Chapter 20

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Roses POV

I took Luna to my room and locked the door. Luna sat in the floor playing with her toys. There was no way I could let my daughter grow up in a house where everyone loves her less that that kid. I started looking for apartments in London so me and Luna could live happily without Salvatore. I began to give up hope until I found a place. "Hello, I would like to buy one of your apartments," I said down the phone. I called the place to buy the home. "Of course, I need to know how many people will be living there and we can set everything else up," a lady told me. "It will just be me and my nine month old," I replied. "Ok, you need to change you postcode and then you can move in whenever you like," she said. "Ok thank you," I told her then hung up. I called the place to tell them I was moving and gave them the address. They changed it for me and said I was set to move. I started packing clothes for me and Luna. I would have to go buy some more since I couldn't carry a baby and a lot of bags. When I finished packing it was almost 12am. I needed sleep so I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up and gathered everything I needed. Before I left I changed the bandages I had and got ready. Luna was still sleeping so it was easier for me to leave as she wouldn't make any noise. "Where are you going tesoro?" Nick asked as I opened the door. "I can't stand back and watch my baby get pushed away by her own father. She deserved better than that. I've brought myself an apartment so I'll be safe. Don't worry about us nick, have a good life," I smiled and left. I strapped Luna in the car as she slept. She started stirring so I had to hurry. I put the bags in the car and started driving. When I reached the apartment it looked amazing from the outside.

I walked in with Luna and the few bags I had packed

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I walked in with Luna and the few bags I had packed. "Hello, what can I do for you today?" A lady at the desk asked me. "I called last night about buying one of your apartments," I told her. "Rose Di'Angelo?" She asked. "Yes," I replied. "Ok, you are on the middle floor number 24," she smiled handing me a key. "Thank you," I returned the smile and walked away. I was so glad they had a lift so I didn't have to walk up stairs with heavy bags. Luna was still asleep so when I got inside I layed her down in the travel cot I brought with me. The place was amazing. It had a balcony and the bedrooms were breathtaking.

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I had to go food shopping and get more toys for Luna since I couldn't bring her ones from Salvatore's house

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I had to go food shopping and get more toys for Luna since I couldn't bring her ones from Salvatore's house. When I got home and gave Luna her toys, put the food away griffin had messaged me. 'Rose, Salvatore has gone mad. He can't find you or Luna and he's shouting about how you took his daughter away from him' griffin texted. 'I'm fine. Nick will explain to you why I left. Salvatore will eventually get over it' I messaged him. All of a sudden I got a call from griffin. "What up griffin?" I asked. "He's a total wild card. He won't calm down until he hears from you," he sighed. "I'm not coming back, he pushed us away. Not to mention his daughter was crying and calling for her dad and he didn't come. He made that choice not me," I told him. "I know rose. Everyone here feels guilty that this had made you move away. Nick had been staying in his room since you left and he won't come out. I don't know what to do," he sounded really worried. "I don't know what to tell you griffin," I sighed. "I'll bring Luna by tomorrow and Salvatore can say goodbye. I will talk to nick and all will be just as it was before I moved in," I told him. "Ok. This can stay between us two for now," griffin replied. "I won't bring Luna in straight away so I'll message you when I'm outside. You can sit with her until I leave with her again," I told him. "That works for me," he said. I hung up and layed my head back on the sofa. I gave Luna her dinner then put her to bed. It was a struggle because she kept on crying and calling out dada. The fact that she wanted her dad broke my heart. She finally fell asleep, it took a while but I made it work. I went to bed myself and didn't wake up until morning.

I got ready to leave to got to Salvatore's. I make sure that my cuts were doing better before leaving. When I got outside the house I messaged griffin to come out to the car to watch Luna. "Thanks for doing this rose," he smiled. I walked into the house to the living room to see everyone sat around. Salvatore had the kid in his arms with Emma next to him. "What the hell do you think your doing? Shouting and screaming that I took your daughter away from you," I yelled at him. "Where is she. You need to bring her back to me now," Salvatore demanded. "No. I have her with me and you can say goodbye but you have lost me and Luna," I told him. "Where is she?" He growled. I ran outside and picked up Luna. "As soon as I bring her back outside I need you to drive her away and wait for me somewhere," I told griffin. He nodded and moved to the drivers seat. I walked back inside the house and took Luna to Salvatore. "Here, say goodbye and we can leave," I told him. He just glared at me. "Fine. Say goodbye to daddy sweetheart, we won't be seeing him again," I rocked her. She smiled when Salvatore looked at her. Before he could do anything I left and took Luna back her her car seat. "Drive," I told griffin. As soon as I closed the door, griffin left. When I got back to the house nick had come down and stared at me. "Tesoro, I'm so sorry," he hugged me. "It's ok nick," I told him. "Where have you taken her?" Salvatore shouted. "It doesn't matter, you have another child anyway," I snapped. "But she's MY daughter as well. You can't take her from me," he yelled. "Yes I can actually, she has my name. There's nothing you can do about it. Go back to you son, wait-," I yelled. "Should I even call him your son? He doesn't even look like you at all. He's not your son Salvatore. Open your fucking eyes," I stood there waiting. All of a sudden Salvatore came up to me and my cheek started stinging. He slapped me and just glared. "Not only have you lost my trust for you, but you have lost your daughter forever," I said just above a whisper and left. I walked to meet griffin who was cradling Luna who had been crying.

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