Chapter 89

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Damon's POV

Elijah pulled me inside the apartment as soon as Luna unlocked the door. I winced as Elijah tugged on my bad arm causing my shoulder to hurt. "Are you ok daddy?" Elijah faced me. "Yeah, just a sore shoulder," I lied, I smiled at him to reassure him that I was fine. "Come see my room," he got excited the ran from me. "You better go before he throws a fit, it ain't cute," Luna laughed. I followed Elijah into a room where the walls were painted a creme colour and a small bed placed in the middle. There was batman cover on they bed as he liked batman so much. "Mummy got be batman things to go on my bed," he smiled at me. "That's great bud. What else do you have here? " I bent down to his level again. "I have a lot of my toys from grandma and grandpas. Mummy didn't bring everything incase we needed to go back for any reason," Elijah sighed. "You only moved in yesterday, I think your mum would want to stick around for at least a year," I put my hand on his shoulder. For a four year old he was incredibly like me in so many ways, he had my hair colour but Luna's eyes. Elijah would say the funniest things but would become serious when he thought something was off. "Let's go to mummy's room," Elijah took my hand then ran trying to pull me along with him. My strides were as big as his couple steps as he ran; so while Elijah was running I was only walking. We walked into a much bigger room with a huge bed off to the side, a chest of drawers at the foot of the bed and a bedside table either side of the bed. Elijah got on top of the bed then started jumping. "What have I told you about jumping on my bed?" Luna walked in with a smile on her face. "I can't do it," Elijah looked down. "Without me," Luna ran and jumped on the bed with Elijah. "Daddy come join us," Elijah screamed. "No, I can't," I smiled. "Yeah come on daddy," Luna winked at me. I sighed then got up on the bed and jumped with them. After a while we all layed down on the bed with Elijah in the middle. "You two are crazy," I breathed out. "Yes we are," Elijah laughed. "Come on, I'm hungry," Luna got up then picked up Elijah then put him on the floor. "If you want to sleep baby you can," Luna smiled at me. "Yeah, I have a lot to catch up on," I returned the smile then got under the covers. "Love you," I heard Luna. "I love you to," I layed my head down on the pillow then closed my eyes. I heard footsteps leave the room then the door closed. Soon sleep took over and I was in darkness again.

Luna's POV

I left Damon to sleep so Elijah and I could go get something to eat. "What do you want? Eggs, bacon, cereal?" I asked Elijah while looking through the cupboards. "Bacon," Elijah shouted. "We got to be quiet for a bit baby boy, daddy's sleeping," I told him. "Where did he go?" Elijah looked down. I walked over to the sofa and sat him on my lap. "When you were a baby, me and your dad was driving you home. Someone crashed into us and your dad hit his head but you and me were fine. The doctors told me that the impact had effected your dad so much that they thought he died. Everyone thought your dad had died and wasn't coming back, but someone from my old school took your dad and kept him from us. I don't know how he got out but he's here now and that's all that matters," I explained. "Did daddy come back to life?" Elijah looked at me. "No honey he wasn't dead to begin with, we just didn't know that," I told him. "Now what do you want for breakfast?" I got Elijah excited so he could get his mind off Damon. "I want McDonald's," Elijah screamed. Thank god damon was a heavy sleeper. "Ok, let's go get dressed," I stood up. I helped Elijah into his clothes then let him play in the living room while I got dressed myself. Damon was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up so I left him a note. When I was finished, I went back to the living room to hear a knock at the door. When I opened it I didn't expect to see him standing there... Enzo. My breathing quickened as I looked at him. He towered over me as he leaned in between the door. "What do you want Enzo?" I asked him. "You know what I want," he smirked at me. "You can't have me back, I've already told you that," I made my voice louder. "That's not what I'm here for, but I do want you back. Besides the point, you have something of mine and I want him back," Enzo tried to get inside. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," I furrowed my eyebrows. "I know Damon's here, I'm not a fool," Enzo stepped back. "Elijah go in mummy's room. Tell Dimitri that he should get his ghost-load, he'll know what I mean," I called to Elijah. As soon as I heard the door shut, my breathing went a bit quicker. "Who's Dimitri?" Enzo asked me. "My new boyfriend I lied. "Really? Then you wouldn't mind letting me in," Enzo tried to come in. "Look Enzo, my son is in this house. He's only a baby, I need you to leave," I pushed on his chest. "I'll be back, if I don't find Damon I will kill your family," Enzo pointed his finger at me. "He's dead. What are you going on about? Finding Damon. He died four years ago," I tried to sound shocked. "Maybe he isn't back then, he didn't come back to you," Enzo sighed. "I'm still confused, Damon is dead, has been for four years and always will be," I told him. "That means if he hasn't come to you then he would have common sense to stay away from your family. Fuck, I will get you back Luna wether you like it or not," then Enzo was gone. I shut the door and sighed. I walked into my room having to dodge a bullet. "At least you still know the code names for shit," I stood up straight again. "Fuck me Luna. I thought you were Enzo," Damon lowered the gun. "1, I'm pretty sure I already have and I told him that you died and he obviously bought it so your safe for now but we have to go back to my parents house to make sure we have the numbers to protect us just incase," I told Damon. He nodded then slipped on his shoes and a jumper then we left.

