Chapter 99

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Two months later

Luna's POV

I woke up to go for another scan. Damon slept on the sofa and he had got worse. He started shouting 3 times a night, his counsellor told him that it would get worse before it would get better. I decided to get appointments later on in the day so Damon would be able to come with me since he missed the ones with Elijah. Around 3pm, Damon had fallen asleep since he stayed up all night to give everyone a full nights so he slept a lot during the day. "Baby, are you coming to the appointment with me?" I nudged him. "If you want me to," Damon sat up and rubbed his eyes and stretched. "You will be able to see the baby instead of just looking at a picture," I smiled. "Ok baby, let me go brush my teeth then I'll be back," Damon stood up, kissed my cheek then he was gone. I folded up his blanket and put it to the side with his pillow. Soon after Damon came back, put his shoes on and we left. "I'm already starting to show," I pouted. "Was you like that with Elijah?" Damon put his hand on my belly. "No, I didn't start fully showing until I was a couple more weeks further. He was such a small baby," I replied. "Yes he was," Damon sighed. "At least you will be here for this one," I put my hand over his. "I still remember how to make a bottle," Damon chuckled. "The only thing you need to learn is changing the nappies (diapers)," I told him. "I think I'll manage," Damon took his hand away to change the gear and then he put it back. "You really do feel bigger babe," Damon tried to hide a smile. "Thanks for making me feel better about it," I rolled my eyes. "No problem," Damon laughed.

We got to the doctors and waited for my midwife to call me in. "Luna Di'Angelo," she called. I stood up, Damon and I followed her into the room. "How have you been feeling since I last saw you?" She asked. "The morning sickness has died down a bit but I'm already starting to show," I told her. "Ok, let's take a look," my midwife got everything set up then she put the gel on. I took Damon's hand since he looked really scared at what was going on. "Right, I must have missed that last time," she muttered. "Is everything ok Lillie?" I asked. "Congratulations, your having twins," she smiled at me. "Twins," I breathed out. "Here take a look," Lillie moves the screen so Damon and I could look. "Wow," my eyes were wide. Damon didn't say anything, his eyes were just wide and his mouth was open slightly. "Damon," I squeezed his hand. He came out of his thoughts and looked at me. "Are you ok?" I looked at him. He nodded his head not being able to speak. "I'll be back with pictures," Lillie smiled then left. I cleaned myself up then stood up. "That explains why I'm showing faster than what I was with Elijah," I sighed. "Here's the photos and I'll see you in two months so you can find out the genders," Lillie smiled then we left. When we got home, Remi and my other grandma was there as well as my dads mum. "Hey guys," I walked in to see my mum and dad stood in the middle with my grandma and Remi on one side of the room and my other grandma on the other. "Que pasa?"- what's wrong, Damon asked my mum. "Nada,"- nothing, she replied. "Hi Luna, how's my great grand baby?" Diana stood up. "More like babies," I replied. "Really?" She gasped. "Yeah, we found out earlier," I told her. "Congratulations you two," Remi stood up and hugged us. "Thanks uncle Remi," I sat down with Damon next to me. "Where's Elijah?" I faced my dad. "He's in his room," he responded. "Why?" I stood up again. "Because were having an adult conversation where a four year old shouldn't hear," now my dad sounded angry. "Ok, I'll be back in a minute," I walked out to go to Elijah. "Hey baby boy," I went into his room. "Mummy," he screamed. "Why are you in here?" I kneeled down to talk to him. "Grandpa put me hear because he wants to talk to the adults," Elijah sighed. "Ok baby boy, I'll come get when everyone is gone," I told him then left.

