Chapter 77

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Luna's POV

Last night I went to bed feeling fine, only a few pains here and there. Damon woke me up and I got ready to go to school. The Braxton hicks were more frequent so I had to stop every so often. In the middle of fourth lesson, which was English, I got a really and pain. It felt worse than the Braxton hicks. Damon gave me his hand and rubbed my back. "Fuck that one hurt," I released a breath. "Luna language please," mr Greene sighed. "Why don't you try and have a baby sir, when you do come find me and tell me what language is suitable for me to use," I snapped. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, fucking hormones," I gasped. "No your right, just carry on," then we carried on with the lesson. 5 minutes later I got another pain. After the pain stopped I felt something. I froze and it felt like water going down my leg. All of a sudden there was another pain just worse than all the rest. Damon gave me his hand and rubbed my back comforting me. When the pain stopped I finally was able to speak. "Damon," "yes baby," he replied. "I'm pretty sure my water just broke," I told him. He faced me like he was dreaming or something. "I'm not joking," I added. Damon looked down and saw the small puddle on the floor. "Shit what do we do? Call your mum? What about your dad? Shit shit shit shit," Damon started panicking. "Damon calm the fuck down I shouted. Everyone's eyes fell on us and then I got a contraction. "Damon we need to go now," the pain was really bad that I could barely speak. "Everything alright Luna?" Mr Greene asked. "No. Lexi, Damon has gone into shock, I need you to slap him or something," I started breathing heavy. Lexi grabbed Damon and slapped him as hard as she could. "Damon. We need to go to the hospital now," I told him gripping on to the table. Damon quickly got up out of his seat and helped me up and start walking. "Is she having the baby?" I heard someone call out. "Yes now shut the fuck up and do the work," Lexi snapped. Everyone's eyes went back to their work and they ignored me. "I'll quickly get Henry, he's only down the corridor," Lexi ran and burst into a class room. Henry raced up to me and helped Damon help me. I had one hand to hold on to from Damon and Henry while Lexi rubbed my back. Eventually we got to the car and Damon started driving. "Rose we need you to meet us at the hospital with luna's and Elijah's hospital bag, I'm pretty sure he's on his way," I heard Lexi on the phone. "Your mum is going to meet us at the hospital, we just need to be calm and collected," Lexi told me. "Screw all that shit, it's to painful," I gasped out as another contraction came. "Your right I should just be quiet," Lexi leaned back in her seat. I still had hold of Henry as Damon needed to drive. Soon we got to the hospital where my mum and dad was waiting. My dad came to take over from Henry but I still clung on to Damon. I had one of my dads hands and ones of Damon's. "hello, she went into labour," Damon told one of the ladies at the desk. "Ok, name," I could tell the lady was trying to be quick. "Luna Di'Angelo," "ok, I need you to bring her with me," the lady pointed at Damon and my dad. They both took me into a room where my mum, Lexi and Henry followed behind. The doctors changed me into one of the hospital gowns then gave me some medicine for the pain. "How you feeling hun?" My mum asked me. "Better now I'm not in as much pain," I smiled. I had been in the hospital 2 hours until one of the doctors came in. "Luna, I'm going to see how many centimetres dilated you are," the doctors nodded at me. "Ok, only the father can stay, the rest of you need to leave. It's time to deliver a baby," the doctor pulled on another pair of gloves. My mum, dad, Lexi and Henry all left the it was just me and Damon. "Ok Luna I need to to start pushing," the doctor told me. Damon let me take his hand as I could feel the pain slowly come back. I stopped to breath but immediately had to push again. "Your doing so good mi amor just a little bit more," Damon whispered to me. He kissed my forehead while I still gripped on to his hand. "Ok, the baby is crowning, one more big push then you can meet your baby," the doctor smiled at me. I took in a deep breath and then a sense of relief hit me. Baby cries filled the room. "Congratulations," the doctor handed me my baby. He was wrapped up in a small towel. I started crying. "How did we do this?" I looked down at the baby in my arms. "He's perfect," Damon smiled. When I looked up at him he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Ok, it's time to cut the umbilical cord," the doctor took Elijah from me and put he at the end of the bed. Damon cut the cord and I was able to hold me baby again. I had him for 10 minutes then he went to get cleaned and dressed then weighed. "He's a healthy boy weighing 6'3 oz," the doctor handed Elijah to Damon so I could go shower. I showered and felt fresh after then went back to Damon. I got a new bed in the process as I kind of ruined the last one. I layed down and watched my two boys. "My two boys," I smiled. Damon looked up at me then smiled back. "Elijah Salvatore, your going to be one spoilt boy," Damon whispered. I laughed then fell asleep.

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