Chapter 86

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Luna's POV

My phone started ringing which woke me up. Dakota was ringing me at one in the morning. "Dak, what's wrong?" I asked. "Mum, dad and nick are all freaking out. I'm sat in the living room with Henry, lex, Hunter, Jaques and Cole. Mum told me to call you to tell you to come here now. Luna I'm so scared, I don't know what's going on," Dakota started crying. "Calm down Dak, I'm on my way, get Henry to make up Elijah's bed," I hung up, I put jeans on but kept Damon's top on. I put my phone in my back pocket then slipped my shoes on, I quickly picked up Elijah, wrapping him up in a blanket and leaving. As soon as I got to the car, I strapped Elijah in his car seat and ran to start driving. Thank god that Elijah was a heavy sleeper like Damon otherwise I would have and a lot of questions thrown at me. As soon as I parked the car, I got Elijah in my arms and rushed inside the house. I saw everyone in the living room except my mum, dad and nick. All the adults were comforting the kids as my mum had scared them. "Luna!" Dakota shouted. "Shh, Elijah's sleeping. What's going on?" I turned to connie. "We don't know. Your mum woke everyone up and told us to sit down here until she came down," Connie replied. "Ok. Can I lay Elijah on the sofa, I don't want to walk upstairs and have an argument with my mum and wake him up?" I looked at Hunter, Jaques and Lexi on one of the smaller sofas. "Mummy, what's going on?" Elijah lifted up his head to look at me. "I don't know baby boy, go back to sleep with uncle Henry, I'll be back in a minute," I told him then passed him to Henry. As soon as Henry had Elijah, I ran up to my mums room. "Mum what's going on?" I knocked on the door. "Luna, uh, can you wait in the living room with everyone else? Your dad, nick and I are just sorting something out," my mums voice was very shaky. "Mum it's fucking one in the morning, my son is downstairs trying to sleep, what's so important?" I snapped. "Luna, please just go back downstairs, we'll be there in a few minutes," I heard my dad. "Ok," I sighed. Instead of going to the living room I went to the kitchen to make a coffee. "Luna, what's going on?" Dakota and hunter walked in. "I have no clue. Mum and dad just told me to come back down here to wait," I told them honesty. I downed my coffee not caring if it's hot, I just needed to wake up. "Elijah is asking for you, he's getting fussy with Henry," hunter looked  back at the living room. I put the cup down then went into the living room. "Elijah, what's wrong baby boy?" I picked up from Henry and he calmed down. "Why are we at grandma and grandpa's house?" He asked. "Grandma got auntie Dak to call me, I couldn't leave you at home on your own. Do you want to got lay down in your old bed?" I held him close to me. "No, I want to stay with you," Elijah replied. "Ok," I said softly. I wrapped the blanket around Elijah again then went back into the kitchen so he keep sleep with no noise. Elijah put his legs around my waist as I sat down on one of the chairs, I pulled out my phone and waited for Elijah to fall asleep again. Once I heard light snores, I carried Elijah up to his old room, I didn't hear my mum or anyone else in her room so I assumed they were downstairs. Elijah stayed wrapped up in the blanket as he carried on sleeping as I layed him down on his bed. When I shut the door I heard people crying and talking downstairs. "Can you all try and be quiet Elijah is-," I froze. Everyone had there eyes on me then I saw him. Tears rolled down by eyes. Damon stood in the middle of the room, staring at me with his own tears rolling down. "Damon," my breathing got heavy as I couldn't believe that he was standing right in front of me. I ran up to him and wrapped my legs around his waist, his arms went around me when he caught me; I didn't hesitate to crash my face into his. Damon's hands went down to my thighs as he melted into the kiss. All of our emotions falling into one kiss that I wanted to go on for forever. "How are you here? I though you were dead," I sobbed when I pulled back. "It's a long story," Damon replied. He dropped my legs then winced as pain hit him. "What happened to you?" I asked him. "All I remember is the car accident then waking up in a really small dark space. Then I ended up in the hands of Enzo who beat me for however long it's been," Damon kept his eyes locked on me. "Baby it's been four years," I told him. "Four years. I'm 23?" He had to sit down when I told him. "Mummy, mummy," I heard Elijah call for me. "I'll be back in a second," I smiled at Damon then left the room. "What's wrong Elijah?" I walked into his room. "I want grandpa," he started crying. "Do you want to come with me or do you want me to send grandpa in here?" I asked. "Can you take me to him," Elijah put out his arms for me to pick him up. I grabbed him then his face went in the crook of my neck. "Dad, Elijah wants you," I walked back into the living room. "Come here then," my dad took him in his arms. "Why is mummy crying?" Elijah questioned my dad. He looked at me for some help so I took Elijah back in my arms then went to Damon. Elijah had his face buried in my neck. "Elijah, I want you to meet someone," I rubbed his back while I tried to make him face me. "Who is it mummy?" Elijah still had tears coming out of his eyes. "You know I promised you yesterday that you would meet you dad soon? Look behind you," I told him. Damon has his eyes locked on Elijah, not finding the words to say.

