Chapter 40

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Salvatore's POV

Rose had gone to pick up Luna and Henry from school. "Well it's nice to meet you again Salvatore," roses mum smiled at me when rose left. "Yeah, I didn't know Remi would bring you round," I slowly turned to glare at Remi. "I thought I would surprise rose, she's been through a lot the past 6 years," Remi had a point. "Yeah, some of that shit was caused by me," I hated that thought. "Wait, what am I missing?" Roses mum turned to me. "Mrs Di'Angelo, the first year of rose living with me it wasn't great. Being the most well known gang leader in London, I had a few enemies. I needed an old friend to come help me out but I ended up cheating and for months rose took Luna and the others to the house her father gifted her. I apparently got a girl pregnant as well as you daughter. I soon found out that the kid wasn't mine and the girl hasn't bothered us since. Now I have rose as my wife that I completely adore and would never let anyone change that, and I have four amazing children to keep me on my feet," I explained. "So you cheated on my daughter, but she still went on to marry and have 3 more kids with you?" She looked really confused. "Yeah, I would rather die than hurt rose like I did again," I stood up to put Dakota in a Moses basket. Hunter was already laying down passed out since he was just fed. "You remind me of my Henry, he would have rather died than do anything to hurt me, mentally or physically," roses mum smiled. "I can promise you that I will never hurt rose again, I love the woman too much and even if I did, she wouldn't let me go that easily," I smiled at the thought. Everyone knew that rose was a strong woman and she wouldn't let people get away with things that easily. "I bet she wouldn't, she's like her father you know, bad temper, doesn't take anyone's bullshit but is calm when she needs to be, and Remi is like me, so sensitive and doesn't care what people think of him," she laughed. We all talked and laughed for a little while then all hell broke loose. "I hate him, I will show him," Luna came into the house and stormed to her room. "What was that about?" I asked when rose came into the living room. "There's a boy bullying her at school," Rose had explained what happened while she had a chat with the boys dad. "Do you still want to meet your other grandchildren mum?" Rose turned to her mum. "Yes please," she replied. Rose called the kids down and they all introduced themselves. Soon enough the guys and girls came down from their rooms and laughed and talked with us. At around 7pm Remi and roses mum left.

Roses POV

"Bye darling, it was nice seeing you again," my mum hugged me. "It was nice to see you again, are you sticking around?" I asked her. "I have grandchildren to see grow up, and I have my daughter back, I'm not going anywhere," she smiled. When Remi and my mum left I mad everyone dinner. "This is so good rose, like always," griffin groaned when he put the food in his mouth. "I knew you would like it," I winked at him. "Hey that's for me!" Salvatore got defensive when griffin smirked at me. "What my winks it griffins smirks?" I asked sarcastically. "Griffins smirks all the way," Salvatore said and everyone laughed at his response. "Love you to Salvatore you sexy beast," griffin bit the air at Salvatore. "Ok leave my mans to me griffin," I laughed. "He knows he loves me," he turned back to his food. "You know it," Salvatore winked at griffin. After dinner it was time to bath and put Luna and Henry to bed. "Mummy, do I have to go to school tomorrow?" Luna asked. "I'm sorry baby girl but you have to, just stay away from enzo unless he tries to apologise, ok," I told her. "I will never forgive him, boys are pigs," Luna huffed. "That is why you stay away from them until you are a teenager and are ready for a boyfriend," I smiled at her. "Are they worth it mummy?" She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. "When I was growing up, I hated all boys. Then I met your dad and he swept me off my feet, there will be someone out there for you mi amor, I promise," I tapped her nose then left her to sleep. I went to say goodnight to Henry but he was already passed out when I got there. Nick had kindly put the twins in the nursery so I headed straight to bed. "Hey baby," I saw Salvatore sat on the bed. "Hey, so what actually happened with Luna?" He asked me. "Well, the kid was saying that Luna was a mistake and that no one in her family loves her. Of course Luna got angry and started shouting at the little boy. When the dad walked over to Luna my motherhood cane out so I pulled my gun on him, then he pulled his on me but we calmed down. The kid tried to apologise but Luna got stubborn and didn't accept and walked out of the classroom. Then the dad said that he would teach his son to respect Luna as he knows that she is your daughter and everyone knows not to mess with you and your family," I told him. "What did you actually do to make the city be scared of you?" I asked. "That is a story I will never tell," he replied. He connected our lips then pulled me in for a hug. "I love you rose, you know that right?" Salvatore sounded a little worried. "If you didn't then I would cut your dick off, but yes I know you love me and I love you just as much," I responded. We went to sleep but in the middle of the night Henry came in wanting to sleep in our bed. Like always he would want to sleep in the middle so he was next to both me and Salvatore. Every couple hours we would wake up to feed hunter and Dakota, luckily Henry was a heavy sleeper so he didn't wake every time me and Salvatore got up. I had my family, my brilliant friends, my impeccable husband and my great kids, I didn't know what the future had for me but I knew I wouldn't be alone as long as I had my family.

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