Chapter 38

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Roses POV

I woke up early the next morning to feed the twins. "Babe we have to get up, the twins need feeding," I nudged Salvatore. "Ugh," he groaned. "You got me pregnant, if you didn't want to be up early hours of the morning you shouldn't of done it," I pushed his shoulder so he would wake up. "Ok, I'm awake. Let's go," Salvatore sat up and stretched. We left our room to go into the nursery. When I walked in, Luna and henry were sat on the rocking chairs just watching their siblings. "Morning guys, why are you awake so early?" I asked. "We wanted to see hunter and Dakota to we came in here to watch them," Luna smiled. "Ok, just remember no holding them unless me or daddy or an adult is with you," I told them while I went to pick up hunter. "Yes mummy," Henry nodded. I loved the fact that Luna and Henry had accepted the twins, always wanting to spend time with them. Once Salvatore and I finished feeding the babies I went to get Luna ready for school. "You ready for your first day back at school?" I asked Luna. It had been the summer holidays so Luna didn't really want to leave the twins. Salvatore went to help Henry as it was his first ever day at school as well. "No, there's this boy in my class, she is really mean and makes me angry, but when I shout at her to stop the teacher tells me off not her," Luna looked down. "Well when I take you into school I'll talk to the teacher, clear the air a bit," I lifted her face so she would look at me. "Ok," was all she said. Luna liked school but she was very much like me, as soon as someone said something bad about me or Remi, they wouldn't get away with it. She had my temper, where as Henry had Salvatore's calm and collected side to him. "Year 2, it's gone by so quick. I remember when  you the size of Dakota like it was yesterday," I laughed. "I'm a big girl now," Luna giggled. I loved it when my kids giggled or laughed, it made me feel good about myself and the kids I raised. I helped Luna get into her school uniform and pack her bag. When we were all ready, the kids said goodbye to Salvatore and we left and headed to school. Luna and I took henry to the door he goes through to get to his class room, then I walked Luna over to her teacher. "Hi Luna, welcome back," her teacher smiled. "Hello," Luna replied a little anger lacing her voice. "Go on, have a good day and I'll pick you up later," I gave her a kiss and she ran into the classroom. "Miss Jackson, Luna has told me that a girl has been mean to her and when Luna tells her to stop, Luna is the one to get told off. What's going on?" I asked. Miss Jackson closed the door and started explaining to me. "Luna is a bright kid. The thing is she's too smart for her own good. The kid that is being mean is a boy called enzo. He tells her things that make her angry and she starts shouting. I promise you that enzo gets punished as well, some of the things he says are not exactly acceptable to be said by a 6 year old," she told me. "What things has he been saying to her?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "He tells her things like her mum and dad didn't want her, she was a mistake and that no one loves her in the big family she has," miss Jackson replied. "Ok, when I pick her up later can you tell enzo's mum or dad that I would like a word with them? A six year old shouldn't be hearing things like that, I won't mention it to Salvatore," I told her. Miss Jackson was only few that knew about the gang life we lead. "Oh my god, I thought I would have an angry baby daddy on my back," she sighed in relief. "Thanks miss Jackson, please keep an eye on Luna, she has a bad temper and she will get herself in more trouble with it," I smiled then walked away.

When I got home there was a car in the drive way that didn't look familiar. I knew what car everyone had including Remi and Brody. The car was a dark blue bmw and it was parked really weird. I shook the thought out of my head and walked into the house. Salvatore was sat in the living room, I heard him talking to someone but I didn't know who. When I walked in he gave me a sympathetic look like he was saying sorry. Remi was sat next to Salvatore each holding one of the twins. My gaze adverted to what they were looking at and the person who sat there, wasn't who I expected to see ever in my life again.

My mum sat across from Salvatore and Remi. "Mum?" My breathing got heavy, my heart started beating really fast and I felt tears come up in my eyes. "Rose, my little girl," she stood up and hugged me as tight as she could. The tears flowed down my cheeks as I couldn't believe who was stood right in front of me. "You have grown into such a beautiful young woman," my mum started playing with my hair and looking at my face. "Why are you here?" I asked her while sobbing. "Remi told me about you. He said that you were happy and you got married," she told me. "Yeah, I got married, I've got four amazing kids," I replied. "Four, I thought Salvatore was babysitting!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, I just dropped the oldest two at school and the twins I had a couple days ago," I have my mum and watery smile. "If I had known they were my grand babies I would have asked to hold them sooner," she walked over to Salvatore. He passed her hunter and my mum cried even harder. "My baby girl has one of her own now," she smiled down at Dakota that layed in Remi's arms. "And a baby boy as well," she added. "Two boys two girls, there Luna that was our first, Henry as our second and there's hunter and Dakota," I told her. "Henry?" She has to pass hunter back to Salvatore and she grasped me into a hug again. "Rose, you named your first son after your father," my mum sobbed really hard. "It's always been my dream to call my first son after dad," I smiled at her. We sat there in the living room until it was time for me to pick up Luna and Henry. "I've got to go pick up Luna and Henry," I stood up. "Is it ok if I stay here and wait to meet them?" My mum asked me. "Of course mum, I wouldn't make you leave," I told her with a smile and left.

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