"Back so soon?" Hunter smirked at me. "Where's mum?" I looked at him. Hunters facial expression changed so he knew something was wrong. "In the office with the gang," he replied. "I need you to take Elijah to Henry and Lexi," then hunter and Elijah was gone. Damon and I ran up to my dads office and burst in. The guys and girls were in there and all eyes came on us. "Luna?" My dad looked confused. "Enzo is trying to get to Damon again. We can't go anywhere else," I walked in then shut the door behind Damon. "He came by the house this morning looking for me, Elijah woke me up telling me to get out a ghost-load," Damon went over to the desk. "I take it you need people to go over and clean up a body," Connie sighed. "No, I didn't shoot him, Luna got rid of him but he is looking for me," Damon told them. "Wait so while we all thought you were dead, you weren't. Enzo had you for four years?" Ronnie got really confused.

Damon's POV

"Yeah that's it, he kept me in this small room and beat me. Yesterday someone helped me get out but it took me ages that's why I banged on the door so late," I explained. "Damn, I carried a heavy ass coffin for no fucking reason," Hugo pouted. "Tell is everything that happened to you," Rose sat down then all eyes came on me. "When the crash happened I could still hear people, Luna was crying and this man said I wasn't breathing and needed an ambulance. I tried to speak or move to let them know I was ok but I couldn't. When I was laying in the hospital I heard Enzo talking to mark. Enzo said he would pay mark off if he told Luna that I died in the car accident, mark agreed and I was stuck. Then for a while everything went black. Soon I woke up in a small confined space because I heard scraping then someone standing over me. That's when I knew you all thought I was dead," I sighed trying to hold back my tears. "What happened next?" Nick asked. "I got knocked out the I woke up in a small room with my wrists and ankles chained up. Enzo beat me once a week because I took Luna away from him and that Elijah should have been his kid," I looked down. "For four years straight Enzo would beat me black and blue so I could feel what he had to go through while he watched Luna and I when she was pregnant," I continued. "How did you get out?" Amber asked. All the girls had tears rolling down their cheeks while the guys looked at me with sympathy. "This guy told me that I had been punished enough and helped me get out, I saw a woman run away from me when the guy left me. Then I got up and started walking then found this place again. That's when rose took me up to her room and got Salvatore and nick to shower me. I heard all of you get worried because rose wouldn't tell you what was going on. Trust me I wanted to call out to tell you that it was me but I didn't have the strength to do it," I explained. "It hurt that I couldn't watch Elijah grow up, take his first step, his first word, it still kills me that he went to nursery the day I got back and I missed that, now I have to do something to enzo to get back at him for making me miss the first four years of my sons life," I could feel the tears prick up in my eyes. "How can we help?" Violet stood up. "We need the numbers to keep Elijah and me safe until Enzo is gone, so we have to stay here until that happens," I replied. "Ok, we'll make a plan. You Damon, go rest, you look like crap," Salvatore told me. "Thanks boss, you know how to make my day," I chuckled. Everyone else laughed at me by my reply. "Even when you are being targeted you still know how to make people laugh. Your a weird bastard," nick joked. "What can I say? It's a gift," I laughed. "You and your fucking gifts," everyone giggled. "You know me to well," I smiled. "Ok, go sleep because you seriously look like shit," Lynn smiled. "Ok, I'm going, see you all later," then I walked out. I went to the room that Luna and I slept in the night before, I climbed in and let sleep take over me once again.

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