Chapter 57

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Lexi's POV

Henry and I met up with Damon and Luna to go home. I called it home as I spent most days and nights there. "I saw what you did to Enzo, damn you did some damage," Henry bro shaked Damon. "Then he shouldn't have everyone go round calling your sister a slut," Damon replied bluntly. There was anger lacing his voice which was easily noticeable. "We need to leave so Damon can be on time to pick up the others," Luna called from inside the car. "Your mum is picking them up, she stayed home with Jaques so I don't need to do it," Damon sounded really shitty. "Don't get shitty with me Damon. I wasn't the one who got in a fight and got myself told off now was I," Luna snapped. "Then you should start speaking up for yourself then," Damon got into the car. Henry and I followed and got into the back seats. "Their first couple argument," I squealed to Henry a little to loudly. "We're not a couple!" Damon and Luna shouted at the same time. "Well you sure act like it," I sat back. "For the last time we don't like each other like that and we are not together," Luna faced me. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," I smiled at her. Luna huffed and looked forward. The drive home was silent because of the tension that was between Luna and Damon. "Thanks for the ride Damon," Henry and I said at the same time and walked into the house with Luna following after. I heard Damon start his car again and leave.

Luna's POV

Damon had been really shitty with me, god knows why. We had such a good day until he beat the crap out of Enzo. When I got home I went to get changed and go to the training room. Damon hadn't come in so I gathered he went for a drive. My 17th was two days away and I was going to get driving lessons. Damon said that he would take me out but I don't think that would be happening anymore. When I was ready I went down to the training room to see Emilio doing push-ups. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I asked him. "No, we had half a day because there was a gas leak," he replied. "What you doing down here?" Emilio stood up. "Me and Damon had a little fight," I sighed. I walked over to the punching bag and started taking my stress out on it. "What about?" Emilio day on the bench near me. "Enzo has told everyone at school that I have moved on to Damon. He's got everyone at school to call me a slut so Damon beat his ass," my swings were getting harder as I punched. "But you haven't moved on to Damon," Emilio sounded confused. "Exactly, but today Enzo had some random by his side so..." I trailed off. "But Enzo is the slut not you," he stood up to hold the punching bag for me. "That's what Damon said but obviously Enzo being to stuck up his ass has all the girls wrapped around his little finger," I went on venting to my little brother. After an hour of punching I stopped and sat down. "What you need to remember is that your not a slut," Emilio put his hand on my shoulder. "Enough about me, what's going on with you and willow?" I asked. "She's good, we've got closer and she wants to come over soon," he replied with a smile. "For a ten year old your really committing to this," I was really impressed. "Yeah, I really like her," Emilio smirked. "I'm going to go get in the shower, you wanna walk up with me?" He asked. "Yeah," we got up and walked to our rooms. "Luna, Emilio," my mum shouted for us. I quickly put the rest of my clothes on and went downstairs, Emilio already there. "What's up?" I sat down far away from Damon. "Your dad and I have decided to-," my mum began but I cut her off. "Your not having another baby are you?" I stood up. "No luna, no more kids now," she smiled. "Your dad and I are going to America for a business deal, Luna and Damon the guys are coming with us so you two are in charge until we get back," my mum looked from me to Damon. "How long?" I gulped. "Only a week, we're leaving on Sunday," my mum replied. "Ok, what about my birthday?" I sat back down. "We'll take you out and you will still get your driving lessons like we promised," she smiled. "Where's Salvatore now?" Damon stood up. "In his office, he's not in a good mood so be careful," my mum warned. "Neither, that's why I need to talk to him," Damon glared at me then walked away. "Ok, Lexi, I need you to stay here go to school and watch over things while I'm gone. Hugo is staying as he doesn't like flying so your won't be completely on your own," she turned to Lexi. "Yes rose, I'll go speak to him about it now," Lexi got up and dragged Henry with her. "Dak, Hunter, Emilio, Jaques and Cole, I need you all to be on your best behaviour when I'm gone," my mum sat down. "We will," hunter smiled. It would be weird without my mum and dad and the gang not being here but at least Hugo is staying. It was good that Hugo stayed so me and Damon don't kill each other. I couldn't get my mind off Damon. Even though we had a fight I couldn't get him out. "You alright babe?" My mum brought me out of my head. "No not really, I will be though, just need some time," I smiled. I could see that my mum wanted to press on but she didn't, thank god. I love my mum I really do, she gives the best advice but when she wants to be she can be really annoying like a teenager.

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