Damon's POV

There was a little voice calling for Luna. When she left I looked at Rose. "Are you ready to meet your son?" Rose smiled at me. Soon after Luna walked back in with a little boy clung on to her. "Dad, Elijah wants you," Luna looked at Salvatore. "Come here then," Salvatore took the boy from Luna. "Why is mummy crying?" He asked. Salvatore looked at Luna for some help so she took the child back in her arms then walked over to me. Luna bent down by my knees but kept the little boy on her knee. "Elijah I want you to meet someone," Luna tried to hold back her tears. "Who is it mummy?" He asked her. "You know yesterday, I promised I would meet your dad soon? Look behind you," Luna smiled at her child. I kept my eyes locked on him as I knew he wasn't just luna's child, he was mine as well. "Elijah, I want you to meet your dad," Luna told the little boy. He slowly turned his head to look at me, more tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Hello," I managed to get out. "Are you my dad?" He had tears in his eyes. I nodded my head not knowing what else to say. He jumped out of luna's arms and wrapped himself around me. My arms automatically went around him to hold him close. "Elijah Salvatore, I remember holding you like this when you were new born," I whispered to him. I could hear little sniffles as he buried his face in my neck. The whole room was silent until it filled with tiny snores. "Who's asleep?" I looked around the room. "Who do you think?" Luna laughed a little. I felt Elijah go limp in my arms as his quiet snore entered my ears. "He sleepa like his dad," Luna smiled. "Where's his room?" I asked then stood up. "Follow me," then Luna and I left the room. We got to my old room from when I stayed here. "This is my old room," I looked at Luna. "I changed it to be Elijah's so I could still come in here without looking like a psycho," she opened the door. By the far wall was a small bed, there was a lamp next to it then there was a chest of drawers across from the bed and the walls were painted blue and white. "When he was two I moved him in here so he could somewhat have something from his dad other than his looks," Luna pulled back the covers so I could lay Elijah down. "Daddy, can you lay with me?" Elijah whispered to me. "Of course," I smiled to myself. "I'll be in the living room," Luna went to walk away but Elijah stopped her. "I want mummy as well," Elijah whined a little. "Let's go in mummy's room then," Luna told him. I picked up Elijah and carried him down the hallway into another room. A king size bed was placed right in the middle of the room. Once again Luna pulled back the covers to let me and Elijah lay down. Luna slipped off her shoes then climbed in next to Elijah. "I've missed you so much," Luna faced me. "I've missed you to, all I could think about for the last four years is you and Elijah. The only image I could hold on to was the day we were at the hospital when he was born," I started crying again. I know, a big muscular man crying, but I had just got my family back. "Where did you go?" She asked. "I remember the crash. I heard you crying and a man call for an ambulance, I tried to open my eyes to say I'm fine but I couldn't move. Then one day I woke up in a small confined black box, someone was there then took me out. After that I was locked up and Enzo beat the crap out of me, once a week four years straight," I explained. "Enzo? As in Enzo archer?" Luna asked. "Yeah that one," I replied.  "When I went back to school after Elijah, Enzo tried to get me to go out with him again, he said if I didn't he would hurt someone so close to me. He told me that it was no one that I lived with, so I didn't know who else it could have been since I though you were dead so I refused. I'm so sorry this happened to you," Luna started to cry. Elijah was right in the middle so I had to be careful not to hurt him while I comforted Luna. "I'm here now, that's all that matters," I kissed her. "It has been and eventful night," she yawned. "Go to sleep baby, I'll be ok," I told her. We both layed down and covered ourselves with the covers while Elijah slept between us. "Are you wearing one of my old tops?" I asked. "Yes, I couldn't find myself to put them away so I use them to go to bed in," Luna giggled. "You look so hot wearing my clothes," I smirked at her, my hand travelled up her thigh. "Not tonight, baby I the bed," Luna slapped my hand away then closed her eyes. "I love you so much Luna Rose Di'Angelo," I whispered. "I love you to Damon Elijah Gomez," Luna smiled then I went to sleep. Knowing that I finally had my family back, I slept easily.

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