you," Emma whispered in my ear. "We need to talk," I told her and took her to the kitchen. I knew everyone would try and listen to see what we would be doing but I didn't care, I hurt Rose and I needed to tell Emma that what we did was a mistake that shouldn't have been made.

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