Damon's POV

Luna went to go to Elijah so I decided to see what was going on. "What's going on?" I asked. "You," roses mum said bluntly. "I'm sorry I don't know what I've done wrong," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Nothing Damon you haven't done anything," Diana put her hand on my shoulder then took it off. "Yes he has don't lie," roses mum spat out. "Mum," rose snapped. "The whole time Damon has been with us he's never lied to us," Salvatore said. "Are you sure Salvatore," roses mum looked at him. "We're very sure," Rose leaned up to Salvatore. "I still don't know what I've done wrong," I stated. "Damon we know you haven't done anything, don't listen to her," Remi jumped in. "He made Luna heart broken for four years and then he came back and got her pregnant again, who does that?" Roses mum looked disgusted. "Look, Luna and everyone in this house thought I was dead. I was tortured for years because some guy couldn't have Luna so he beat me. When I came back things got heated between Luna and I," I told her. "Heated. What's going to happen when these babies come? Are you going to just get up and leave again then come back in four years and do the same?" Roses mum stood up. "I'm not going anywhere this time, I'd rather die for real then let anything happen to Luna and the people in this house," I stood up to face her. "That's what they all say. I'm not going anywhere. Your just going to disappear again," she looked at me dead in the eyes. "Mum stop," rose stepped forward to us. "It's fine rose. You want proof that i went through hell just to make sure Luna didn't get hurt?" I took off my shirt to show all the cuts on my chest and arms. I heard a gasp from Diana and Remi as well as rose and Salvatore. "I went through hell just to make sure that Luna and my son didn't get hurt because of some asshole that couldn't have Luna to himself. Tell me now if you think I'm lying," I faced her. "He could have done this to himself Rose, maybe you two should consider who you bring into your gang," with that Roses mum stormed out of the house. "I'm so sorry Damon," Remi looked speechless as his eyes travelled to look at my scars and the cuts that Enzo gave me before I was let out. "Don't bother, all I'm saying is that I'm not leaving Luna anytime soon," I sighed then put my shirt back on. "I better go, I'll be back later Rose," Remi smiled then he left. "Damon you didn't have to do that," rose gave me a sympathy look. "What else was I supposed to do? Kick your mum out of your home because she thinks I'm no good," I replied. "You could have, this is your home just as much as it's our," rose told me. "No disrespect rose but this is a temporary home for me. As soon as I'm no good for this gang anymore I will have to move out," i sat down. "Your not going anywhere Damon. Anyway we can't get rid of you even if we wanted to," Salvatore shrugged. I gave rose a confused look then faced Salvatore again. "Luna is most happy with you around, not to mention that Elijah is so much like you so we would still have someone like you around. Also, your one of my best men so your not going anywhere," he told me. "What's going on?" Luna walked in. "Where's grandma and uncle Remi?" She asked. "They had to leave, I don't think my mum will be back anytime soon," Rose replied. "I'm sorry that happened to you Damon," Diana smiled at me. "It's in the past Diana, I'm just trying to forget it, but with her telling me that I could have done it to myself, that's just fucked up," I leaned back in my seat and collided my eyes. "What happened?" Luna came to sit next to me. She put her legs over my thighs and placed her head on my shoulder. "Your grandma thinks I'm a liar. She said that I broke your heart for four years and for me to come back and get you pregnant was wrong of me. Then she went on to say that I could have cut myself even though it was Enzo," I explained. "Maybe it was to soon to have another baby or babies but I'm happy and it's with you. So if it makes her unhappy to see me with you then she doesn't have to be in my life because I'd rather have you by my side then anyone else I have met," Luna looked at me with a smile. "God this is so cute," Rose started tearing up. "Damn mum didn't know I couldn't tell my boyfriend anything without you crying," Luna laughed. "What if I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore?" I asked trying not to laugh. "I don't understand," Luna furrowed her eyebrows. "Stand up a second," I patted her legs to stand up. We both got up off the sofa and I took her hands in mine. "Luna Rose Di'Angelo, I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore," I told her. Luna went to walk away but I pulled her back into my chest and kissed her. When I pulled back I got a small box out of my pocket and went down on one knee. "Luna Rose Di'Angelo, I don't want to call you my girlfriend, I want to call you my wife. Will you marry me?" I lifted open the box to show the ring. Luna cried then jumped into my arms. "Yes," she kissed me. We layed on the floor for a while until Henry and Lexi walked in. "What the fuck get a room," Henry sat down with Lexi. "Henry Di'Angelo, shut up," Rose snapped which made me and Luna laugh. "Why are they on the floor anyway?" Lexi asked. I sat up with Luna still on my lap, I passed her the box so she could take out the ring. "How did you know what size to get me?" Luna smiled. "Daddy's like Batman he knows everything," Elijah ran in. "Is that right?" Luna turned back to me. "I'm Batman," I joked. "Your so weird," she rolled her eyes then stood up. "Hey I'm not done," I pulled her back on to my lap then kissed her. "Why do they remind me of us?" I heard rose whisper. "Because they are exactly like us," I could imagine Salvatore smiling down at Luna because she's so happy. "Did you guys get engaged?" Lexi shot up from the sofa. "No I'm excited because Damon gave me a random ring," Luna stood up again helping me up as well. "Oh my god congratulations you guys," Lexi hugged us both.

Luna's POV

Damon said he didn't want me to be his girlfriend anymore my heart sank. We had been good before he left and when he came back so I didn't understand. When I tried to leave he pulled me back to him then he kissed me and got on one knee. When he got the box out it made sense that he didn't want me to be his girlfriend anymore, he wanted me to be his wife. Of course I said yes because he made me happy, the happiest I had ever been in my life. Lexi hugged us and congratulated us then let go so my dads mum could give us one. "I'm so happy for you guys, don't let anyone say that your no good for each other," she hugged us tightly. "Thanks grandma," I rubbed her back. "Gracias Diana," Damon then gave her a hug. "Not ruin the mood but when will the wedding actually be? I mean, Luna your pregnant so it can't be this year at least," Henry pointed out. "What about... June next year? The twins will be a couple months old that way I won't feel like a whale in a wedding dress," I mentioned. "If that's what you want," Damon smiled at me. "I love you," he pulled me close to him. "Not as much as I love you," I replied. Damon leaned his head in then connected our lips. How did this one man make me so happy all the time? From hating him to can't live without him, it made no sense.

Gang leaders girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora